Hate You, Love You.

Chapter 1 - I'LL KILL YOU

Welcome to Adelaide Montessori Prep everyone.


I enter the school corridor, tugging unto my sweater as I pass the sea of Balenciaga's and Prada's. They have their designer outfits on and are grouped into cliques, no doubt talking about which country they visited over the weekend or which store they splurged thousands of dollars in. I bet they've never worked a day in their life yet they lavishly spend money like it is nothing but paper.

By the way, my name is Melody Jones and I'm officially over it.

I live with my mother and my sister, Sophie, in an average apartment on the shady side of town. Our family fell apart once my sister was diagnosed with a rare disease called Type A Sephiligitis. My dad left and never looked back, leaving my mum and I to take care of Sophie. Mum works at Saint John's Hospital as a nurse and often works long hours in order to pay the bills, hence, she's never around much which leaves me to take care of Sophie. My life is completely different from those in my school but I'm not complaining. I wouldn't even dream of getting into a snobbish, rich people school like this if not for the scholarship I won.

I'm grateful for the opportunity the school has given me but at the same time, I regret ever agreeing to attend because ever since I stepped foot here, I've been a target of the bullies. They would make fun of my clothes, my hair, my upbringing and straight up tell me that I don't belong here because I'm 'poor'.

My nemesis in this school is none other than the charming (insert barf in mouth) Jason Blunt-son of Dean Blunt- hot shot lawyer with a clientele of only the rich and famous. I'm talking: Britney Spears, Usher, Beyoncé, the list goes on, and Heather Blunt, entrepreneur  extraordinaire, famous for the creation of Heather Beauty-a cosmetics brand which made a total of $500 million dollars in sales alone this year and ranked #5 on Forbes 'Most Successful Companies List.'

He has made it his goal to make my life a living hell. He treats me like a charity case- throwing money in my face and saying that he can 'buy' me and my entire family with just the snap of his fingers. We constantly butt heads and I'm honestly frustrated at this point. We just can't seem to get along and each altercation is always worse than the previous one.

Speaking of the devil.....

''Yo Jones, where'd you get your jeans from, the dollar store?'' He and his posse laughs.

I just block him out and chant numbers in my head so I don't throttle him. I'm not a violent person but when you push someone to their breaking point, they're bound to react.

''Keep on ignoring me Jones, if you weren't so mute maybe daddy wouldn't have left". The topic of my dad is a very sensitive one and I wonder how he got that information. Tears well up in my eyes but I hold it back and replace it with pure rage. I drop my bag on the floor and walk up to Jason and his posse. In a nanosecond, I'm on Jason's back, ready to tackle him to the ground. He tries to pry me off him but I'm not having it.

''GET OFF ME CRAZY ASS.'' He yells.




''Or what?'' He challenges. ''You'll run to daddy? Wait you can't because he abandoned you and started a new family.''

That's it!

My palm connects with his cheek and he looks stunned. The once noisy hallway turns dead silent, waiting for Jason to react. He raises his right hand to return the favour but a deep voice stops him. It's Principal Grande.

''You both know the way to my office."


''She started it.''

''He started it.''

''You're a crazy lunatic.''

''And you're a spoilt brat.''


''ENOUGH OF THIS NONSENSE.'' Principal Grande yells.

Jason and I have lost count of the times we've been in the principal's office. I'm pretty sure he is tired of seeing our faces already.

''We do not condone this kind of animalistic behaviour in this school. We have rules and regulations which you must abide by and your behaviour is totally unacceptable. You are both seniors for heaven's sake and you're meant to be more mature. This is a school and not a boxing ring and I expect...''

I just stand there with my arms crossed as I tune him out. He pretends like he gives a damn about the students but he only cares about the school's reputation and its ranking on the Forbes list. At the end of his lecture, he'll put the blame on me and Jason will be off the hook. Why? His parents make a 'charitable donation' to the school every month so he always gets a pat on the back which is so unfair.

''I'm letting you off with a warning, Melody. See what I mean? This must not happen again or I'll be forced to withdraw your scholarship.''

He always says that.

''You may both take your leave.''

I turn towards the door with a scowl on my face. As I approach the door, a certain someone decides to annoy me further by blocking my path. I give him a sarcastic smile and shove him with my shoulders.

''Hood rat.'' I hear him mutter.





''Fuck you.''

''Name the time and the place, babe.'' He winks and walks off to his stupid posse across the hallway.

