Hate You, Love You.

Chapter 16 - YOU RUIN ME

Mariah left for the dance floor shortly after our little chat. Hopefully, she takes my advice and stops making herself look pathetic. Jason isn't the only guy on the planet and when she's out in the big, wide world, she'd realize that.

It's 12:00am right now and I'm so tired, so much so that I can barely keep my eyes open. Paris, I believe, is already intoxicated, judging by the three drinks she already doused in the span of three hours. I told her that it's best if we leave, but she whined about not wanting to go, so I let her go back and dance, whilst keeping a close eye on her.

''Haven't seen you at all tonight, Jones.''

''What do you want, Jason?''

''Nothing, out of the ordinary.'' My gaze flickers to him but he smiles sheepishly. His fitted shirt is covered in sweat, no doubt from all the dancing he's been doing, and stayed glued to him like a second skin. Even in the semi-darkness, I could tell he looked good, just like always. ''Don't you have another girl to shove your tongue down into?'' I question.

He calls Jacob for a drink and leans on the counter-top, his pink lips curving into one of his signature smirks that I hate. ''Are you jealous?''

''I can't degrade myself to the level of those girls.''

He puts his hands on his chest in mock hurt. ''You wound me, Jones.''

''As if.''

Jacob appears in front of us and hands Jason his Mojito. ''Here you go.'' He turns to me. ''Are you sure you don't want anything?''

''Actually, can I have a lemon water? I'm feeling a bit parched.''

''On it.''

Jason takes a sip of the clear, cool liquid and his eyes light up till he gulps it all down. I silently watch him, partly in awe at how he can throw it all back like that, and partly in realization that he's going to get shitfaced tonight.

''Who drinks lemon water at a club?'' he questions.

''Me,'' I answer defensively. ''I drink lemon water at a club and if you have a problem with it, you can suck it.''

He sticks his tongue out and I shake my head at his childish behaviour. The more I think about it, the more I realize that this is probably the first peaceful conversation we're having-no insults, no calling each other names and no fighting,

How ironic it has to be at a club.

''All I'm saying is,'' he says after a beat. ''You should try Jake's cocktails. They're top quality.''

Jacob comes back with my lemon water and Jason orders another drink, this time a Margarita. How does he know the names of all these drinks at eighteen years old? One would think he's been running the bars all his life.

''You know the likelihood of people dying of alcohol poisoning is seventy-six percent, right?''

He shrugs with nonchalance at my estimation. ''There's also twenty-four percent that make it out alive, and I happen to be one of them. Besides, the whole point of this event is to get shitfaced, so might as well.''

I refuse to be a reckless, irresponsible teenager, especially when I have a mum that would literally whoop my ass if she so much as heard that I've been to a club, no not once, but twice. Let's not forget, I have a sister who is ill and still depends on me.

''Just out of curiosity, how were you able to host this without Grande's knowledge and without the teacher's knowing?''

Principal Grande knows everything that happens in the school, seriously, nothing ever gets past him so I'm surprised he hasn't come to call this whole party off and give us a lecture about how we're not 'acting like ambassadors of Adelaide Montessori Prep.''

''Grande has spies in the school,'' he starts. ''the ones who snitch to him about every little thing just to kiss ass, and I happen to know them, so they weren't invited. I also told Ryan to invite only a selected few who I trust to not run their mouth. So far, everything's going smoothly; Grande's probably sleeping right now, and let's be real, the teachers don't give a fuck about what we do, as long as they get paid every month.''

Fair point.

It's my turn to smirk. ''So you trust me enough to not snitch?''

''You're no snitch, Jones, and you know it. If you where you would've gone to the police after I threatened you but you didn't,'' he says calmly.

And just like that, ladies and gentlemen, all thoughts of him being attractive and whatnot is out the window along with whatever infatuation my heart is developing. This is why we can never have a normal conversation: either he does something or says something to aggravate me or I throttle him.

