Harry Potter's Uchiha Blood

Chapter 82: The Centaur Tribe

Soon the time agreed with the centaur arrived, because the centaur did not respond to Julian whether he could take Harry with him, so Julian did not bring Harry and others with him on this trip.

At around eleven thirty in the evening, under the cover of night, a small crow left Hogwarts Castle and flew towards the depths of the Forbidden Forest.

When Julian arrived at the agreed place, the centaur leader Acilias was already waiting there.

Julian released the Animagus and turned back into a human form, and said hello to the centaur leader. After the centaur leader replied, the two embarked on the road to the centaur tribe. Very fast, so Julian turned into a crow and followed Assi~lias.

Because the speed of the two is not slow, they arrived at the outskirts of the centaur tribe in less than twenty minutes.

Different from the unicorn tribe, the centaur tribe did not set up any defensive magic. There was only a simple fence surrounding the centaur tribe. At every interval of the fence, there was a mound of earth , The mound is very high and there are horsemen guarding it, which should be similar to the role of a watchtower.

Julian followed Asilias into the centaur tribe, and after entering the gate of the centaur tribe, Julian changed back to human form, which made many centaur warriors who had never seen humans nervous for a while. It was Asirias who explained Knowing that Julian is an honored guest of the centaurs, the commotion was resolved, otherwise the centaur warriors would have shot Julian into a sieve.

Achilles said to Julian, "Julian, you wait here for a while, I will go in and ask the patriarch for instructions."

Julian nodded in agreement. After seeing Julian nodding, Asilias called two centaurs and asked them to take care of Julian. After the two centaurs agreed, Asilias turned to the horse The depths of the human tribe ran back.

Two young centaurs walked up to Julian, and one of them, who looked younger, looked at Julian and said, "So, you are human, why are you different from what I imagined, why do you only have two legs .”

Julian said with a serious face, "No, actually I have three legs.

"Huh?" The young centaur was taken aback, then circled around Julian twice and said, "You liar, where is your third leg?"

Looking at the centaur who refuted him solemnly, Julian chuckled, then changed the subject and said, "You said that I am different from what you imagined, so what kind of human beings should you imagine? Have you ever seen a human?"

The young centaur said frankly, "No, the adults don't let us leave the tribe, and let us practice archery in the tribe every day, it's almost annoying to death, but we have one night every month to go out to watch the wind, as for the humans Appearance, I heard people in the clan who have seen humans say that humans live in stone caves and take pleasure in killing innocent animals. They are very cruel and have thick skin, so thick that our bows and arrows can't penetrate their skin, and they It's brutal, and that's about it.

Julian listened with dark lines to the young centaur's description of the humans he remembered.

After the young centaur finished speaking, Julian asked with an embarrassed face, "Uh, um, what's your name?"

"My name is Vic, you can call me Wei, what about you?" Vic said.

After hearing Vic's introduction, Julian said seriously, "My name is Julian Wooless, you can just call me Julian, listen to Vic, what you just said is a giant, the real human is like me, understand ?"

"Oh, giant, what is a giant?" Vic returned cutely.

Julian replied patiently, "The giant is what you just described, understand?"

"Description, what is a description?" Vic asked cutely again.

"Huh?" Julian looked at Vic in bewilderment, and Vic let out a snort of laughter as Julian was phrasing the words in his head.

Seeing Vic laugh out loud, Julian was even more deceived.

Vic pointed at Julian's face and said, "Look at your stupid face, do you think I don't know anything, are all human beings as stupid as you (O_O)?"

After hearing Vic's words, Julian didn't understand that he was played by Vic. Damn it, just when Julian was about to fight back, Achilles' voice came over, "Vi, what are you laughing at, don't Disrespectful in front of distinguished guests."

After reprimanding Vic, Asilias turned his gaze to Julian and said, "I'm sorry Julian, Vik is still a child, please don't be as knowledgeable as him, our patriarch, please,

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0………… Ask for flowers…………

Julian squeezed out a smile and said, "It's okay, Asilias, but I heard from the unicorns that something seems to be going wrong in the Forbidden Forest recently, and it's best not to let the young centaur of your tribe leave you easily Horde, it's best to improve their strength, I heard that you centaurs are good at shooting, so you'd better train their strength so that they won't be in danger outside."

Asirias heard Julian's words and said in surprise, "Is that true, did the unicorn really say that? It seems that the Forbidden Forest is indeed a bit dangerous recently. Thank you for your information. Julian, you will always be a distinguished guest of our centaurs ” said Axilias gratefully.

Immediately, Acilias said to the older centaur, "Neil, you must inform the patrolling clansmen to be careful, and also, tell William not to let the ponies go out this month.



After hearing Asilias' arrangement, Neil immediately turned around and ran towards the gate of the tribe.

Seeing Neil running away, Asilias turned to Julian and said, "I'm sorry Julian, I kept you waiting for so long, let's go see the patriarch right away.

Julian quickly waved his hands and said, "No, no, it's okay. After all, your young horsemen are more important. By the way, you must keep an eye on the gate of the tribe. Don't let suspicious things get in. You must also have a pony. People step up their training."

Asirias nodded solemnly and replied solemnly, "I will definitely, I will order to increase their training time later, my friend, well, my friend, let's go, the patriarch should wait gone."

Julian responded and followed behind Acillas, leaving Vic with a sinister smile the moment Julian turned around [Wi Shu shuddered all over.

Looking at Vic with a ∑(OC on his face, Julian thought about the demo comfortably, and fought with me, really thinking that my title of Julian the Great Demon King is for nothing.

Seeing Julian smiling on the road, the upright Asilias thought that Julian was happy for the prosperity of the Centaur tribe, and his impression of Julian kept rising in his heart, and his favorability was off the charts.

If Julian knew that he had filled the favor of a centaur leader with no opinion, I don't know how he would feel at a loss. .

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