"Harry, my boy!" Slughorn jumped up at the sight of Harry, "It's great to see you, it's great!

Slughorn's nonchalant question startled Neville beside Harry.

"Uh...... I think so. Neville was a little flustered, he had little experience dealing with strangers. If we were more rigorous, the word "basically" could be removed.

"You're so humorous, kid. Slughorn looked at Harry, then patted Neville on the shoulder, "Come on, sit down." Look at what I've got in store for you. "

Harry actually wanted to sit next to Solim, but it didn't allow it, as Solim was already on Slughorn's left-hand side, and Sylna was with Slughorn in the middle. And Harry felt that he had no choice, because the chair to Slughorn's right was empty, and the balding fat old man was looking at him expectantly.

Once everyone was seated, Slughorn began to enthusiastically introduce him.

"Okay, you all know these people, don't you?" Slughorn asked Harry and Neville, "Blais. Sabini is in the same grade as you, so you're sure to know—"

There was an awkward silence, Harry and the Gryffindors didn't even look at Shabini, although they knew that he had nothing to do with the Death Eaters, but due to the long-term hostile relationship between Gryffindor and Slytherin, it was difficult for them to give Shabini a good look. Solim and Sylna, who are also Slytherins, did not say anything, although they both belonged to the same house, but they and Shabini were not familiar at all, and the only connection between them was that they belonged to the same house.

"This is Cowmike. McLagan, you must know him, don't you, Harry?"

Slughorn's words made it difficult for Harry to answer, of course he knew McLagan, but this arrogant guy made an extremely bad impression on Harry, and he even wondered why this nasty guy wasn't in Slytherin. The Quidditch affair, and McLagan's actions after Solim closed the entrance to the Gryffindor common room last year, made it difficult for Harry to see this pesky guy as "one of his own"

"This is Marcos. Belby—" Slughorn continued to roll call Harry in a counterclockwise direction.

Belby smiled stiffly at Harry, he looked even more nervous than Neville. This guy is a Ravenclaw and doesn't seem very good at this kind of situation.


"These two—" Slughorn happily leaned over to Solim's side, looking very close, "two from the Selwyn family, I'm sure everyone here is familiar with them. "

"Well, what a pleasure," Slughorn said with satisfaction, "an opportunity to learn more about all of you. Here, get a napkin. I brought my own lunch, and I remember that the food on the delivery cart always smelled too strong with the licorice wand, and a poor old man couldn't digest it...... Got some quail, Belby?"

Belby was taken aback, and then accepted what looked like half one.

"I was just telling the young man that I had the privilege of teaching his uncle Damocles," Slughorn said to Harry and Na, who was passing a basket of bread, "a wonderful wizard, very good, and his Merlin Medal is definitely well deserved." Do you see your uncle often, Marcos?"

Unfortunately, Marcos had just taken a big bite of quail, and in his eagerness to answer Slughorn's question, he swallowed so quickly that his face suddenly turned the color of pig liver, and he choked on it.

"Cough down. Slughorn pointed his wand at Belby, and said calmly, Belby's windpipe seemed to be unobstructed all at once.

"No...... I don't see him much. Belby gasped, his tears choking out.

Poor fellow, Solim shook his head secretly. Then he noticed that Sylna was looking at the quail on the table with some disgust.

"yes, of course, I dare say he must be busy. Slughorn looked at Belby inquiringly and said, "I think he must have worked a lot to invent the wolf poison potion, right?"

"I think so......" Belby said, seemingly afraid to eat quail again until he was sure Slughorn had finished interrogating him, "hmm...... yes, he doesn't have a very good relationship with my dad, so I don't actually know much about ......"

His voice lowered as Slughorn sneered at him and turned to McLagan.

"What about you, Cowmike," said Slughorn, "I happen to know that you have seen your uncle Tiberus often, for he has a picture of you both there...... Let me think about it, a wonderful picture of a giant tailed hunt in Norfolk, isn't it?"

"Oh, yes, that's fun," McLagan said, "and Betty with us." Higgins and Rufus. Scrimgeour - though he wasn't the director of the Aurors' office at the time. "

"Ah, you still know Betty and Rufus?" Slughorn smiled and picked up a small plate of pies to distribute to everyone, somehow missing Belby, "Then tell me about ......"

Sylna touched Solim under the table, and following Syrna's line of sight, Solim saw Belby sitting there awkwardly.

Poor fellow, Solim muttered again.

Apparently, young Mr. Belby didn't know how to deal with Slughorn.

After questioning the ignorant Sabini, Slughorn turned his gaze to Neville. Solim didn't have to think about it to know that Neville couldn't handle this kind of scene, and as a real relative, Solim felt that he could do something.

"Maybe you don't know, Professor, Neville is my cousin. Solim glanced at Neville and smiled at Slughorn beside him.

"Huh-" Slughorn looked at Solim and then at Neville, "I can't imagine—"

Many of the students also looked at Neville, and now they knew why Solim took such good care of Neville at school, and it turned out that they were relatives. Being able to get involved with Selwyn, Neville's "value" in Slughorn's eyes suddenly changed.

"Neville, your parents are wonderful Aurors—"

This bald old man really can't open any pot. Solim rolled his eyes, just in time for Harry to see it.

Neville's emotions would be wrong when talking about this topic in private, especially in front of so many strangers right now.

"Sylna, try this, it looks good. "

As soon as Solim raised his hand, the plate of pastries in the center of the table floated in front of Sylna, and the scene smoothly diverted Slughorn's attention. _

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