''You know what Jason,'' I respond with fire in my eyes. Yes, I'm still mad even when I said I'd forget about it. Moreso, he hasn't deemed it fit to apologize to me and we stay in the same room! ''Screw you. I really should have reported you to the police when I had the chance. You're an actual criminal.''

He sips his second drink and doesn't fret. His cool and calm demeanour is really making this whole thing unsettling. The normal thing to do in this type of situation is to beg me to not report to the police-not that I was going to report him- but he doesn't need to know that.

''Go ahead, Melody. In fact, I dare you to report me. But, know this, I'm not the only one engaging in 'criminal' activity and you know that all too well, now don't you?'' he says mockingly, his blue eyes daring me to contradict him.

He can't possibly be referring to what I think he's referring to. No, he can't know about that; we took extraordinary precautions and were as careful as possible.

''Is that a threat?''

''It's not really gentleman-ly to threaten a lady.'' I snort out loud at his use of the word 'gentleman.' Jason Blunt and gentleman should never be used in the same sentence. It's like trying to put Blueface in the category of the most talented rappers on the planet.

It doesn't fit.

''Consider it a warning, Jones.''

''I'll say this once, and I've probably said this a million times, Jason, but: Fuck you.''

I take my lemon water from the table and move away from the bar and unto the dancefloor to look for Paris, my mood already dampened. I see Ryan talking to Lewis over at the pool table and I walk over to them. ''Hey, have you seen Paris?''

''She said she was going to the bathroom,'' Ryan answers. ''But she hasn't come out yet.'' He scrutinizes my face but I refuse to look at him. ''Did something happen?''

Yes, something did happen: Your stupid best friend decided that it'd be wise to bring up an issue that I swore on my life I'd forget. Not to mention, he just threatened me again and is being all mysterious…again.

''No, I'm just tired,'' I lie. ''It's been a long night.''

''Did Jason say something to you?'' he persists. ''Because I saw y'all talking.''

''No, he didn't. I just really want to leave and tell Paris I'm leaving.''

''Are you sure?'' he asks again, this time with more urgency. Am I really that transparent when I'm upset?''

''Positive.'' I say, and even add a fake smile to go along with it.

Luckily, he drops it and gesticulates towards the bathroom. ''There she is.''

Paris comes out and her eyes twinkles when she sees me. She rushes over to me, her auburn hair bouncing with each step, and gives me a bear hug. ''I missed you so much, Mel. Where have you been?''

''You know, chilling at the bar.''

''Really?'' she asks incredulously. ''You didn't even dance?''


''And you didn't drink?''

I put my glass of lemon water in her face. ''Only this.'' She raises a brow but I shrug it off. ''How are you not intoxicated?'' I've been to one too many high school parties with Paris and I sure as hell know when she's hammered.

''Yea, I had three drinks, but they're not like the strong ones. Plus, I drank a lot of water so I'm pretty sure I'm sober.''

''Really?'' I ask, not believing her. Last time she claimed she was sober, she ended up puking on my shoes and was hungover for a whole day.

''I'm serious.''

I hold up my fingers. ''How many fingers do I have?''


''What's my favourite fruit?''


''Favourite singer?''

''Taylor Swift.''

''Favourite drink?''


I smile in relief. ''Yea, you're definitely sober.''


''Anywho, I'm about to leave. It's 1:00am and I really need my beauty sleep.''

''Cool. I'm tired also.'' She turns to Ryan and Lewis who are watching us with smiles on their faces. With a flirtatious grin, she walks over to Ryan and gives him a hug. Whispering something in his ear, she gives him a peck on his cheek.

Okay, this is new.

''Shall we, Mel.''

''We shall.''

We wave a final goodbye to the guys and head for the exit of the club. As we head towards the elevator, I give her a knowing look and she blushes slightly.

''Did I miss something?''

''I'll tell you all about it.''

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