Harry Potter's Uchiha Blood

Chapter 119 Re-Adventure To Diagon Alley (2)

Mr. Granger saw Julian who was holding his daughter, with a row of '#' on his forehead. He just wanted to step forward and use his fist to let that bastard know what is called 'a father's love for his daughter', but he hadn't stepped out yet. At that step, he was hugged by his wife.

Then I heard my wife say with a gratified expression, "It's great, Hermione has grown up and started looking for a boyfriend, oh, time flies so fast, don't you think so, dear?"

"Yes, yes, you are right, my dear, let me go first, I am going to exterminate a pest that dares to approach Hermione." Mr. Granger wanted to break free from his wife's arm while saying so .

But the more Mr. Granger said that, his wife's arms hugged him even tighter. Mr. Granger, who was hugged by his wife and refused to let him go, kept trying to break free from his wife's arms, but he didn't dare to use much force, so he was in a hurry. Mr. Granger is sweating profusely. How can Mrs. Granger let go of her husband? Of course she knows what kind of virtue her husband is. Mrs. Granger, who was thinking like this, gave her husband a look that would make you go home and kneel on the washboard if he dared to quarrel. Mr. Granger, who was frightened by his wife's eyes, was instantly suppressed.

Looking at her husband after being honest, Mrs. Granger nodded in satisfaction, and then dragged her husband towards her daughter.

On Julian's side, Julian, who was holding Hermione well, suddenly felt a strong killing intent, which was as strong as Voldemort's back then. Julian instantly locked on the source of the killing intent, and then I found a middle-aged couple looking at me. The couple was very neatly dressed. Among them, the wife of the couple was looking at me gently, while the husband looked at me with murderous intent.

Julian was a little puzzled, the two looked familiar, but he just couldn't remember, just when Julian was wondering who the couple belonged to, he saw the two walking towards him, Julian hurriedly let go Holding Hermione and reaching for his own robes.

Hermione, who was let go, was surprised for a while. You must know that the villain in front of you will not let go of the opportunity to take advantage of her. How could she take the initiative to let go of herself? Then Hermione followed Julian's eyes and looked over, and the result was Realizing that her parents were walking towards her again at this time, Hermione blushed when she thought about what she had done just now.

The Granger couple approached and saw the blushing Hermione with mixed reactions. Mrs. Granger was overjoyed when she saw the blushing Hermione, and then she turned her gaze to Julian, looking at the pretty (meow?) Julian , Madam Granger nodded in satisfaction.

On the other hand, Mr. Granger could no longer suppress his anger, and the expression on his face was distorted.

Just when Mr. Granger was about to be unable to suppress his anger and cast his love hammer on Julian, Mrs. Granger took her husband's arm again and gave Mr. Granger a kind (dangerous) kind (dangerous) look After that, she looked at Julian with a smile again, and said, "You are Julian, right?" Hermione talked about you at home all summer vacation.

After Julian heard this sentence, he immediately understood that the two looked so familiar. It turned out that they were Hermione's parents. Last year, he helped a family who was new to the wizarding world to buy Julian's school supplies. A year passed in a flash. Oh, well, time flies, huh? No, now doesn't seem like the time to think about it.

After glancing at the shy and blushing Hermione beside him, Julian quickly straightened himself up, facing the Grangers in the manner of a son-in-law meeting his father-in-law.

Seeing Mrs. Julian Granger in such a posture, she was even happier, while Mr. Granger was indifferent, which made Julian very puzzled. How did he offend Mr. Granger? Why did Mr. Granger this reaction?

Seeing her husband who was indifferent to Julian, Mrs. Granger smiled on the surface, but in fact pinched her husband's waist with her right hand, causing Mr. Granger to sweat coldly in pain.

"Ah! Honey, why are you sweating? Are you so hot? Let's go. I remember my daughter said that there is a delicious ice cream shop near here. Let's go eat ice cream!" After finishing speaking, Mrs. Granger did not give Mr. Granger a chance to speak. , and pulled Mr. Granger into the distance.

Looking at the parents who left, Hermione's face turned even redder. Julian looked at the Granger couple who had gone away, while continuing to hold Hermione's little hand, thinking that this future mother-in-law is really a good assist.

The two stood at the door of the bookstore for a while, until the Grangers disappeared from their sight, and then Julian led Hermione into the bookstore. As for Harry, they retreated to the bookstore when Hermione hugged Julian. Went to the bookstore.

The two walked into the bookstore, because someone called Gilderoy Lockhart held a book signing here, so the place was crowded with middle-aged women.

Julian remembered that in the original book this person seemed to be a pushy vase, and Julian didn't like this kind of person, especially a deceitful person.

But to Julian's surprise, in the original book, Hermione clearly had a good impression of this vase, but Julian glanced at the girl next to her [Ten's plain face does not seem to have the feeling that she is about to face an idol.

Julian asked cautiously, "`|| Hermione, I heard that a man named Gilderoy Lockhart is going to hold a signing event, are you interested?"

Hermione was stunned for a moment, and then asked suspiciously, "Is that the Gilderoy Lockhart on our book list, well, I read a few novels for entertainment, and his books are good, but I don't know much about him. not interested."

Julian nodded, thinking to himself, it's fine if you're not interested, well, since my family Hermione is not interested in you, then I won't punish you, let you go first.

Thinking of this, Julian pulled Hermione and squeezed into the bookstore, and began to pick out the books on the book list.

After the two squeezed into the bookstore, they met Harry, Anne and other members of the Weasley family, but Mr. Weasley was not here.

Seeing Julian squeezed from the crowd, Mrs. Weasley stepped forward and hugged Julian, and then said with a happy face, "Thank God, you are fine, Julian, how can you go after Harry just like that (money is good)? This matter should be left to Arthur, and you will not be allowed to do this next time, but luckily you are fine."

Julian hurriedly promised with a serious face, "Oh, Mrs. Weasley, I promise I will never go to that kind of place again in the future. The security there is really bad. By the way, Mrs. Weasley, this is Hermione, Hermione Granger suffers. .”

Mrs. Weasley looked at Hermione like that, then gave Hermione a hug, and said, "A very beautiful little girl, Julian has done a good job, much better than Arthur back then, Arthur didn't dare to ask me out until the fourth grade, oh, Now is not the time to talk about these things, give me your books, Fred George and Percy, you and I will buy books here, after buying books, we will go to Gringotts to find your father, Julian, you and Harry will return later With Ronald, and, um, Hermione and Draco taking Ginny and Annie to order robes first, then to buy wands and all, and we end up at the Leaky Cauldron, okay?"

After everyone nodded to show that there was no problem, they set off. .

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