Harry Potter's Uchiha Blood

Chapter 65 Confused

Julian, who put away the gifts from the three sages, looked at Yolanda with a smile, and said cheaply, "Yolanda, look at how much I sacrificed for the unicorn family, don't you think you will give me some rewards?" ?”

Looking at the humble Julian, Yolanda said mercilessly, "Your sacrifice is not for our unicorns, but for you humans. Besides, our unicorns have suffered heavy losses after this war. , What do you want me to reward you with, I am not like those sages, who have a big family and a big business."

After hearing Yolanda's words, Julian put away his mean smile, and then fell into deep thought.

Looking at Julian whose expression suddenly fell into deep thought, Yolanda thought her words were too harsh and wanted to comfort her, but before Yolanda could speak, Julian spoke first.

"Since you unicorns don't get any benefits, why don't you just give me yourself!" Julian grinned and said to Yolanda with a thumbs up.

After hearing Julian's words, Yolanda's face instantly turned red, she tremblingly pointed at Julian's mouth and stammered, "You, you, Julian, what nonsense are you talking about? I, I, I gave it to you, you, you, why don't you die?"

Yolanda, who blushed and finished speaking, covered her face with her hands and ran out of the altar.

Looking at Yolanda who was running away, Julian had question marks on his face, and thought to himself, didn't he just want a drop of your blood, as for the reaction so big, it made me look like a bad guy.

Seeing Yolanda running away, Julian had no choice but to find a random stone and sit down, and began to study the three gifts given to him by the three sages.

The first is the dark green ring that Electrolux gave him. Julian looked at the pattern on the ring and observed carefully. After a while, Julian found that the pattern on the ring seemed to be seen somewhere and was very familiar. Where did he see it, but Julian couldn't remember it. With the sealing of the astral eye, his memory seemed to be affected to some extent.

Holding the ring, Julian thought, since I have seen this pattern before, it seems that the existence of this pattern will not cause any great harm, and it is a gift from Electrolux, so it should not be anything Something very dangerous.

Thinking like this, Julian slowly input his magic power into the ring. With the input of magic power, Julian's left hand and the entire left arm gradually disappeared into the air. Seeing this, Julian subconsciously used his right hand To touch his left hand, although Julian can feel the existence of his left hand, but his right hand can't touch his left hand anyway, this feeling is very strange.

Julian just sat on the stone beside the altar, trying on the ring for hours.

When the shy Yolanda returned to the altar again and saw Julian with only half of his body left, his face turned pale all of a sudden.

Seeing Yolanda running towards him with a horrified expression, Julian hastily stopped the magic power in the ring, and then explained to Yolanda.

After listening to Julian's explanation, Yolanda loosened her brows, then reached out to take the ring that Julian handed over, carefully observed the pattern on the ring, Yolanda said, "This is an invisible ring, you I also know, but what Electrolux sent is not that simple, look at the magic pattern on it, it's not just the 'invisible' magic pattern, there is another kind, it seems to be some kind of space Magic pattern, after you put on the ring, input the magic power, and you will 'put' a part of your body into a different space, that's why you can feel your left hand, but you can't touch it, I think Electrolux gave you the ring as if they wanted you to use it as a storage ring

In the end, Yolanda made a judgment on the performance of the ring, and gave a stern warning. In the future, Julian is not allowed to put his body into the ring at will, because after all, there is space turbulence in the different space. The will never come back.

Hearing Yolanda's warning, Julian put the ring back on his finger embarrassingly, and assured Yolanda that he would not put 'self' in another dimension again.

After hearing Julian's assurance, Yolanda nodded in satisfaction, then took out a box from behind her, and handed the box to Julian, Yolanda said, "This is the purpose of your coming here, Starlight gem."

Taking the box from Yolanda's hand, he put his hand on the switch of the box and looked at Yolanda. After Yolanda nodded, Julian opened the box vigorously.