Can you all tell I hate his guts?


''I can't believe you got into a fight with Jason. Mel, you really need to stop letting that man child get under your skin. You're better than that.'' Paris says.

Paris Jackson is the daughter of Mario Jackson, world famous plastic surgeon and Antoinette Jackson, CEO of Antoinette, a multi-million dollar clothing company. Despite her affluent upbringing, Paris treats me like a human being and we are close friends-she's the only friend I have really.

''He made unnecessary comments about my family so excuse me for going all ape shit on his ass.''

''What did he say?''

''He mentioned my dad and that tipped me over the edge. You know the worst part? Principal Grande only reprimanded me when I wasn't the aggressor." I rant. ''Fuck this school, Paris 'cause I've had it up to here at this point.''

She rubs my shoulder in a calm manner and smiles. ''Just ignore him. You're better than all the bullshit he's insinuating. He's obviously missing a few brain cells.''

''A few or a lot?''

''Is it wrong that I ship you two? You're both goals to be honest.''

I give her a disgusted look. ''Are you nuts? I hate him and I don't understand why people worship him at this school." Sure, he might be over 6ft tall with chestnut hair, blue eyes, and a broad build that made him the captain of the basketball team. But trust me, his arrogance is irking. "If I had to choose between marrying Jason and falling off a cliff, I'd pick the latter. That'd be less painful."

She just laughs as we make our way towards the lunch hall.

''Psycho at 3:o'clock." Paris whispers and I immediately know who she's talking about.

Mariah Laughlin.

Mariah, head bitch... I mean Queen of Adelaide Montessori is another name on the long list of people I can't stand in this school. Everything about her is fake- fake hair, fake nails fake personality, hell I believe her body is fake because your boobs should not look like two watermelons at eighteen. Did I mention she's Jason's sidepiece? Well she is, but don't tell her that because she'd throw a temper tantrum and claim she's his 'girlfriend.' She has been another thorn in my side ever since I 'verbally assaulted' her man and has had it out for me. She's such a snake. Actually a snake is even more decent than her.

I'd trade a snake bite over hearing her voice anytime.

''Well, well, if it isn't the zoo animal.'' Mariah says.

''And if it isn't the delusional psycho. Did you and your squad get lost on the way to the mental hospital?'' I retort.

Her squad consists of Lianna and Stella. I thought Mariah was stupid, but those two put her to shame really. They're always at the bottom of the class rank list and are generally just dim-witted. Who in their right mind sides with Mariah? The only thing they both have going for them is that they're gorgeous. If they were dumb and ugly, then that would've been a disaster.

''Who do you think you're talking to?'' She raises her perfect eyebrow at me.

''Is there another head bitch in this school?''

''Good one.'' Paris praises.

''I heard you got into a fight with Jason. Didn't I tell you to stay away from my man or do you have wax in your ears?'' She raises her voice at me.

A crowd has already gathered and a few people have their phones out, recording the showdown. High schoolers love the drama.

''Who made you the defender of Jason? Did I get into a fight with you? Mind your own business."

''He is my man so he is my business. Stay away from him or I will end your reputation.'' she threatens.

''Last I checked, you were just another one of his sidepieces," she gives me a death glare but I continue. "Isn't he fucking Jayda or-?"

''I think it's Chloe now.'' Paris adds.

''Chloe is old news. I believe it's Ronnie now.''

''No wonder your dad left you. You're nothing but a hood rat.'' She shoots back.

Jason and Mariah love to associate my name with the term 'hood rat', don't they?

''Yea and your dad should have pulled out earlier but I guess we can't all get what we want Mariah. After all, look how you turned out. Miserable."

Mariah is seeing red. Seriously,her whole face, down to her glossy blonde hair is boiling and she looks like a tomato. Remember all those cartoon characters on TV that had smoke coming out of their ears when they were really mad? Well that's how Mariah's face is right now. I wonder why she's angry. Everything I said is nothing but the truth.

''Declare yourself dead Melody.'' She spits and sashays away with her clique.

''I'd like to see you try.''

She flips me the bird and I snort. Who flips the bird nowadays?

The crowd fades and Paris looks at me like I had grown wings or two heads or something. I shrug. ''What did I do wrong? She started the argument but I ended it.''

''Damn girl, you've got a lot of guts.'' Paris chuckles.

''Mama ain't raised no bitch. See you at fifth period.'' With that, we depart to our various classes.

The only sad thing is I never got to eat lunch.

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