Harry Potter's Uchiha Blood

Chapter 15: Opening Banquet

Julian walked slowly to Gryffindor's long table and sat in the place Ronald and Harry had reserved for him.

It wasn't until then that everyone realized what the first-year little wizard had done, and suddenly there was applause, and the little wizards in the hall saw Dumbledore sitting in the middle of the professor's chair, applauding.

Immediately, everyone applauded together, especially Harry and Ronald, who blushed with excitement.

"You are so cool brother, you are the first person to change the decision of the Sorting Hat since Hogwarts was founded, and your actions will definitely be recorded in the history of the school." Ronald said excitedly.

The applause lasted for a long time, until Dumbledore stretched out his hands and pressed it, and the little wizards excitedly stopped applauding.

"Excellent 'Clear Water', I couldn't have done it better, Mr Wooris, but it's a pity it's the back-to-school party, otherwise I'd be giving Gryffindor a 10. You've done what I've done What I wanted to do for ten years but failed to do..."

"Albus, you can't..." Professor McGonagall stopped Dumbledore before he could finish.

"Of course, of course, Mr. Wooris, we still don't advocate this. After all, we have to respect the Sorting Hat. After all, he is much older than us, isn't he?" Dumbledore said with a wink at Julian. .

"Yes, I know Professor Dumbledore, I will apologize to the Sorting Hat next time I see him."

After all, Julian did an ancient aristocratic etiquette, gestured to Dumbledore, and then sat down (well, the Uchiha clan is a noble in Konoha, and itachi, the eldest son of the patriarch, must have been trained in this regard).

"Welcome, welcome old students back to the big Hogwarts family, and welcome new students to this big family. We will spend this wonderful campus time together in the days to come. Of course, if you want to be as good as Mr. Wooris , I think you must study hard, and one last thing to say, idiot, cry, scum, twist. Now let's enjoy your dinner."

As soon as Dumbledore finished speaking, the originally empty table was instantly filled with a pile of delicious food.

Looking at the delicious food in front of Julian, Julian said that fortunately, there are not only English dishes, but if it is only British food, Julian said that he might only eat bread for the next seven years.

Seeing Ronald and Harry gobbling up on both sides, Julian also joined the ranks of grabbing food, um, it's delicious.

"By the way, Julian, you look very familiar with Professor Dumbledore, have you met before?" Harry asked inarticulately.

"Oh, of course we do. Harry and we both grew up in the Muggle world. You were brought to the Leaky Cauldron by Hagrid. I'm similar to you, except I was brought to the Leaky Cauldron by Professor Dumbledore." Julian said nonchalantly while continuing to stuff the grilled chicken leg into his mouth.

"Pfft" Ronald spit out when he heard Julian's words, and asked in surprise, "You were led into the Leaky Cauldron by Professor Dumbledore."

"Yeah, what's the matter, there's no fuss." Julian continued to say nonchalantly.

"That's right, Ronald, what's the big deal." Harry asked strangely. Although he thought it was a little surprising that the headmaster himself picked him up, it shouldn't be so unbelievable. Seeing Ronald's expression as if the world was about to With a devastated expression, Harry felt that Ronald was exaggerating.

"No, that's not it Harry, you and Julian grew up in the Muggle world, so you don't really know about it, Professor Dumbledore hasn't been a guide for quite a few years. It's been 50 years since he became Headmaster. For many years, you are the only one in the past 50 years." Ronald said seriously.

"You may be Professor Dumbledore's chosen disciple!" Ronald said excitedly.

"You're making a big fuss Ronald, you see, even Hagrid was sent out to find Harry, maybe Hogwarts recruited too many Muggle students this year, and there aren't enough professors in the college.

Besides, even if Professor Dumbledore was looking for an apprentice, why would he let Harry the savior not accept him, and accept me, an unknown kid? " Julian said flatly.

"You are not an unknown boy, buddy. Hogwarts has been established for thousands of years, and you are the first person who dared to do such a thing in the sorting ceremony. And do you have any special qualities, Dumbledore must know, Since Dumbledore chose you, he must have a reason." Ronald said enviously.

"You think too much, eat quickly." Julian said vaguely.

'Ah' suddenly Harry screamed, and then covered his scar.

"Harry, what's the matter with you?" Julian looked at Harry and asked.

"For some reason, the scar on my forehead suddenly hurts." Harry replied weakly.

Julian looked around, and suddenly he saw a professor on the professor's chair looking towards them, his gaze was actually sizing up Harry faintly.

This professor's sight Julian is very familiar with, because in the previous life, his younger brother looked at him with this kind of eyes, it was a kind of hatred eyes, but there was a trace of love in this hatred eyes, this It made Julian a bit unbelievable. I'm afraid it's not that the professor is a little schizophrenic. How could someone's eyes be full of such complicated and extreme two emotions, and they still look at the same person.

Also, since Harry has been living in the Muggle world, he shouldn't have any entanglements with professors in the wizarding world, which is too unmagical.

The professor seemed to have noticed something, his eyes were no longer looking at Harry, but turned to him, and the look at him was much simpler, only disgust, Julian didn't know how he offended him, but the other It's the professor, so Julian actively retracted his gaze.

After a while, Julian felt his vision disappear, so he raised his head to observe the professor's seat again.

Julian observed that a professor wearing a turban seemed to have some problems, because when Julian looked at the back of his head, he faintly felt as if someone was watching him, just like the professor also had a pair of eyes staring at him at the back of his head. , as if aware of something, the professor suddenly turned his head and looked this way, as if he wanted to find the person who was looking at him just now. Julian feels that there is something wrong with this professor, but Julian is not very clear about the problem.

"Persy, who are the two professors sitting over there?" Julian asked Percy, who was sitting across from him.

"Oh, you said those two, they are Professor Snape and Professor Lodge, they taught us Potions and Defense Against the Dark Arts respectively. Professor Snape is very strict, no one has ever seen him smile, he still Head of Slytherin House. As for Professor Quirrell, he is kind but stutters," Patsy replied.

Well, now Julian knew why Professor Snape was looking at him in disgust, after all, he had just slapped him in the face.

After everyone finished eating, Dumbledore stood up, and then said to everyone in the hall, "I have a few words to say after eating and drinking. First of all, entering the Forbidden Forest is forbidden. There are many things you have to deal with. There is no beast, and the corridor on the fourth floor is forbidden to enter this year. If you don’t want to die tragically, you’d better not try it. Finally, let’s sing our school song together.”

After all, with a wave of his wand, a passage of lyrics appeared in the hall, and Julian noticed that Professor Snape's face was a bit ugly.

Finally Dumbledore shouted, "You must always remember our school motto, Do Not Disturb the Sleeping Dragon!" The last four words were shouted by everyone present.

After shouting the school motto, everyone returned to their dormitories under the leadership of the prefects of each college.

Gryffindor's dormitory was on the eighth floor of the Gryffindor tower, and everyone climbed up to the eighth floor with difficulty (mainly because they were full). They followed Percy into the lounge, and entered the dormitory under Percy's arrangement.

Then everyone played around in the dormitory for a while and fell asleep one after another.

In the dream, Julian came to the grassland again, the unicorn was still standing there, and the familiar voice was still there, but this time it was different, "Come on, come...find me, I'm...waiting for you... ..."

In the dream, Julian tried desperately to hear the content of the voice, but he couldn't hear clearly.

In the end Julian could only give up and continue to sleep.

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