Hate You, Love You.

Chapter 18 - ACT UP

I make it in time without looking like a total slob, which is an achievement because I had a little mishap with my carryon bag.

Don't ask.

The sun is scorching hot as I proceed to where the Principal and the other students are standing. Grande is having a conversation with a man I have never seen before, along with the few teachers that are assigned to this trip while we break into groups, discussing with each other. Paris sees me from the corner of her eye and makes her way towards me. She is dressed in a fitted white camisole and capri pants; a jeans jacket is securely tied on her waist and a backpack is on her back. Her hair is pulled into a high ponytail and a Dolce and Gabbana limited edition pair of shades is perched on her face.

''Aren't you underdressed?'' I question amusingly. She shrugs nonchalantly and points to the other students. ''Not a lot of people followed Grande's dress code. How does he expect us to function in jeans and a T-shirt in this heat? My legs will die from exhaustion.'' As I scan the crowd, I realize that I'm part of the few students who actually followed the rules. A lot of girls, like Paris, are dressed in capris, joggers and denim shorts. The boys are the only ones who at least managed to put on jeans. Save for that violation, and the camisoles which 70% of the girls sported, the colours are on point.

I point to my outfit. ''Well, I followed the dresscode and I haven't died.''

''That's because you are you, Mel; you're a goody-two shoes.''??Rude. I nudge her on her side but she ignores it. '' Plus, Grande will not have a heart attack because at least some people listened to him. He literally lectured us five minutes ago about how we didn't follow his rules and bla bla bla,'' she mocks. ''I mean, we're outside, about to enter a fucking forest or woods in twenty-seven degree weather and he expects me to wear a T-shirt? No sir.''

Good point.

A throat clears and the chatter dies down. We turn our attention to the front of the hotel, on the steps, were Principal Grande and the man from earlier are situated. Grande's blue ball cap is covering the half of his greying face and a handkerchief is in his hand as he wipes the stray sweat from his face. His blue jeans and dark brown T-shirt actually makes him looks younger. It also helps that he has maintained a slender build over the years.??

If only he looks like this everyday. It's much better than the stuffy suits he wears to school.

"Students, now that you all are here, I will like to introduce you to your guide, Aiden.'' Principal Grande gestures to the man in a wife beater and track pants who looks like he's in his late 20s with his jet black hair, broad shoulders and beaming smile as he looks down at us.

"He will be guiding you as you journey towards the Alpaca woods which is just a few metres away from the hotel.'' Murmurs and chatter fill the space but Principal Grande silences it with his hand. Paris has a 'are you shitting me' look on her face which can only mean one thing: She's not interested in the activity.??

Don't get me wrong, I go out for a run twice a week, and it wouldn't be an overstatement if I say I'm physically fit, but the whole forest and game talk looks like work I do not want to do for the life of me.

''You'll be playing a game, a very clich?? one which is very familiar to all of you.''

''Is it poker?'' Ryan asks as he stands next to Jason whose face is shielded with a ball cap. Principal Grande shakes his head. ''No, Mr Clark, it is not poker.''

How do you even play poker in the woods?

''Is it Call of Duty?'' Alyssa, a punk chick with dark blond hair snorts. I'm no expert but I'm pretty sure Call of Duty is a video game.??Grande again shakes his head and we all look at each other in confusion. ''Enough with the guesses,'' he says. ''You will be playing a good old fashioned game of Treasure Hunt.''

Treasure Hunt?

''What are we, five?'' Paris whispers to me.??

''Exactly what I was thinking.''

Aiden, our guide, continues from where Grande left off. ''The rules are simple: find the treasure and bring it back,'' his baritone voice instructs. ''Inside the Alpaca lies a wooden box containing the 'treasure'. You will be divided into groups of four and whichever group finds the box first and brings it back to the spot marked X over there,'' he gestures to his left where a bold letter 'X' has been drawn on the cobblestone floor with what I will assume is chalk.''gets a special gift from your Principal and from the hotel."

Murmurs of approval and cheers filled the room.

"Now, now simmer down,'' he continues. "The whole point of this exercise is to emphasize the essence of teamwork as this is an essential life skill. I noticed that a lot of you have cliques and you do not mix well with those outside your circle.'' Well he's observant. ''I want to change that narrative through this exercise. Like I mentioned earlier, you'll be divided into groups of four and your Principal and I based the groupings using your last names."

