Harry Potter's Uchiha Blood

Chapter 319 Mountain Road And Rest

Julian didn't notice the reaction of the sphinx with his hand on his shoulder, but turned around and looked at Gandalf and shouted, "Gandalf, the sphinx found a hole, I gonna go see."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Gandalf's answer, Julian secretly thought of Animagus and turned into a dexterous crow and flew directly towards the cave that the Sphinx mentioned.

When flying to the entrance of the cave, Julian didn't stay, but flew directly into the cave entrance, and after flying into the cave, Julian changed back to human form.

"Flashing Fluorescent" After brightening the tip of the wand, Julian raised the wand over his head, and then carefully looked into the cave. Wherever it hovered, "It seems to be here." Julian murmured.

After confirming that this is the place he was looking for, Julian turned around and walked to the entrance of the cave. After finding a solid stone, Julian took out a set of ropes from his ring and tied one end of the rope to the cave. On the rock, Julian threw the rope down from the hole after making sure it was fastened.

After confirming that the rope reached the ground accurately and was not blocked by other things [Julian changed to the crow and flew to the team again.

"I've seen it. The cave is very deep. It should be what we're looking for. I've already got the rope down. Let's go." Julian shouted to everyone.

After nearly an hour of climbing, everyone finally climbed up the cold and wet hole, "So, Julian, are you sure this road is better than the outside? I always feel that this road is not as good as Outside?" Qili asked, patting the muddy water on his hand.

Julian pulled out his wand again and lit it, and said, "Kili, you know, the entire Misty Mountains have been hollowed out by the goblins entrenched here, although we can't ride horses in this mountain , but believe me, it must be easier to go inside than outside, well, we don't have much time, let's go.

After taking two steps, Julian turned his head to look at the Sphinx and said, "Sphinx, use fluorescent light, um, you walk in the middle."

"Everyone, be prepared to fight at any time. After all, there are quite a few goblins here. Also, keep quiet. Although you are not afraid of goblins, it will be less troublesome for us." Julian reminded again.

After making sure that everyone is ready, Julian nodded, "Let's go!!"

Everyone walked in the cave for more than half an hour, except for the jet-black rocks along the way, "I said, did you smell any strange smell?" Qi Li suddenly asked as he walked. .

"Well, I smelled it too, it should be the smell of a troll." Legolas said.

"Troll, why are there trolls here!?" Qili said in surprise.

"Stupid, don't you know? Trolls are born from the mountains." Balin said.

"What? This is the first time I've heard of such a thing, is it true, Gandalf?" Julian turned to look at the old man in gray robe beside him and asked.

Gandalf nodded, and then replied, "Bahrain is right. Trolls were indeed conceived from the mountains. In the earliest times, the trolls were not called trolls. They were called mountain monsters. They came from the mountains. Only after being discovered by humans, their powerful bodies and habit of eating people are called trolls. In fact, trolls are omnivorous creatures. They not only eat people, but what eat them all."

"Oh, that's it." Julian was stunned.

"We're here." Just when Julian was about to ask something more, Gandalf suddenly said.

Hearing Gandalf's voice, Julian swallowed the words in his mouth, and then quickly caught up with Gandalf to the exit of the cave.

"Here comes the Cleft of the Mountain," said Gandalf.

What appeared in front of everyone was a huge abyss. The abyss ran north-south and straddled in front of everyone.

"Okay, now we only need to go south along the abyss and we will arrive at the Moria Mine. The abyss of the Moria Mine is connected to the abyss here. The ancient dwarves once dug caves to the depths of the Misty Mountains. Deep down, we can easily reach Moria if we find the path of the ancient dwarves," said Gandalf.

"Okay, there's no time to sigh, let's go." Julian urged.

Everyone nodded and then walked along the goblin path at the edge of the cave exit.

Because in the interior of the mountain, when there is no storm, even the sun and stars have disappeared, so everyone has no sense of time in the cave.

"How long have we been walking? Why do you feel so tired?" Loshan asked weakly while supporting the rock beside him.

Julian, who was walking in the front, stood still, "Gandalf, we have been walking for nearly twenty hours, let's take a rest, otherwise everyone will not be able to hold on."

Gandalf heard the words, looked back, and sure enough, as Julian said, everyone had already started to stagger, and then nodded, "Okay, then let's rest for a while."

190 Julian nodded, then pointed the wand in his hand at the wall beside him, muttered in a low voice, smashed to pieces.

Under the effect of Julian's spell, the pointed stone wall instantly turned into a pile of powder, and it rushed towards Julian. When the powder was about to touch Julian, there was a light thud, and it rushed towards Julian's body in an instant. The powder all floated up, and then flew around Julian and flew into the abyss behind Julian.

Julian turned his head to look at the lightly snorting Sphinx, and said with a smile, "Thanks."

After speaking, Julian stood on the side of the hole made by him, and then continued to cast the Bone Crushing Curse. After casting more than a dozen Bone Crushing Curses, Julian stopped casting.

"Okay, come in." Saying, Julian walked into the cave that he created out of thin air first, followed by Gandalf.

The cave is not big or small, but it is not enough to accommodate three or four tents. After everyone entered the cave, Julian pointed with his wand to the powder that had not been cleaned up

Then plug it all back into the hole.

Turning around and looking at the people standing there stupidly, Julian felt a little amused, "Why are you standing still, why don't you hurry up and set up a tent."

As soon as Julian finished speaking, everyone reacted and began to set up tents in a hurry. .

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