On the other side, in the Middle East.

Nowadays, the disputes there are not peaceful either.

During this period, almost all the disputes are due to the same thing.

That formula!

Because of that formula, the major underground forces and interest groups can be said to be in constant dispute.

In Zhang Yi's words, many demons have died during this period.

There are more other forces and interest groups!

In the afternoon, after Liu Feilong and the others said goodbye and left, Yang Chen couldn't help but be shocked when he saw the email.

What is this?

A bloodbath caused by a formula?

At the same time, Yang Chen was more looking forward to this formula.

I wonder, if the demon gets this formula, what benefits can it bring to itself?

Thinking about it, Yang Chen was very looking forward to it.

After all, something that so many interest groups are fighting for is definitely a good thing.

When he saw another email, Yang Chen's face was not very good.

The team that came to China before, the mastermind behind the scenes was found.

From a consortium in the United States?

To be more precise, a young man from a US consortium?

A suitor of Natasha?


Even though Yang Chen had a good temper, he couldn't help but curse.

Just because of this?

Want to kill me?

Damn it!

After reading the email carefully, Yang Chen felt that things were not that simple.

This was just one of the reasons.

Another reason was because of interests!

Originally, the other party was the behind-the-scenes boss of a lithography company.

However, because of the sudden emergence of Yang's Electronic Technology.

The other party's company was forced to delist and then sold to the Lithography Alliance.

So, the feud was formed.

Seeing this, Yang Chen showed a relieved expression on his face.

So that's it!

"It's impolite not to reciprocate! In this case, don't blame me for being rude!"

After muttering to himself, Yang Chen grinned.

Then, he replied to an email.

"I want all the other party's information! The more detailed the better!"

It's not Yang Chen's character to not take revenge!

As for the other party's background?

This is not within Yang Chen's consideration.

On the same day, an event attracted the attention of countless people.

This is about the Yang Group!

It's also about many banks!

In just one day, many European and American banks announced cooperation with Y Chat and Y Payment.

In addition, there are many large retail chain brand companies.

They all shouted the same slogan:

"Let the code scanning payment change life!"


Yang Chen and Natasha cooperated!

However, the conditions of cooperation have been changed.

It's not a 10% dividend!

Instead, it's a transaction commission!

It's exactly the same as those domestic banks!

In other words, it's the Yang Group that is now using money to subsidize and open up the market.

It's also because of this that Y Chat and Y Payment have attracted the attention of a large number of banks.

In particular, they have obtained multiple domestic and foreign financial licenses.

This is even more eye-catching.

According to the size of their user base, if they do loan and credit card business.


Many banks, big and small, are very worried about this.

It is also because of this that they tried to put pressure on the Yang Group.

Even prepared to launch sanctions against two software and two platforms!

However, they are still afraid after all.

On the one hand, it is because of the lithography machine.

On the other hand, it is because of Natasha.

On the other hand, it is because of Yang Chen.


In a private room at the Imperial Hotel.

In the evening, Yang Chen and Natasha met again.


"Those banks are starting to get restless!"

"Many people are already attacking Y Chat and Y Payment through the media!"

Sighing, Natasha said slowly.

"Let them attack!"

"Anyway, for now, we have succeeded, haven't we?"

Shrugged, Yang Chen said indifferently.

Hearing Yang Chen's words, Natasha was stunned for a moment, then nodded.


To some extent, the two platforms have been successful in the European and American markets.

On the first day, the number of users exceeded one million.

As for the issue of fund security?

Even if many interest groups took the opportunity to attack, the people did not care.

According to street interviews, there are two main reasons why European and American people are not worried.

First, the Yang Group is one of the Internet hegemons, with many top Internet security experts under its command.

Second, the platform's compensation terms!

In this case, what isI'm so worried.

"I'm afraid that they will attack us in droves!"

Frowning, Natasha said a little worriedly.

"After all, if you want to expand the lending and credit consumption business, it will affect the interests of countless banks!"

Looking at Yang Chen deeply, Natasha continued.

"I know!"

"But I'm ready!"

Nodding, Yang Chen said with a smile.


Credit consumption?

Y chat and Y payment are good businesses!

However, Yang Chen has other plans.

For example, take the opportunity to short the stocks of major banks?

At that time, there will still be room for operation.

Hearing Yang Chen's words and seeing Yang Chen's expression, Natasha was stunned.

This guy!

She was really curious about where Yang Chen's confidence came from.

"Yang, are you really not worried at all?"

Staring at Yang Chen's eyes, Natasha asked.

"Don't worry!"

Shaking his head, Yang Chen said lightly.


Hearing Yang Chen's words, Natasha completely lost her temper.

In her heart, she also secretly guessed.

Could it be that this guy has any other plans?

If so, it makes sense.

In fact, some domestic banks are already unable to sit still.

Scan code payment?

Is Yang Group going to make it popular all over the world?

And use money to hit the market?

They don't think that Yang Chen will do a loss-making business.

If the market is occupied so wantonly, what will Yang Group do at that time?

Will it do some business that banks do?

They are very worried about this.

However, taking action against Yang Group...

They are really a bit of a headache!

Or, it feels very tricky!

Yang Group is a hot fried chicken, and it is not something that can be moved just because you want to!

What's more, behind Yang Group, there is Yang Chen!

More importantly, they couldn't find any suitable reasons or excuses now.


"Natasha, I want to ask you about someone!"

While chatting, Yang Chen suddenly said.



Looking at Yang Chen, Natasha's face was full of curiosity.

Also, seeing Yang Chen's expression, she also had doubts in her heart.

It seems that Yang is very unhappy with this person?

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