Harry Potter's Uchiha Blood

Chapter 299 Adding One To The Team And The Gift To The Dark Forest

After getting Shufeya's answer, Julian turned around and continued to walk towards the top of the wooden bridge. Shufeya followed Julian half a step behind Julian.

In one day, under the leadership of Shufeya, the two of them visited almost the entire silver forest, Thrandil, and walked down the wooden bridge in the evening against the setting sun.

"I didn't expect Thranduil to put in a lot of effort here, and I didn't expect the Silver Forest to spread so much to the east. Only 500 people seem to be too few, and 500 people can't effectively defend against it. Silver forest." Julian sighed.

"Yes, in the past ten years, Lord Thranduil has put a lot of effort into the construction of the Forest of Silver. Lord Thranduil said that the Forest of Silver will be your residence in the future, so It must be well built. As for the defense of the Silver Forest, please forgive me. After all, the number of woodland elves "Seven Thirty" is not very large, so it is already the woodland elves who can leave the five hundred troops to defend this place. The maximum limit is reached, after all, there is Dol Guldur in the south of the Dark Forest."

"Huh? Dol Guldur, is it still not abandoned?" Julian frowned and asked.

"Yes, Master Julian, that place has not been abandoned. A group of goblins entered there five years ago. I went to see it myself. It seems that there is a Nazgul stationed there, so...Shu Fei Ya replied.

"Is that so..." Julian pondered for a moment, then continued, "In this case, Shuphia, go and call back the 500 woodland elves guarding the Silver Forest to 400, and gather there." Julian Pointing to a location under the wooden bridge.

"Well, what do you want to do, mobilize soldiers?" Shu Feiya asked puzzled.

"The defense of Dol Guldur in the south is very important. Send these soldiers back. Besides, Thranduil has built the Silver Forest so beautifully for me. If I don't repay him well, it will appear that I am very sensible. said Julian.

"However, Master Julian, if you transfer 400 soldiers back to the Dark Forest, what will happen to the defense of the Silver Forest? Originally, there are only 500 soldiers and it is very difficult." Shu Feiya asked a little puzzled.

"Don't worry, I have my own way, you know I'm a starlight wizard." Julian continued to walk down after speaking.

Shu Feiya looked at Julian's back, and for some reason, there was some indescribable sense of trust in her heart. Since he said he could do it, he would definitely believe it.

Shufeya shook her hair, then caught up with Julian, and the two walked towards the restaurant.

During the meal, because Shufeya was beside Julian, Legolas and Aragorn looked a little abnormal, but Roth Khan's expression was normal, and he ate very cheerfully.

After the meal, Shufeya went to gather the soldiers, and Julian took Legolas, Aragorn, and Roth Khan to the place Julian pointed out on the wooden bridge.

After arriving at the place, Aragorn asked, "Julian, did you ask Ziroom to join the team?"

Looking at Aragorn with an unnatural expression, Julian gave him a strange look, and then asked curiously, "What's wrong with you, why do you look so strange? 17

Aragorn shook his head and said, "Don't worry about it, you answer my question first, do you want to add Shuphia to our team?" This time even Legolas used an extremely They looked at themselves with strange expressions.

Although Julian didn't know what happened to the two of them, he nodded his head and said, "That's right, what's wrong? Look at the two of you like this."

After getting Julian's accurate answer, the expressions on the faces of both of them stiffened suddenly.

Looking at the extremely abnormal expressions of the two, Julian was very surprised, "Is there something you are hiding from me?"

The two looked at each other, and after a long while, Legolas let out a sigh of relief and said, "No, how could there be anything that we can hide from you? Besides, what can the two of us hide from you? Woolen cloth?"

"It's so suspicious, you two, really..." Before Julian finished speaking, a sound of armor rubbing came from behind the crowd. Julian turned around and saw a group of heavily armed elves. Get out of the Silver Forest.

After waiting for about a quarter of an hour, all the elf soldiers arrived and organized the team. Shufeya walked up to Julian and looked at Julian and said, "My lord, the four hundred elf soldiers have assembled."

Julian nodded, then turned to Legolas, and said, "Legolas, please do me a favor," Julian pulled out two horns from his ring, and handed them to Legolas 0

"Take this back to your father and say it's his thank you for building the Forest of Silver for me." Julian said.

Legolas took the two horns from Julian and looked at Julian in disbelief, "This, this, this is?"

"The elves command the horn, blowing it can summon an army of elves with a number of about a thousand people." Julian explained.

Legolas looked at the horn in his hand and was silent for a long time, making Julian think that Legolas was too small, and then he took out two horns from his ring and handed them to Legolas. "No way, this horn is the same as the horn I gave Sorin ten years ago. The reason there are only a thousand people is because, after all, you elves are immortal, so there are some restrictions on the number of people. If you think it is too small, then Just give you two more, you and your dad can summon two thousand to three thousand elves by blowing twice."

However, Legolas did not accept the two horns that Julian handed to him again, but said excitedly, "No, it is enough. As you said, although our elves are immortal, but relatively The birth rate of our elves is very small. We have learned about the two horns you gave Sorin ten years ago. The dwarves summoned by those two horns can marry ordinary dwarves and have children. They are very healthy at 4.7, so these thousand elves are already very precious to our Dark Forest." Legolas said while holding the horn tightly in his hand.

Looking at Legolas's appearance, Julian knew that Legolas really didn't dislike him. Julian said with a smile, "Very well, since this can help you, I'm very satisfied, but I still have to give you the horn." As Julian said, he handed the two horns to Legolas again, and said, "Accept it, this is a personal gift from me, and it should be regarded as a gift between friends. If you don't accept it I'm going to get angry, and you don't want to come to Silver Forest anymore."

Seeing Julian pretending to be angry, Legolas had no choice but to accept the horn reluctantly, then patted his chest and said, "If you have any troubles in the future, just call me."

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