Hate You, Love You.

Chapter 131 - LOVE YOU LIKE A SONG


Last year was about as dramatic as any teenage soap opera. 

But, I scaled through it. High school taught me a lot of invaluable life lessons such as: never take things for granted, always know the devil in the disguise and always listen to your gut when it tells you that something is seriously wrong. 

After the drama that went down at Aunty Fiona's bakery, the media decided that hounding me would be the best thing for me. They got wind of who I was, and somehow knew everything that went down. Once again, my matter was on the front page news and was the only thing worth talking about on the local news station. They aired it for weeks and even camped out at the apartment for days unending, trying to get ''my side of the story.''

I wasn't the only one making headline news.

Dave Shaw ended up singing like a songbird. Turns out when they slap life imprisonment in your face without the possibility of parole, you'd reconsider what's most important. He ended up implicating himself and Patricia. He was her right hand man and helped do her dirty work. He told the investigators everything; from how they've been monitoring Daniel and I, to the Lakedale shootout, to how they killed him in Shadow Grove-execution style. He also said that he was the one who mailed the head of the dead skunk, the notes and he slashed my tyres per Patricia's orders. He blamed everything on her in order to get a lighter sentence.

As for Patricia, well she's sitting pretty in the four walls of Bridgewood's Correctional Facility. Her case went to trial a month ago and she was sentenced to life imprisonment without the possibility of parole for murder, wreckless endangerment of a minor, kidnapping, trespassing and assault. I guess karma really is a bitch and everything always comes back full circle. The Blunt's where devastated when they found out, moreso Dean because he never thought his daughter was capable of such atrocities. They hired the best lawyers for her, and they tried to plead insanity so she'd get sent to a crazy house instead of prison, but the judge wasn't having it. 

Turns out, she isn't little Miss Perfect. I later found out that Avanla Maxwell is her middle name, named after her late mum and her squeaky clean record was falsified. Apparently, she got help from people in the Floretini mafia and they made her criminal record disappear, hence why she wasn't properly documented in the database.

She had been arrested before in Bridgewood, back when she was a teenager, and used her middle name. That's how Theo was able to link her handwriting to that of the fake note she sent posing as Daniel.

It still bothers me, even a year later, that she was the one behind everything. I never would have thought she hated me that much and it was all because she held a grudge against Daniel.

I still think about him-Daniel-Bob-whatever aliases he went by. Patricia said that he sacrificed himself for me and it hurts that we never got to properly say goodbye. I sometimes blame myself for everything that went down, but I've tried to put the past behind me and not wallow in self-pity.

Mum and Sophie were equally shocked when I told them about everything that happened. Mum ended up crying because she couldn't believe that all those things happened right under her nose. Sophie on the other hand thought I was a living character from one of Grandma Maggie's soap-operas. 

In other news, good news even, I graduated high school. I wasn't going to allow Patricia's bullshit to deprive me of writing the exams so I did after the doctors said I was healthy enough. I passed and got admitted to Dolemite University on a full ride scholarship thanks to stellar recommendations from my teachers, school extra curiculars and Mrs Finley.

That means I put a lot of miles between Bridgewood and I. 

It was a necessary measure. The whole town basically knew who I was and wouldn't stop wagging their lips and giving me sympathetic stares anytime I walked by. After I got offers from, I kissed the town and my family goodbye and headed to New York for a fresh start. It wasn't an easy decision considering I had to leave Mum and Sophie, but I had to do what was best for me. Dolemite called my name and now I'm currently majoring in Psychology with plans to attend law school straight after. Even though I'm in New York, I still communicate with my family and my friends from Adelaide.

After I moved to New York, Mum and Sophie moved away from Cranedale to a safer neighbourhood. It was long overdue and a necessary measure influenced by many decisions ranging from the media's invasion of our privacy to moving on to newer and better things in life. Sophie is in 9th grade now is getting used to doing things on her own without my help. Despite the constraints that come with Type A Sephiligitis, she's doing extremely well at Linkdale. She's in the swim team and Academic Decathlon. She insisted on not changing schools and instead makes the commute as it is ''easier.''

I'm glad to know I at least taught her something.

Mum is still mum. She's still a nurse at St John's and is on her way to becoming a matron. She calls me everyday, sometimes three times a day and I love it. I miss her so much and it gets really hard sometimes without her but I did make the decision to be a big girl.

Easton and Phaedra are parents to the cutest toddler I've ever seen. Her name is Dorothea and she was born a week after the incident at Aunty Fiona's bakery. She was named after Easton's grandmother who passed away when he was younger. Easton and Phaedra are still together and are raising Drothea in Bridgewood: Easton is attending Bridgewood University on a basketball scholarship and Phaedra is attending Harbourdale, albeit online so she can take care of Dorothea. I have plans of visiting them during the holidays because I miss my goddaughter and I can't survive on just pictures and video's alone.

A relationship that didn't stand the test of time however is Paris and Ryan's. They mutually decided to end things shortly after graduation because the long distance relationship thing wasn't what was best for them. Paris moved to New Jersey to study fashion designing at Hallmark Fashion Institute while Ryan moved all the way to Conneticut to major in Business Administration at Harvard University.

I miss my best friend. New York is great and I've met new people and experienced new things but I wish she was right by my side. We talk almost everyday on the phone and Skype when we can. We've even made plans of meeting up in Bridgewood once the holidays roll in.

Theo moved to Bridgewood permanently and became a permanent fixture in the police department. Turns out he fell in love with Bridgewood and the police department fell in love with him as well. He was given a promotion for his hard work on my case and is looking at becoming the Sherriff one day. I'm proud of him and I'm extremely grateful for his entry into my life. He became a real brother to me and I wouldn't trade out dynamic for anything. He still calls to check up on me and asks if I'm reading and eating and all that jazz that parents and older siblings ask you. I swear, he hounds me more than my own mother but it's all love. 

