Haru's Love

Chapter 30:HARU

"You okay?" I heard Aiden's voice come my way, followed by a warm hand gently cupping the side of my face.

I opened my eyes and saw Aiden inches from me. He was watching me closely, and my heart skipped at the sight of him. Suddenly, everything that had happened last night came rushing back to me: Aiden kissing me wildly and passionately, Aiden touching and tasting every inch of me, and Aiden fucking me.

Holy Mother, Jesus Christ! We made love last night, Aiden and I.

Heat rushed to my cheeks, and I desperately wanted to hide in embarrassment.

"Maybe I overdid it," Aiden said. "Are you in pain?"

I felt flustered. I still couldn't get the fact that Aiden and I had made love last night out of my mind.

"It's…it's not that bad," I said, avoiding making eye contact with him.

"Maybe you should take a day off today," he suggested. "If you can't walk properly."

I shook my head. "No, I'm fine. I really am. I can't afford to miss classes. Besides, I don't have one until this afternoon, so I'll be fine."

Suddenly, I realized just how odd it was that Aiden was acting so normal and having this casual conversation with me. Didn't he feel awkward? Then again, why would he? Aiden was a grown adult. Why should he act like an antsy kid like me after a night of hot passion?

This scenario, it felt like we were already in an intimate relationship, with him sitting on the side of the bed and paying me his undivided attention. I wondered why I hadn't run off to my room and hidden from him for all eternity already?

Aiden leaned down and gave me a gentle kiss on the forehead, and I involuntarily sucked in my breath.

He said, "Sorry, I was a bit rough."

I honestly didn't know how to react to that, and found myself simply nodding my head, my cheeks feeling hot.

He must have noticed my embarrassment because he chuckled as he stroked the side of my cheek with the backs of his fingers. "Your face is burning hot."

Flustered, I brushed his hand away. "Aren't you going to be late for work?" I changed the topic.

Shit, but I couldn't stand this anymore. I wanted him to leave so I could be alone. I wanted to reflect on my stupid actions last night and nurse my embarrassment.

Aiden glanced at his wristwatch. "You're right. Then I'll be heading off."

I nodded.

Fuck, what the hell was this? This setup was weird.

"Are you sure you're okay going to classes?"

"I'll be fine, Aiden," I said.

"Okay." He leaned down again, which took me by surprise. Then he gave me a light kiss on the lips, which made me ache for his touch again. When he lifted his head, his hazel-green eyes were twinkling, and I felt my breath catch at the back of my throat.

"See you later, Haru." Then he headed out the door.

Alone, I lay there, staring up at the ceiling, feeling dazed. This was completely different from what I had expected after a night full of passion with Aiden. I would have thought he'd be gone way before I was awake, since he probably didn't want to see me after what we had done together.

It was nearly eleven by the time I decided to get up and get ready for the day. I purposely waited until everyone left the house, including Jess, who had been the second person out the door after Aiden. Of course, the noise had been loud, as expected, with my brothers and their friends rushing about, hunting for food in the kitchen, cooking up a storm, and having a cheerful morning meal. By the time they were gone, with Reo being the last one out, my stomach grumbled, demanding food.

After showering and dressing in a pair of jeans and T-shirt, I headed into the kitchen to make myself something to eat. There was food left over from last night's party, but I didn't want any of that. I ended up making myself an omelet. It was nice, and I enjoyed my meal. Once I'd finished cleaning up after myself, I picked up my bag, locked up the apartment, and headed over to the bus stop.

I had Accounting 101 this afternoon, and it was boring as hell. I managed to endure the lecture though, and by the time it was over, I sighed in relief. I was just heading over to my next class, economics, when a ding echoed from my cell phone, telling me I had a message.

I took out my phone and scrolled through the message app. My heart skipped when I saw that it was from Aiden. It said: Haru, are you at uni? Are you feeling all right? Do you want me to pick you up after classes?

I sighed. Fuck! What the hell was I supposed to do? Did I want him to pick me up? Did I want to see his face again so soon? Especially after last night?

I didn't know. Fact was, I didn't want to think about what had happened last night. Nor did I want to think about Aiden right now.

I slid the phone back into my back jeans pocket and hurried toward my next lecture. This class wasn't any better compared to the last one, and as the professor monotonously talked like a bloody robot on low power, my mind kept straying to the subject of Aiden, despite my determination not to think about him.

I rested my chin on my palm as I gazed into the void, and just like that, I saw Aiden's face in my mind's eye again. The dark, passionate eyes. The sensual lips kissing me zealously, which took my breath away and made my heart ache for more. The firm hands that had touched and stroked my skin.

Shit! But I wanted more. I wanted Aiden to touch me again. I wanted him to touch me more. And I wanted to kiss and touch him, too.

I wanted him. I loved him. And I knew right there and then that I was in deep shit, that what had happened last night only made me love and want Aiden even more.

Jesus! I just realized I had made a stupid mistake, and I knew if I were to see him again tonight, I'd probably break down and beg him to make love to me again. I knew I couldn't let that happen. Last night had been enough already. I decided then that I needed to avoid Aiden at all costs.

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