Hate You, Love You.



Perfect timing, Janet.

''Okay, boys, wrap it up. I believe that was quite the introduction.''

I shrug Gerald away from me and he staggers again. The blonde who was on his lap hands him a tissue and I roll my eyes. He can't even take a little punch. If I was being serious, his jaw would have been dislocated and his teeth would have been on display on the floor for everyone to see.

Janet walks up to us and gives me a disapproving look, her hips swaying with each step . Only she can wear a crop top and denim shorts in this weather. Janet and I are close, she's my right hand woman and the main reason why we formed the gang in the first place. When we were threatened by the Tollido's men, she brought up the idea of forming the gang and Pearson and I went along with it. We were all filled with rage and I guess that rage paid off because we are what we are now because of that.

She's an expert weapon's specialist and has some serious kickboxing skills. I don't know how, she refuses to say, but Janet does the actual procuring of the weapons. People think I do it, but she does and fuck she's good. I thought I had connections, but Janet surely knows people in the military. Without her, I don't think we'd have achieved as much success we have thus far. We have the respect of the Siddeno's and the Floretini's which is not something you get on a platter of gold. Of course, there's also the fact that the two mafia's are sworn enemies. We play devil's advocate when it comes to their rivalry, preferring not to get mixed in their shit.

We just do our jobs and get paid.

''Now, boys,'' she reprimands like we are five year-olds. ''That is no way to treat each other after not seeing for over eight months.''

Her gaze falls on Mel and her eyes widen in recognition, then she gives me a disapproving look the one she gives me when she believes that I'm making an unwise decision. Mel on the other hand is staring at her with what I assume is anger. I don't blame her, Janet did drug her without my authorization. In her defence though,  no one knows about our base except for a few individuals, including my sister. We didn't expect company so she thought Mel was a threat.

I made matters worse by ordering Janet to tie her up and then threatening her with a switchblade. In that moment, threatening her seemed like the one thing I could do so she wouldn't run her mouth to the cops. I don't know what force propelled her to follow Ryan all the way to the base but she did. We weren't on good terms and I didn't trust her so I had to threaten her into submission. It's a tactic that has been used by terrorists, mafias, jihadists and yes, gangs. 

Looking back, I wish I had never done that. It was stupid and I regret it. Mel didn't say anything and till this day, I don't know why she kept quiet. We hated each other back then and she had gone apeshit on me for talking smack about her dad (another dumb move). It would have been easier for her to exert her revenge by ratting me out but she didn't. She acted like everything was normal-well if you count normal as avoiding me like a bubonic plague.

She's loyal. That's one quality that attracted me to her. Even after I revealed to her that I'm a gangleader and I told her the depth of our activities, she still didn't say anything. She kept her promise. Even when I had a gash caused by her boyfriend (or should I call him an ex since he hasn't been seen since the Lakedale event?) she stitched me up despite hating my guts and didn't say anything, nor did she push it when I told her that I wasn't willing to talk about what happened.

Loyalty is a rarity in my world. When it comes to power plays and dominance of territories, those whom you think are your friends can quickly switch sides and turn into your worst nightmares. Gangs and mafias are full of that shit and it makes me really wary. I don't trust anyone apart from Pearson, Janet and Ryan. They've proved that they're loyal to a fault.

To an extent, I trust Princess. When I first found out she was dating Bob, or should I say, Vladmir, I was shocked and a little angry. Contrary to what I had told her, I found out about her secret relationship months before she and Bob had a date in Dianopolis park. People talk and when the head of a powerful and influential mafia takes a new girlfriend, no matter how hard they tried to hide it, the truth would come out. Two of Bob's men came over to the base for the handguns that they had ordered weeks earlier. It was an easy shipment since it was from Mexico and it wasn't a hassle to smuggle them over the border. 