"Oh, come on!"??


''So not fair!''

If they're basing it off of our last names, I may most likely not end up with Paris.

"I will be handing out a piece of paper and it contains your names and your various groups.'' Aiden comes down the steps and hands out the papers. Once I get my paper, I immediately spot my name; I'm paired with Layla from Maths class, Easton from English-Literature and Kayden from...I really don't know a Kayden.

''If you're worried about safety, fear not. The woods are completely clear of wild animals and critters. We had a safety inspection conducted prior to your arrival so you are all good.'' Grande informs with a smile on his face.

Thank God.

"You have three minutes to find your group members and follow Aiden as he would be taking over from here."

A hand taps me on my shoulder and I turn around to see my group mates waving me over. I tell Paris a quick goodbye then walk over to them and we exchanged pleasantries as we walk towards the forest were Aiden is headed.

We get to a clearing that has been marked with chalk and Aiden blows a whistle. "Okay listen up guys. There are three boxes hidden in the woods, one of which contains the actual treasure while the others are decoys. Find the box, take it back to the designated spot, get your reward. Understood?"



"Can we begin now?''

He blows the whistle again and we all scatter, looking for the treasure.

This is going to be a long day.

"Okay then, I guess we should split up ya know, to cover more ground?", Easton suggests, his shaggy brown hair blocking a portion of his face.??

"Not a bad idea,'' Layla states. "But how do we communicate if we've found a box or something?"

"We could exchange numbers?" I say.

Easton nods in approval. "Cool, so how about we split in two's? I could go with Melody and Layla and Kayden, you two could go together?"??

We exchange numbers and are on our way; Layla and Kayden take the right side of the woods while Easton and I meander to the left. The sun is not making things any easier for me if I'm being honest. We do not get along???at all. It's not like I get sunburn or anything, it's just that the sun makes me uncomfortable., Bridgewood is a small town that rarely sees sun, even during the summer. This year, I guess the weather decided to do a 360 degree turn and soak my T-shirt in sweat before I even have the chance to find the so called treasure.

Fuck you, climate change.

This thing had better be worth it because my boots, which cost a lot of mulla, are covered in leaves, dried up mud and a whole lot of debris.

Easton is by my side, his wandering eyes searching earnestly for a box. He is one of the popular guys in school. Matter of fact, he's the co-captain of the Adelaide Wolves, the school's official basketball team (Jason being the Captain of course). I'm no fan of any kind of sports??but I do know they've won a lot of games this season and are one of the best teams in the district.

"There's a river up ahead.''??Easton says for the first time in a while as he points to the salty water bed. "The only way we can get there is if we take the bridge."

''Wait, that bridge?'' I question in disbelief. He nods and I stop dead in my tracks.??"Yea, no. I absolutely refuse to take that bridge.??It looks more like a death trap to me.''

Not to mention, my black ancestors will be so disappointed in me. Call me dramatic, but there's no way in heaven, hell or hades I'll risk my life because of a treasure hunt, safety inspection or not.

The bridge in question is made out of wood, supported by a rope, or it might be vines.??Some of the wood had fallen off which means there's a very very thin line between your life and being eaten by an alligator.

''I'm not going,'' I whine like a perturbant child. ''Seriously, my black ass can't handle it.''

"Come on, I'm black too. Our ancestors will guide us through it.''

''Not to our death they won't.''

We make a stop at the foot of the bridge and Easton says. ''The only way to get to the other side is if we cross that bridge. I'll guide you through it."

"Don't patronize me,''??I answer with my arms crossed. "I refuse to be alligator food."

He rolls his eyes and I stick my tongue out. ''You will not be alligator food, I swear.''

''Oh, please. You're only saying that because you're like co-captain of the basketball team and have muscles.'' He did have a set of impressive muscles underneath his white tee, no doubt from all the training he did. ''The alligators will have a hard time swallowing you, but will gobble me up at once.''

Call me dramatic, I don't care.

A ghost of a smile appears on his face. "How about this, I'll hold your hand and your backpack as we cross the bridge and if we're not alligator food, I'll buy you lunch for a week, no strings attached."

Food is definitely my weakness.

"Fine,'' I reluctantly agree. "but if I die, my spirit will haunt you for the rest of your life."??

"Yea, yea,'' he says excitedly. "Take my hand.''

Jesus take the wheel.

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