"How is this possible!" Leowede was shocked.

Maybe Solim couldn't tell who was the wizard dragging the black mist around the sky, but Leoweder was clear. He saw his uncle struck by a purple light, and then only his wizarding robe floated in the sky—his whole body was powdered.


Leoved looked at Solim like crazy and drew his wand.

Seeing this scene, Solim threw away a powerful blasting spell without saying a word, but was taken by the angry Leoved.

"Boy, you're going to die today!" Leoweder waved his wand, and Solim stared at his movements.

In a very short period of time, Solim had identified two spells, but Leowed's movement had apparently released three, that is, one spell was not a ray like the Stun Charm, but a spell with no external representation, such as the Cutting Charm and the Drill Heart Charm.

Solim flicked his wand, casting a deflection charm on himself as he dodged in Voldemort's direction. The Iron Charm is not a panacea when it comes to spells of unknown effect, it has great limitations, and it cannot fight back while maintaining the Iron Charm, which alone is enough to make Solim give up using the Iron Armor Charm.

The Skew Charm is also a defensive spell, but it is not used by many people. One is difficulty, which is a certain degree of difficulty to get started, and the other is the high demand for magic.

Resisting one Stun Charm with a Deflection Charm costs even more mana than using two Stun Charms, which is why so few people use this spell: it's a waste. Another point is that it takes control to transfer spells with a Deflection Charm, and wizards who don't have a good grasp of mana are likely to make a major mistake when using a Deflection Charm to fend off other people's spells.

However, Solim's strength is magic control, and compared to the Iron Armor Charm, which can only be beaten and cannot fight back, the Deflection Charm, which is a more skillful spell, is more suitable for him.

While nimble as he dodged Leoved's piercing spell, Solim countered the shattering charm with a counter-charm, and then he felt the wand in his hand frantically drain his mana - indicating that the invisible spell had come into contact with his deflection charm.

Without hesitation, Solim took control of the spell and shifted the path of the unknown spell's attack to his left rear.


The invisible spell struck the wall behind Solim, and the moment it was hit, the wall began to crack and spread rapidly in all directions.


Voldemort swung his robe hard, and Wade's follow-up spell dispersed.

"He's mine! Even if you want to kill him, you'll have to wait until I get what I want!

That's why Solim hid on Voldemort's side, he was sure that Voldemort wouldn't watch himself get killed by Leoved—at least not until he figured out the whereabouts of his Horcruxes.

"According to you, your actions were foolproof this time, but what is going on now?" Voldemort was also a little frightened, the spell that had smashed Uncle Leowed's into powder just now also made him tremble, that spell was obviously the kind of irresistible spell, there was no chance of being hit by it, even if there was a Horcrux to save his life, Voldemort was not very willing to fight against that kind of wizard.

And wizards of this level...... Voldemort's scarlet eyes narrowed, and there were five of them in his sight, fighting the Richie family...... No, it's not true, just now one of the Richie family has been killed, and now the situation is clearly Selwyn's people have the upper hand.

Voldemort's vision is naturally old-fashioned, he knows that it is not a good idea to continue to drag on, it is only a matter of time before Richie's people lose, if you want to reverse this situation, unless you intervene yourself, but even if you meddle, the outcome is still difficult to say.

At this point, Voldemort began to retreat. It's true that he's a great wizard, but even he's never seen so many great wizards fighting.

Voldemort naturally didn't want to clash with those great wizards, but would those Selwyns let him go? Voldemort was a little unsure, admittedly, he wouldn't really die if he had a Horcrux, so even if those Selwyn wizards really wanted to fight, he was not without room for resistance. But he didn't want to feel that ghostly state again.

The last time he waited for more than ten years to be resurrected, he suffered more than ten years, and Voldemort didn't want to go through it again.

Solim noticed Voldemort's state, and with a little thought, he understood Voldemort's current situation.

Judging from the scene, it is clear that the Selwyns are gradually gaining the upper hand, so what will they do when they finish dealing with the people of the Rich family?

This is Voldemort's territory, and the appearance of the Richie family here is obviously to reach some agreement with Voldemort, if the people of the Richie family are the "main culprits", then Voldemort is an "accomplice", and they want Selwyn not to pursue them?

Apparently Voldemort didn't want to fight - because he couldn't beat him, but it wasn't a problem to just run away. Voldemort would have been able to run a long time ago, but what about his men? What about these Death Eaters? How will he lead them in the future?

The Dark Lord, who is known as invincible and feared by everyone, did not even fight the enemy, and ran away? Wouldn't it be majestic to spread out? He had a fight with Dumbledore in the Ministry of Magic not long ago, and if he ran away now, the power of the name "Voldemort" would be greatly reduced.

Voldemort values such a thing as "fame". This is unmistakable - he made it his goal in life to "become the feared Dark Wizard", and since he coined the name "Lord Voldemort", he has carried the "idol baggage", or "Dark Lord baggage", like some idols

Anything that would tarnish the image of "Voldemort", the feared Dark Wizard, was something Voldemort tried to avoid. It was this kind of thinking that gave Harry a chance in that cemetery back then.

To put it simply, as long as Voldemort is given a step down, so that he can dissociate himself from the Richie family, and Selwyn does not attack him, then Voldemort at this time can become Solim's ally "temporarily" - after all, you Voldemort said that you and the Richie family are not all the way, and you must always come up with some evidence.

After Solim straightened things out, his gaze at Leoweder became subtle. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read-

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