Anyway, they came over and I overheard them saying their boss had a new flame. It caught my attention because Patricia was the last woman he dated and I never understood why the relationship went sour. All I know is she came home crying and cursing Bob, stated she was done with him, packed a bag and permanently moved to Paris straight after the breakup.

They stated he was dating someone younger than him and rumour was she was still in high school. I took Ryan's sister to Dianopolis park and coincidentally caught them there. That was the confirmation I needed.

I was shocked because I never expected her to be the type to date. She always looked like the type to hit a guy who so much as winked at her. I've watched her reject so many proposals from the boys at Adelaide. 

I was angry because I was jealous. Yes, I was jealous because I wished it was me she was smiling at. I wished it was me she was kissing. I wished I was the one giving her a ring.

I doubt she knew who Bob was and knowing that bastard, he probably didn't tell her. If he did, she would have run for the hills.

''He hit me,'' Jerry wheezed, holding the handkerchief to his jaw. ''He fucking hit me.''

''I'm sure he didn't mean it.'' She gives me a sharp look. ''Really, this is how you make an appearance?''

I shrug. I'm not sorry and I'd hit him again if he so much as looks at Mel sideways. 

''You know the rules, boys.'' She says again. ''No fighting with your fists. We only fight on the streets.''

The crowd around us cheers at the mention of the streets and I feel a sense of adrenaline wash through me. Fuck, it's been so long since I felt the rush of racing in the dark and having the crowd screaming my name.

''How about a match?'' she suggests. The crowd starts getting excited and I do too. Mel however looks wary and unsure. ''King of the Jaguar vs Gerald the Beast?''

''Fine,'' Jerry sneers. He probably wants to prove that he's not a pussy. ''It'd be nice beating your ass again.''

''You're a cheater, Jerry,'' I confirm with a narrow of my eyes. ''Even in your dreams, you can't beat me.''

The Tollido's are shady. Jerry is not an exception. Our last match ended in a deadlock. Why? He was in my lane and 'accidentally' hit the side of my Veyron, causing me to swerve off the road right when we were almost at the finish line. Luckily, I had years of experience in the driving shit and was able to have an unceremonious return back to the road and met him when he was about to gloat about beating me for the first time in his life. The shock on his face was priceless as we both made it and it was a tie. It was a sweet victory; I was beating his ass before he cheated, but it cost a shit ton of money to fix the dent on my baby. Eight thousand dollars is no joke and I should have sued him for damages.

Bets made that night were in shambles because there had never been a tie before. It's either you win or get your ass wiped with a mop. It was a sight to see.

'' I won the last match fair and square.''

''Let's let the past stay dead and buried,'' Janet cuts in. ''The night is still young and we have all these people cheering for you both.'' I have to have Mel home by ten thirty or her mum would never let me near her again.

''What do you say?''

''Sure,'' I shrug. The sooner I wrap this shit up, the better.

The crowd cheers and everyone runs outside. Jerry gives me a side glare along with his gang as they head towards the direction of the crowd. Janet motions for us to go outside and I nod.

Once everywhere is cleared out and it's just Mel and I, I turn to her. She has a small smile on her face. ''Those were fighting words.''

''Wait, you're not freaked out?''

''I should be, but surprisingly I'm not.'' she admits. ''When you came over, I didn't expect that I'd be thrust into the den of two lions,'' she jokes. ''You two really hate each other.''

Just like we did.

''You have no idea.''

She looks at me through the lashes of her mocha skin and I give her a chaste kiss. ''Want to see how I destroy Jerry on these streets?'' This is me. This is my turf. This is what I do because I'm good at this shit.

I shrug my suit jacket off and hand it to her. As she watches me, I pop the first two buttons of my black shirt open and adjust my sleeves. I wink at her and she gives me a cute blush. I noticed that she blushes a lot around me and I fucking love it. 

She's mine, and she knows it. She just has to accept it.

Her hand grips my biceps, slender fingers curling around it. I love when she touches me. ''Kick his ass.''

I laugh at that.

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