Hate You, Love You.

Chapter 24 - ROYALS

Can you believe it's Friday? 

Well it is and the whole week has been nothing but a blur. I skipped school on Tuesday to take care of Sophie since she was still recovering, resumed on Wednesday to Paris telling me about how the teachers were going on and on about how important test week is, spent the better part of Thursday in the library because it was a half day and that leaves us to, well today.

Guess where I am? 

English Literature class with Mrs Gomez

Do I want to get out of here? Most definitely. 

Okay, I love English Lit, it's one of my favourite subjects but I don't need any help passing it. Not to brag again, but I've maintained an A+ for three years now and I'm showing no signs of slowing down.

''Alright class, don't forget to read Ode to a Nightingale by John Keats," Mrs Gomez reiterates for like the umpteenth time. Seriously, if it's going to come out in the test, just say so.

"It's highly important that you read and understand that poem thoroughly."

The bell rings, signalling the end of the day and I breathe a huge sigh of relief. Everyone scrambles out of their seats, desperate to leave class because it's Friday and no one wants to be stuck in school longer than necessary on a Friday. 

''Where are you headed?"' Paris asks as we make our way to her locker, passing the sea of students.

''Probably the library to get some reading done. You?'' She pouts and opens her locker. ''I'm going home because you know I can't read in the library. I don't know how you do it. It's just too serious and not for me.''

I smile and shake my head a bit. Paris hates the library. She says it's 'too serious' but I know it's only a front. I'm highly observant and perceptive when it comes to behavioural patterns of people and I know for a fact that she feels intimidated by the calibre of people that actually go there. She thinks it's only for 'smart people.' Paris is smart, and I keep telling her that. She just needs to put in a little more effort to be in the top ten in our class rank.

''Are you sure you don't want to come with me?'' I question in a bid to persuade her. She nods her head and I sigh in resignation. ''It's a nerd fest in there and I do not want to be a part of that,'' she jokes. ''Besides, I really have to catch up on Economics because I barely know what Mr Finkle is talking about in that class. Test week is stressing me out.''

Test week is stressing all of us out.

''I feel you, boo. But don't worry, it's just test week, not exams,'' I reassure her. ''It'll all pan out. All we need to do is study.''

''I agree.'' Paris looks at her watch and curses. ''Shit, it's 3:30 and I forgot I had to meet Miss Fowler.'' She closes her locker hurriedly and waves a goodbye to me, running down the hallway and shoving people in the process.

I make my way outside, bag on my shoulder and phone in hand as I see a text message from Bob asking me how my test prep is going. I haven't been to work in a while due to my tests coming up and Sophie being sick so I guess he's just concerned.

As he should be because he's my boyfriend.

I send a quick text to him saying that I'm going to the library. Heading towards the sidewalk, I cross over to the student's parking lot and make my way to Cameron. Opening him up, I dump my bag in the back seat and follow suit. Closing the door, I open the bag and sift out the books I want to read at the library.

We have Algebra and Eng Lit on Monday so that's where my energy is going to be focused on. I hear a tap on my left-side window and I look up to see who it is. 

Jason Blunt.

He knocks again and I furrow my eyebrows at him. Truth be told, I haven't seen him all week, not that I'm looking for him. I unlock the car and make my way out from the right and join him. He has on his custom made Adiddas Adelaide track suit and ball cap, a gym bag slung on his shoulder which means he's probably headed for basketball practice.

''May I help you?'' I question, not in a rude way, more of in a curious way. After the 'almost kiss', I didn't think he'd want to see me again because of how awkward it'll be. If I'm being honest, I'm really trying my best to be impassive and cool when all I want to do is head back inside the car and cringe in my seat.

How do you hold a conversation with a guy you almost kissed (he initiated the kiss) and who so happens to be your nemesis?

''So um,'' he starts, his body shifting his weight from one leg to another. Is he nervous? The King of Adelaide is nervous to talk to me? Well, I'll be damned.

''How've you been?"'

''Good,'' I nod. ''Really good. You?''


Cue awkward silence.

I lean against the car door and he bites his lip, his ball cap blocking me from seeing his face. Well, it is still summer so I understand the need for the ball cap, but it's evening already. Might as well get rid of it.

''Is there something you wanted to say?'' I ask with a hint of impatience. ''Not to be rude, it's just that our test is next week and I have to head to the library.''

That snaps him out of his daze. ''Right, so I wanted to, you know, thank you for what you said the other day back at the hotel when we were in the…you know.''

Wow, he's actually thanking me. I'm not dreaming. Did they put something in his water because first he apologized to me and now he's thanking me?

I must be the luckiest girl in Adelaide.

''It's fine really.'' As long as we don't mention 'you know what', then it's fine. ''I would have done that for anyone, honestly.''

''Yea, but still, Thank you.''

''You're welcome.''

From his shoulder, I spot Mariah, clad in her cheer outfit, heading towards us and I narrow my eyes. ''Your girlfriend is headed this way,'' I inform him. ''I don't think she'd like it if we're seen together.''

He looks confused. ''I don't have a girlfriend.''

''Sorry your fuck-''

''Hey Jay Jay,'' Mariah announces her presence and loops her arm into his. ''I was looking for you.'' Guess she didn't follow my advice. She sizes me up and down with her blue eyes and fakes a smile, probably to please Jason. ''Hey, Mel.''

Not today, Satan.

I give her a fake smile of my own and return the greeting. 

''You have practice right now, don't you?"" she says, stating the obvious as she tries to make herself look cute by blinking her eyes rapidly. If you have apollo, Mariah, just say that. ''I was hoping we could go together since it's the same way and all. We should head there now. Coach Blake will throw a fit if you're late since you're our All Star captain and the states championship is coming up.''

''Yea, but I...''

I unlock my car door and bring out the already selected books for the library. All the while, I could feel Jason's eyes watching me. Putting the books on top of the car, I lock it, grab the books and head towards the direction of the library without giving them a second glance.

I do not have time for Jason and Mariah's situationship today.


The library is packed, as it should be, and I barely get a space to settle down but I do anyways and get right into trying to solve Algebra. As I open the textbook, I realize that I may or may not be deceiving myself.

I do not understand this shit at all.

I really should have invested in getting a tutor because at the rate I'm going, I may not pass Algebra.

''Fuck,'' I curse silently with my head on the table

''Long time, no speak, Mel.'' 

I raise my head up in time to see a familiar floppy brown hair that I haven't seen in forever. ''Easton, it's been a while. How are you?''

Easton and I don't attend all of the same classes. I believe we only have two classes together, so I don't see him as much.

''I've been kicking it. You?''

''Great. Don't you have practice today?'' He is the co-captain of the basketball team so I'd expect him to be with Jason and Coach Blake practicing for the states championship like Mariah said.

He smiles mischievously. ''I do, but I may or may not have told Coach Blake I pulled a hamstring.'' Boys. ''Don't tell him I said that though. He'd feed my dick to the vultures.'' he whispers.

I make a motion of zipping my lips and he gives me a thumbs up. ''Hey,'' I start. ''Do you happen to know Algebra?''

''I'm in the Maths Decathlon, so yea, I do.''

I can't believe I forgot Easton is on the Maths Decathlon team. Seriously, it would have saved me a lot of time and energy. They've held an unbeaten record for two straight years now and are poised to go for the nationals next year.

A basketball player with brains, I like it...a lot.

''You're literally a life saver, Easton.''

''You need help with something?''

''You have no idea.''

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