Harry Potter's Uchiha Blood

Chapter 287 Goodbye And Thranduil

"Welcome back, Lord Julian."

Looking at Higgert who was at least half a head taller than him, Julian smiled slightly and responded, "Ah, I'm back."

As soon as Julian's words fell, a burst of cheers erupted from the crowd of the townspeople in River Valley Town.

When all the townspeople were cheering, a stern voice suddenly came from behind the crowd, "What are you arguing about? Don't you know you should be quiet? Master Julian is back. Are you going to welcome Master Julian like this?" ?"

Hearing this sound, the townspeople were stunned for a moment, and the next moment, the crowd automatically diverted to a different path, but the cheers remained the same. After the crowd stepped aside one after another, Julian saw the appearance of the person coming.

And the person who just shouted to be quiet also saw Julian. After seeing the visitor, the sternness on the visitor's face instantly completed the change from disbelief to surprise and finally to ecstasy

Lord Julian!!!!" The man yelled loudly, the voice no less than that of the townspeople behind him.

Julian said with a smile on his face, "Long time no see, General Bud."

Bud stepped forward and looked at Julian excitedly, "You're finally awake. I received a message from Lord Thranduil and wondered when you would come back from 010." He grabbed Julian's arm, then waved the other hand behind him, and said in a very proud tone, "Master Julian, look, the glory of Hegu Town, the pride of Hegu Town."

Julian nodded and said in an affirmative tone, "The glory of River Valley Town has been restored in your hands."

A quarter of an hour later, the Town Hall of Hegu Town.

"Master Julian, you must stay with us for a longer time this time. You are our great benefactor of Changhu Town. We must treat you well." Higgert said while pouring tea for Julian while holding a teapot .

Hearing this, Julian showed a regretful expression, "I'm really sorry Higgert, I have important things to deal with when I come back this time, so I may not be able to stay for a few days."

"Is it for Sorin's recovery of the Moria mines?" Bard asked with a serious face.

"That's right, that's the matter," Julian nodded and replied, "Do you have any opinions on this matter, Bud, I want to hear your opinion.

Bard pondered for a moment, and then said, "Actually, to be honest, I didn't know much about those legends before, but Lord Thranduil once explained to me about the Moria mines, and I also somewhat I understand why Lord Thranduil would refuse Thorin to restore the Moria mines, but, how to put it, Thorin's reason is indeed very reasonable, we are indeed short of mithril now, if there is a large amount of mithril, not only We can improve our military strength, and we can use it to establish effective links with Gondor or Rohan for trade goods. Therefore, I still agree to restore Moria, but...

Bard didn't finish his sentence, but Julian understood what Bard was going to say, "It's just that after what Smaug did to you, you are more evil than Smaug

I'm afraid of the more powerful Balrog, right?" Julian continued the conversation for Bud.

Bard nodded, "Yes, Lord Julian, I am very afraid of the Balrog that Thranduil said, after all, it is an existence at the same level as the dark lord Sauron, it's just that it's okay for us in River Valley Town, but if the Balrog Woke up, and we shall be sinners throughout Middle-earth."

Julian nodded, "You're right. As Morgoth's former servant, the Balrog is evil and powerful. What's more, Morgoth has returned from outer space.

The Balrog also woke up early, but now he is just waiting for an opportunity to return to the people of Middle-earth. "

"So, what do you mean?" Bud asked cautiously.

"I support Sorin in recovering the mines of Moria, but this matter cannot be done immediately, it needs more time to plan." Julian said (ajej).

Bud nodded, "Well, since this is your decision, Master Julian, the 5,000 Goblin Legion in Hegu Town, plus 500 militiamen will be dispatched after listening to you." Bud said with a serious face.

However, Julian shook his head, "No, it's better not to move your people. We only need a few people this time. It's still the same as before. I think this should be the best choice. Too many people will make you feel uncomfortable." It will cause unnecessary trouble, how about it, Bud, I will set off to see Thorin immediately, and you just need to protect your homeland here, and protect the Lonely Mountain by the way."

After speaking, Julian turned into a crow and flew out of the town hall without waiting for Bud's reply.

After leaving Hegu Town, Julian didn't stay in the Silver Forest, but chose to fly directly over the Silver Forest and flew to the gate of the Lonely Mountain.

Compared with the city gate built by more than a dozen dwarves with gravel ten years ago, the gate of Lonely Mountain is undoubtedly much more magnificent now. Two stone statues of dwarf warriors carved from gray rock stand on both sides of the gate of Lonely Mountain. They have serious faces, hold sharp axes, and wear armor, which looks like real dwarf warriors if the size is ignored.

The gate completely made of unknown metal is engraved with exquisite patterns, and the huge metal gate reflects the sun's rays, making the entire gate permeated with golden light and shining golden.

Looking at the lonely mountain that was completely different from ten years ago, Julian, who had turned into a crow, not only sighed, but should I say that he really deserves to be a dwarf?

Thinking like this, Julian flew over the Silver Forest. The Silver Forest was much larger than Julian imagined, not just the open space in front of the lonely mountain. After flying high into the sky, Julian saw that the Silver Forest stretched all the way to the east where Julian was. On the horizon that can be seen, "Was the Silver Forest so big at that time?" Julian not only thought so in his mind

After a five-minute flight, Julian came to the junction of the Silver Forest and the Lonely Mountain, and then fell from the sky. However, just as Julian landed and was about to transform into a human form, a deer sound came from behind Julian. It was passed from the Silver Forest.

Julian subconsciously turned his head and looked back, only to see a big deer stepping on top of his head. Seeing this, Julian was so frightened that he flapped his wings and "moved his body to the side.

After Julian landed again, he saw a group of elves heading towards the lonely mountain led by a deer, and the leading deer was riding the woodland elf king of the dark forest, Thranduil.

PS: la la la la, la la la la la la la la, la la la la, la la la la la la la la la, la la la la la la la la,0, la la la la la la la la,0 ,La la la la la la la la.

Can you guys understand, um, this is ball, um, that's it!.

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