Harry Potter's Uchiha Blood

Chapter 123: The Anniversary Of The Ghost's Death

Early the next morning, Julian got up early and dragged the reluctant Harry out of bed, then headed for the common room.

Coming to the common room, Malfoy, Annie, and Hermione were already waiting here, although all three of them covered their mouths and yawned.

Throwing Harry, who was still in a semi-confused state, onto the sofa, Julian took out the newly customized Potions handout and began to talk.

This is how Julian's second year of Hogwarts life began. Overall, it was pretty good. Except for the annoying new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor Gilderoy Lockhart, everything about Julian was satisfactory. Satisfied.

That's right, Gilderoy Lockhart, who is extremely coquettish but has no real skills, still came to Hogwarts, Julian was speechless for a while.

So what Dumbledore was thinking, it was impossible for him not to know that this guy was an idiot, but the problem was that he still invited his Dumbledore even though he knew that Wade Luo Lockhart was an idiot.

In the first Defense Against the Dark Arts class, the new professor knew from nowhere that he was the 09 recipient of the Merlin Medal, and started his pretending journey by praising him.

What is the most charming smile award, well, this is really amazing, because Julian found that this guy can show his eight white teeth no matter from any angle, well, this is impossible for ordinary people, but even if he does, it is useless , what is the Merlin Medal that is not worthy of the name, um, Julian doesn’t know how to complain about this point, is the Merlin Medal so cheap, and what is the reason for this guy who can only laugh to get the medal, is it famous, um, so It is indeed quite high, at least the entire wizarding world does not know that there are very few of him. As for the honorary member of the Anti-Dark Arts League, I am even more speechless about Julian. Members of the alliance, do you not need to test for membership, or do you all have Modified by this guy Jed Lockhart.

It can be said that Julian is very dissatisfied with the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, but there is no way, the appointment and removal of the professor is in the hands of Dumbledore, even if Julian complains, it is useless.

Also complaining about Gilderoy Lockhart is Harry, because no matter where Harry goes, as long as he meets Gilderoy Lockhart, he will be pulled over by him to talk about the so-called law of fame like Julian, and Harry is also suffering from this Word.

In the end, Julian couldn't bear it anymore and found Dumbledore, asking why he invited such an idiot to be the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, and asked Dumbledore to come forward to deal with this guy, otherwise Julian would do it himself. This matter was known by the entire Hogwarts students on the second day of the school opening banquet, so no matter what their position was, it was not good to take action against Lockhart, so Julian could hope that Dumbledore could come forward to dissuade this guy.

Facing Julian's confession and complaints, Dumbledore had no choice but to explain to Julian how difficult it is to find a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts and how difficult it is to meet a fool like Lockhart. Julian knew it when he knew it It was impossible to get rid of Gilderoy Lockhart.

It was the first time Julian found out that he hated Voldemort so much. You said you had to curse this position for what you were doing. You didn’t do anything good. The whole Hogwarts was also greatly affected by the professor who changed the defense class every year. The strength of the little wizards, so Voldemort, are you trying to make Dumbledore worry about not being able to find the defense professor and die of worry.

Julian thought silently, knowing that Lockhart could not be driven away, Julian had to take a step back and hoped that Dumbledore could stop Gilderoy Lockhart from harassing him and Harry, and Dumbledore nodded in agreement.

So, Dumbledore took out his quill and wrote a note, asking Julian to hand the note to Gilderoy Lockhart. Julian happily rushed out of the principal's office with the note, came to the staff lounge, and handed the note to Lockhart. It is enough to see how much Julian hates this professor.

Lockhart, who took Julian's note, didn't know what Dumbledore asked him for, but it didn't prevent Lockhart from thinking about why he should be awarded the best professor award, and why he should give a speech in front of the teachers and students of the school. Like, you have to admire the level of self-confidence of people like Lockhart, which is unmatched by ordinary candidates.

Watching Lockhart leave the staff room happily, Julian walked over to Snape's desk.

Looking at Julian who was about to walk over by himself, Snape asked, "What's the matter, Wooless?"

Julian gave Snape the sample of the essence potion he had refined, as well as the Mingxin grass that could replace the white tiger's blood essence, and the Appearance grass. Snape understood the importance of these things, so he took Julian out of the staff lounge and went to into Snape's underground laboratory.

The two who came to the underground laboratory quickly threw themselves into the experiment.

Time passed quickly. After Dumbledore approached Lockhart, Lockhart also restrained himself. Without Lockhart's harassment, with the cooperation of Julian and Snape, he finally found a brand-new mixing method, which completely got rid of the essence of the potion against the white tiger. The Need for Essence [Julian sent the recipe and samples to Vanessa via the school owl.

Looking at the owls flying away, Julian walked out of the owl house and looked at the snow on the ground outside, Julian suddenly realized that it was already winter.

Back in the Gryffindor common room, Julian looked at Harry and Ronald who were in a state of frustration and bending forward, Julian asked curiously, "What's the matter, Harry, Ronald, what happened to you, so depressed, come on, come on!" Tell me what you are unhappy about, and make me happy."

Ronald raised his head and said in an extremely sad and angry tone, "Are you a devil?"

Harry said in low spirits, "Isn't it Halloween? I heard that Professor Dumbledore invited the Weird Sisters to perform."

Julian asked puzzledly, "Isn't this a good thing? Or is it that you two don't like weird sisters, but it's not right. There are so many people in the academy who are so interested in weird sisters. You shouldn't be interested in such weird sisters at your age." Interested in something out of the ordinary 710?"

Harry and Ronald shook their heads and said no, Ronald said, "Of course not, of course we like the Weird Sisters very much, they are the most dazzling stars in the wizarding world, a hundred times better than that Lockhart, but we are sad It’s because we promised Nick to attend his 500th anniversary celebration, but his death day is on Halloween, so we are worried.”

Julian looked at the two people in front of him speechlessly and said, "Since this is the case, why did you agree to Nick?"

Harry said weakly, "We didn't know that at the time. We just thought that the ghost's death anniversary should be very interesting. Who knew that Professor Dumbledore would invite the eccentric sisters. If we knew, we wouldn't have agreed to attend Nick's death anniversary."

Ronald looked at Julian hopefully and said, "Julian, can you help Harry and me find a way, we really don't want to miss the performance of the Weird Sisters, and we just thought that ghosts don't seem to eat, that is to say We'll be hungry all night on Halloween."

After listening to Ronald's words, "Harry is also hopeful and hopeful.

Julian gloated and said, "Since you promised, you must fulfill your promise. I can't help you with this, but I can bring you some food to make sure you won't go hungry."

Harry and Ronald agreed with disappointment on their faces, and then they continued to bend forward in frustration and lay down on the sofa.

PS: choke, burp, choke, choke, choke.

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