Hate You, Love You.

Chapter 116 - HAPPINESS

After that awkward and slightly uncomfortable encounter with Patricia, the rest of the luncheon goes on smoothly and withouta hitch. A couple of people, who I was introduced to as friends of the family or Jason's mum's business associates couldn't hide their surprise that Jason actually brought a date. One particular lady in a Queen of England hat, Jenny Porter, was quite chatty.??

Apparently, she has known Jason for quite a long time and seemed to frequent a number of events hosted by the Blunts.??Well, she said that Jason has never really taken interest in women, at least, he hasn't found them interesting enough to bring them to family functions. That would explain the surprised looks we got once we entered. She went on and on for what felt like hours till her husband cut in and said he wanted to introduce her to someone.

I won't lie and say I don't feel a sense of pride. I do. Why? Because I'm the first woman he's bringing to a family event. That must signal that he's serious about us, it just has to. Guys don't introduce girls to their family unless they are really serious about the relationship-that's what Grandma Maggie told me anyways.

Jason puts his mouth to my ear. ''Are you alright?''

I turn to him with a small smile. ''Just a little tired.''

It has been two hours since we got here and this event isn't necessarily the sitting down type. The only chairs I see are the ones in the living room and they're occupied.

''We could always leave,'' he offers. ''I'll drop you home if you like.''

I squeeze his arm. ''I'm good.''

Besides, I haven't met his parents yet. Plus, it'd be rude to leave an event before it's over.


''That's my mum,'' he whispers.

Speaking of the devil.

She isn't actually a devil, she's fucking gorgeous and I almost do a double take. I got a quick glimpse of her at the Adelaide Charity event but it doesn't match the beauty before my eyes.

I am starstruck.

I've seen Heather Blunt in pictures online, but that doesn't even do her justice. She's prettier in person and looks quite young. I don't know her age but she doesn't look like she's in her forties. Her dress is similar to mine, a teal A-line dress with a sweetheart neckiline. It hugs her curves in all the right places and she generally pulls it off so gracefully. I bet it's as expensive as the jewellery on her neck.

''Mum.'' He briefly detatches my hold from his and moves to hug her. She gives him two pecks on the cheeks and adjusts his collar while giving him a slight, but playful reprimand about his grooming.

Her gaze falls on me and I give her a nervous smile. ''You must be my son's date.'' she notes.

I nod once and she moves in to hug me like she did her son. Okay, I think she likes me. Releasing me from the hug, she looks at both of us and she's smiling from ear to ear. ''I'm so happy you both could make it and my son finally brought a date to one of my events. He never tells me a lot about his love life so I'm happy to see that he finally has a girlfriend.''

Finally? I guess she doesn't know about Mariah. He probably didn't tell her.

Jason doesn't correct his mum and neither do I. He hasn't asked me yet, but if he does, I won't say no. I like him a lot and he likes me but I won't push it. I guess we're still in the dating stage so we'll see how it goes.

Heat flushes on both my cheeks and she coos. ''You're so cute when you blush and you're really pretty too.''

Heather Blunt, the epitome of beauty, just called me pretty. That's a huge compliment coming from her and now I see where Jason gets his ''handsomeness'' from. They look alike; he's the spitting image of her and I swear, they could pass off as twins.

She gave birth to herself-well the male version of herself.

''Thank you, ma'am.''

''Please call me Heather. Ma'am makes me feel old and I'm not even forty.''

Called it! That means she must have had Jason at a young age since he's nineteen.??

''And your name is?'' she asks. ''Sorry, I've been talking for so long. I was rambling because I got too excited.''

Jason narrows his eyes with a slight tilt of his lower lip and I relax a bit. Heather Blunt isn't bad at all. Jason was right. There really is no need to be nervous. I thought she'd be one of those rich snobs who despised their sons' choices of dating outside their ''circle'' but she seems chill, at least from first impression perspective.

''Melody Jones.''

For a split second, her eyes grow wide and a look of recognition splashes on her face, but she composes herself.??


I nod slowly.

''By any chance, are your parents Lydia and Dharell Jones?''

''You know my parents?''

How does she know my parents?

''I do,'' she simply says but her whole demeanour changed in a split second.??She was cheerful and bubbly before but now, it's like a dark cloud rained on her parade.

I'm not the only one who noticed because Jason casts a questioning gaze at his mum. ''Is there a problem, mum?"

''None, sweetie.'' She plasters a fake smile. ''Enjoy the rest of the luncheon, Melody. It was wonderful to meet you and I hope I get to see you around more often.''

Someone calls her name and she quickly excuses herself.

That was weird and unprecedented.

How does the beauty mogul, Heather Blunt know my parents?


After I met Heather, Dean came over and introduced himself. He seemed intimidating and strict to say the least, but Jason said it was just a front he puts up because he's a lawyer and has a reputation to uphold because some of his business associates are present.

I found out that Heather and Dean have been married for ten plus years. Jason explained that they married when he was eight and Dean formally adopted him, hence why he has his surname. He talks about him in high esteem and I have the impression that he respects him a lot. No surprise there because Jason did mention that he never knew his dad. Dean became his father figure and the rest is history.

Heather gave a speech, thanking everyone for honouring her invitation and explaining the purpose of the luncheon-Heather Beauty expanded to Seoul, South Korea and the store would officially open tomorrow.

I haven't actually used a Heather Beauty product before. It's way above my tax bracket but I know I've seen Paris with a lipstick from the brand. It must be really good since it's making big bank, enough to expand to different countries.

''Melody Jones,'' a soft voice calls out. With??a glass of orange juice I got from Nana Lily in my hand, I turn to Heather who joins me on the terrace. Jason's step-dad wanted to introduce him to a few of his clients so they're inside. I needed a bit of fresh air so I walked around till I found a quiet place to breathe and kick off my heels.

Un-lady like, I know, but my feet are killing me from all the standing and moving around. Plus, my cheeks are hurting from all the smiling I've been doing and my ears are hurting from all the tales I've heard about Jason's never-bring-a-date-to-an-event-a-phase.

Besides, I've never considered myself a prim and proper breed. I'm just an imperfect and uncoordinated me-a lady like that.

''Heather.'' I acknowledge.

''Why don't you take a seat?'' She motions to the plush, leather couches. ''You look like you need it.'' Her eyes move to my discarded heels and I blush slightly in embarrassment. I do as she instructs and she takes a seat opposite me.

How do I bring up the conversation of how she knows my parents? I've never met her before up until today and my mum has never mentioned that she has a friend called Heather.

''You know, my son is very private about his affairs,'' she starts. ''and that's partially my fault because we haven't been as close due to my hectic schedule. When I hinted to him that he should bring a date, I never in my wildest dreams thought it would be you.''

She knows me also?

''You've grown from the last time I saw you.''

I'm confused. ''You know me?''

''In a way,'' she nods. ''I only saw you in pictures, so I guess you could say I know you. Dharell talked a lot about you.''

''How do you know my dad?'' I haven't seen my dad in years and now she knows him?

''I dated your father, Melody. Once upon a time.''

Excuse me?

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