What happened during the Transfiguration exam quickly spread among the fifth-year students. The next day, when it was time to test the herbs, Hermione couldn't wait to find Solim.

"Is that true?" Hermione's tone was a little strange, "Professor Tofodi is really going to publish your article in Spells Deconstructed?"

"I refused. "

"But...... Why?" Hermione thought it was a little incredible, not to mention the manuscript fee, how many people dream of publishing an article in a professional journal like "Deconstruction of the Spell"?

"I don't need to. Solim's answer was also very simple, "I don't care about the manuscript fee, and I don't care if I'm famous or not." Maybe being able to publish in Enchanted Deconstruction is something that a lot of people dream of, but it doesn't appeal to me in any way. "

Submitting, reviewing, publishing, even with Professor Tofodie to get out of it, that process is a lot of trouble, and more troublesome things are yet to come — when it became known that there was a young wizard who had published a quality article in Spell Deconstruction, and that there was a Selwyn surname, Solim could foresee that a large number of reporters would come to the door, and they would also discover their own life experiences—those that could be made public. In this regard, reference can be made to a certain Miss Beetle, where the journalists know exactly where that line is.

This kind of thing is troublesome just thinking about it, Solim doesn't want to put himself in the public eye at all, he is not Lockhart, he is not seeking fame and honor at all, and if these so-called fame and honor will cause him trouble, Solim will hide from it.

Solim didn't do anything remarkable in the herb class, after all, it had nothing to do with wands, it was purely a skill to deal with magical plants - it was the same as raising flowers, when to plant, when to water, when to use what kind of fertilizer...... The herbal aspect doesn't really have much to do with magic, it's essentially an ability to deal with magical plants.

So even if Solim wanted to do something eye-catching, he couldn't do it, after all, the way to deal with a certain magical plant had been figured out by the predecessors, and Solim just had to do it.

The focus is on the Defence Against the Dark Arts exam on the fourth day.

Indescribable - the faces of the examiners when they see a room full of Patronus charms. A significant number of D.A. members chose to show their Patronus to the examiner - this was the "bonus trick" that Solim told Harry, and it was clear that Harry couldn't hold back and told the D.A. members as well.

Although their Patronus had a form in Soli, it was not in the eyes of the examiner - a young wizard was able to cast a Patronus Charm! Moreover, in the eyes of the examiners, the underage wizard of the patron saint in a loose form was not a problem at all.

It stands to reason that so many young wizards have mastered advanced spells such as the Guardian Charm, and as a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts, he will definitely be praised by the examiners, but everyone seems to have not remembered it, and they don't say a word about the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts.

In fact, the practical test of the Defence Against the Dark Arts class greatly surprised the examiners.

It's not that they don't know what happened to Hogwarts that year, and it's not that they don't know what Umbridge did at school. As far as the examiners had learned, the fifth-year Hogwarts students had been ruined, and they had wasted an entire school year without learning anything useful.

However, in terms of the facts, the examiners found that their previous thinking was very wrong. It's true that a significant number of students are doing pretty badly, but the ones who do well - they can basically release a Patronus, and even if they don't, they can get some silver mist out.

Unbeknownst to the examiners, the students who exceeded their expectations were mostly members of the D.A—although it was true that some of the D.A.'s members had mastered the Patronus Charm.

The vast majority of those who didn't join the D.A. did pretty badly on the spellcasting exam. Many students don't even use a standard amulet – which is what the examiners expect, knowing that these children haven't learned anything for a whole year.

"It's really unexpected!" After the end of the class, Professor March's class said to Professor Snape, who was in charge of order in the examination room, "I never expected to see such a surprise at Hogwarts! "

"That's right, Geselda. Professor Tofodi also nodded repeatedly, "And I don't know if you noticed it, those students' talisman charms are quite good, and you can see that they have put in a lot of hard work." "

"Which professor did it?" Professor Marchband looked at Snape with a blank face, "to be able to raise so many potential students under the nose of that little girl in Umbridge?"

"I suggest you go and ask the students. Snape knew what was going on, of course, but he wouldn't explain it to the examiners. After explaining a question, Snape assured that the old men and ladies would go on to ask him questions, and Snape pretended not to know.

But Snape underestimated the curiosity of these old men and women, and they really went to the D.A students to ask about the situation, and then the key person, Harry Potter, naturally came into the eyes of these examiners, and just before they had time to marvel at how the savior was, Harry, who did not want to take credit, "confessed" Solim and Hermione again.

When it was heard that Hermione had made a contract in order to ensure the secrecy of D.A., an examiner who might not have a very good heart fainted on the spot - a Muggle-born little witch was capable of making a contract?

The knowledge of making contracts is not a monopoly, but it is not accessible to a Muggle-born witch. Under pressure, Hermione reluctantly "went along" with Harry - they "betrayed" Solim together.

So, after looking at each other for a while, as if they had suddenly figured something out, the examiners stopped asking no further questions, and did not go to Solim. _

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