The Starlight Gem really lived up to its name of starlight. The moment Julian opened the box, a strong and soft starlight appeared around the altar. .

After closing the box, the starlight disappeared in an instant.

Looking at the box in his hand, Julian was about to say thank you, but Yolanda covered his mouth with his hand.

Julian looked at the beautiful unicorn queen in front of him in amazement. He seemed to feel a little bit more reluctant. Everyone has feelings, let alone the Uchiha clan who are cursed by "love". Julian understood the look in the queen's eyes. Reluctantly, he closed his half-open mouth.

The two continued this action for a long time, until a unicorn priest exited, "My lord queen, the starry sky altar has been prepared, and the starry sky secret realm can also be opened."

Listening to the report of his subordinates, Yolanda slowly withdrew his hand, then smiled and said, "Let's go, I'll see you off."

Julian replied with a short 'hmm', and followed Yolanda to the entrance of the secret realm of the starry sky.

However, Yolanda did not stop, but walked into the secret realm of the starry sky.

Julian, who followed Yolanda into the secret realm, looked at the back of the person in front of him and said, "Yolanda, stop here, the unicorn family still needs you."

Hearing Julian's words, Yolanda stopped, turned around, walked behind Julian, hugged him tightly from behind Julian, and said in a slightly choked voice, "Don't forget me .”

Before Julian could answer, Yolanda pushed Julian forward as soon as he exerted force.

Julian, who was pushed forward, stepped on the air and returned to the familiar fall again.

Julian, who had been falling, held the box in his hand tightly.

After a while, suddenly, a bottle fell out of his pocket, following Julian all the way down.

The bottle was not big, but the contents inside made Julian frown inadvertently.

Putting the box containing the starry sky gem into the black snake ring, Julian grabbed the small bottle in front of him with his hand, and there was a drop of silver-gray liquid in the small bottle.

As the bottle was grasped by Julian, the silver-gray liquid in the bottle seemed to be attracted by something, and moved towards Julian in the bottle.

Holding the bottle tightly in his hand, Julian let out a long sigh, and put the bottle into the black snake.

Julian was still falling for an unknown amount of time, when a light suddenly appeared in front of Julian's eyes. Just when Julian thought he had returned to the future, the scene in front of him made Julian's heart tighten.

A light curtain appeared in front of Julian, and it showed that Yolanda was being escorted to the scaffold by several well-equipped human soldiers.

Yolanda in the light curtain seemed to have sensed something, raised his head and smiled slightly at Julian outside the light curtain, and then took the initiative to walk onto the execution platform.

Looking at Yolanda in the light curtain, Julian went down instantly. What happened after I left, why Yolanda was put to death by humans, and when Julian recovered from the downtime, the picture in the light curtain also disappeared. changed.

The new picture that appeared on the light curtain was on a grassland, but instead of endless green grass, there was endless gunpowder smoke and corpses on this grassland.

Among the piles of corpses, there are ugly demons, strong-bodied centaurs, and human soldiers in fine (King Li's) armor. attire.

The screen in the light curtain moved to a scene of fighting. Several human soldiers were besieging a centaur under the command of a general. The drunken human general of the war.

And that centaur was the centaur general who thanked him in the commander's tent. The centaur general was very brave, waving the two swords in his hand, forcing back the human soldiers who had been trying to attack him. However, the scene There wasn't a stalemate for too long, the human general took a crossbow bolt from the deputy general's hand, and then aimed at the centaur general's heart to the south, and it was over again here.

In the following time, the silver light curtain kept flickering, and the theme of the picture in the light curtain has not changed. They are all pictures of humans slaughtering various magical creature races, and the figures of demons come from time to time in the picture , It also made Julian's heart cold for a while, and he went back to the past, what did he do, and is it really meaningful to save such human beings.

Julian, who was thinking about it, was still falling, in every sense, whether it was Julian's person or Julian's heart. .

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