Haru's Love

Chapter 44:AIDEN

After closing Haru's bedroom door behind him, Aiden went into the kitchen. He needed a drink, preferably something cold and alcoholic, to cool the sexual heat that had enthusiastically reared its head the moment his lips had touched Haru's moments ago.

He opened the fridge door and searched for a can of beer, but found none. He had forgotten they had just finished the last of the batch at dinner.

"Damn," he muttered.

"Are you pissed with me?" Reo's voice came.

Reo looked confused for a moment, and then laughed loudly. Once he calmed down, he came to sit on one of the chairs surrounding the dining table. More serious now, he said, "The latter, obviously." He paused as he looked at Aiden. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like I don't want Haru to tie the knot with you or anything. It's just that…" He lapsed into silence, his expression dark.

Aiden stayed silent, too, knowing Reo was deep in his own thoughts. And since there was no more beer, he went for the second option, which was a hot drink. So, he made two mugs of coffee. Done a few moments later, he came over and passed one to Reo, who gratefully accepted it.

As he sat down on one of the chairs, he said, "You worry about him, I understand. Haru is your baby brother, after all."

Reo chuckled. "Yeah, he's a brat and doesn't even know how to look after himself properly yet, even at eighteen. He's so clueless." He took a sip of his coffee, savoring the bitterness and the warmth. He continued, "It's weird to… I don't know…"

"The idea of your baby brother getting married to another man is…weird?" Aiden asked bluntly.

Reo glanced at Aiden and then nodded, a slight embarrassment displayed on his face.

Aiden leaned back against his seat, did a bit of a stretch, and then settled down again.

He said, "I've been thinking about it. I know Haru is young, and hell, I don't even think I'm that mature myself, especially when it comes to Haru and my feelings for him, but I love Haru, and he has loved me since he was in middle school. That's a long time, if you ask me."

Reo nodded. "Yeah, it's a long time. What gay kid sticks with loving a straight guy that long when the odds are so against him?"

Aiden nodded, too. "I'll be blunt, Reo. I want Haru as mine, officially. We're dating and that's great, but I keep thinking about it, about putting a ring on Haru's finger." He chuckled, as if in amusement. "Have you any idea how jealous I get when another guy sees him and makes a move on him, despite my presence? Or the girls who think he's so cute, they even have the nerve to come up to me and ask if Haru has a girlfriend yet."

Reo laughed. "Jesus! I had no idea that sort of shit happens. I guess the Shrine Maiden's gene is working to its full effect, eh?"

Aiden smiled. "Yeah." He took another sip of his coffee, savored the taste, and then continued, "Despite that though, I honestly don't want to tie Haru down. You're right in that he's young. He'll want to experience the world before settling down, and I want to give him that freedom." He leaned forward. "Am I putting your mind at ease now, Reo?"

Reo chuckled uncomfortably as he raked his fingers through his dark hair again. "Yeah." He paused and then asked, "Is that why you never asked Haru to move into your room? To give him freedom despite how much you want to share a bed with him?"

Aiden nodded.

"I see."

Reo chuckled again. "Man, you're really holding yourself back, aren't you? You care too much about that rascal."

Aiden folded his arms across his chest. "Same as you, despite the merciless teasing."

Reo's lips formed a tight smile. He said, "Can't be helped. He's all I have left after Mom died. You guys are all I have left."

"Yeah," Aiden said. "Everyone in this house is all we have left."

Reo nodded. After finishing his coffee, he said, "Thanks, Aiden." Then he got up, left the mug in the sink, and headed to the door. "Good night."

"Good night," Aiden said. Alone, he took in a deep breath and rested his head against the back of the chair, his mind, like always, on Haru.

"You're just being Aiden like bloody usual," a voice said from the door.

Aiden flicked his gaze to see Noah standing there, who looked more alert. His hair was wet, so he must have just taken a shower.

The brother headed over to the fridge, took out a bottle of water, unscrewed the lid, and then took a deep gulp.

"You heard?" Aiden asked.

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