He also got himself a girlfriend. Her name is Chelsea and it looks like it's a serious relationship judging by how much he posts about her on social media. They look so in love and as long as he's happy, I'm happy.

Mariah moved to California straight after high school to pursue her dreams of becoming an actor. We also communicate on social media when we can and there's no bad blood between us. She may have been a bitch earlier on but she has changed. She's starring in her first feature film next month and again, I'm happy for her. That's her dream and I'm glad it's becoming a reality.

Unfortunately, I couldn't get Jason and Mariah to talk about things because they left things on a very bad note. He believes she's evil and I believe that that isn't the case. I tried to set up a meeting before we all went our separate but Jason wasn't having it and I didn't want to push it. I guess somethings are best left unsaid.

Sophie is in 9th grade now is getting used to doing things on her own without my help. Despite the constraints that come with Type A Sephiligitis, she's doing extremely well 

Mrs Fiona still runs the bakery in Bridgewood. Jason paid for the damages to the bakery and the Blunts even offered to renovate the place to make it a little more modern. I guess they felt some form of guilt because their kids did cause damage to the property. Uncle J passed away in January in his sleep after years of battling with prostate cancer. I didn't get a chance to go to the funeral but Mum and Sophie did on behalf of me.

''What are you thinking about?'' I hear the bedroom door open and in walks the man that I still can't believe is mine. Sometimes I pinch myself because I can't believe I got so lucky.

''Us,'' I answer with a smile. His full weight bounces on the bed and he gives me a kiss on the lips.

''What about us?''

''Just about how far we've come.''

Jason and I are still together. Matter of fact, we attend Dolemite together. Yes, he moved to New York with me. His step-dad wasn't too pleased with the decision considering he wanted him to attend Harvard but Jason stood his ground. Like Ryan, he's studying Business Administration and is actually on a basketball scholarship. 

After he turned himself in last year, he was slapped in the face with gang-related charges. Turns out, he wasn't as slick as he thought he was. Theo figured out everything and let's just say the police department and his parents weren't too happy about it.

But he was released. Why? Because he was the one that alerted Theo, and by extension, the whole police department about what was going on with me. If it hadn't been for him, I probably would have been dead.

Also, he was co-operative with the detectives, specifically with Detective Anderson and Officer Louis. He ratted his sister out and told them everything that she told him. He also showed them the items that she kept in her bedroom, further implicating her: the knife, the pictures of my slashed tyres, the pictures of Daniel's execution and the notes that she wrote. Patricia was more crazy than I thought because that bitch actually wanted to poison me with arsenic.

After he was released, his gang disbanded. He didn't tell the police about them instead he took the fall for everything. Part of the reasons why they disbanded is because everyone wanted to do their own thing: Ryan and Jason wanted to go to college, Pearson wanted to travel the world and Janet wanted to settle down and have a family. The Tollido's are now the ones calling the shots in the gang world in Bridgewood but we could care less. Like me, Jason decided that putting miles between him and his past was the best option. He doesn't deal with weapons and drugs anymore and has decided to start life on a clean slate.

He started his own line of clothing apparel called ''Jalo'' here in New York. It's still small now, but it has been a hit among the students at Dolemite because the store which he bought is right at the heart of the college. Turns out he made big bank as a gangleader and is making bigger bank with his clothing store.

Jalo specifies in men's wear and is looking to expand to the female gender in the near future. 

''We have come a long way,'' he agrees. ''But you know what, I wouldn't trade our story, our journey for anything.''

We worked through our issues, one of it being trust issues, and we're in a better place in our relationship. We even got an apartment off campus together. It was a mutual decision and one of the best decisions of my life. He makes me feel so alive, and with each passing day, I fall more and more in love with him. We have our issues like most couples but still, we always manage to work things out. He's sweet, attentive, caring, dangerously attractive and makes my heart flutter all the damn time.

The one thing I love about him is that he cares about me-a lot actually-and is very protective almost to the point that it's annoying but, that's just Jason being Jason.

''I wouldn't either,'' I say with a small smile. His hands snake around my waist and he puts his head on my stomach. I stroke his soft, chestnut hair lovingly. ''Is Theo still coming to visit?''


Theo is coming to check up on me, per my mum's request. Yes, my mum knows about Theo and the importance I attach to him. They've gotten close and now she sees him as her de facto son. 

''Bummer,'' he grumbles.

I roll my eyes. ''Be nice.''

Theo and Jason get along, at least for my sake. I think Theo has finally come to the realization that I really love Jason. He wasn't too pleased when I told him that I was moving in with him considering his ''criminal past'' but he grudgingly accepted my decision as long as Jason promised to take care of me.

So far he has kept his promise. We'd be celebrating our one year anniversary soon with the friends that we've made here along with a surprise that Jason refuses to tell me about.

''I am nice,'' he counters. ''I'm just not that nice to him.''


''I'm a man, babe,'' I can see him smirking. ''And you know it.'' A blush creeps up on my cheeks.

Oh, I know.

''I love you,'' I say.

And I mean every single word.

''I love you more and I still can't believe you're mine.'' I lower my head to give him a peck on the lips.

''It's still mind boggling to me also.''

''And to think we started off hating each other.''

I laugh at that. ''Who would've thought that hate would turn to love?''

Certainly not me because back in high school, I never thought my life would be like this but I wouldn't have it any other way. I got my happy ending.



''I'm going to marry you one day.'' 

''Just pop the question. You already know the answer.''

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