Hate You, Love You.

Chapter 3 - OVER IT

My morning routine consists of waking up by 6:30 am and getting ready for school. Mum usually has the night/early morning shift so she's not home most mornings which means I have to get Sophie ready for school, make breakfast for the both of us and then drive us to school. I drive a White Toyota Prius which was gifted to me last year by Mrs Omar, a sweet old lady, who also happens to be our neighbour. His name is Cameron, named after Cameron Dallas, famous viner and YouTuber who I may or may not have a mega crush on.

''Soph, get down here or your ass is walking to school. I'm not playing,'' I yell with a piece of buttered toast in my mouth. Of course I'm not going to leave her but it's quite comical to see her rush downstairs with her hair all frizzy and wet with one sock on. Today is no different.

''You look like a trainwreck. Seriously you need to learn to listen to your alarm. 7:00am means get your butt out of the bed, not sleep in for another thirty minutes. Now hurry up and eat some peanut butter toast 'cause you have five minutes."

She grumbles something about hating the educational system and bla bla bla but follows my instructions anyway.

With mum working long hours at the hospital, I have to step up and be the parent. I'm not complaining though, she's a good kid and doesn't cause any trouble unless she wants to be a little shit, but other than that, she's pretty awesome. She's in 9th grade now and a slow learner, rightfully so because her condition affects her ability to focus and study- she gets headaches, blurry vision and nausea on a regular basis. Regardless, she still manages to go to school and maintain an above average grade so I'm really proud of her.


She gives me a sarcastic look.

''Now, Sophie and we have two minutes so put them in your bag and grab a bottle of water ASAP.''

The drive to her school is roughly ten minutes. We get there at exactly 8 and I park in the student parking lot. She gets out and shoots me a peace sign. ''Have a great day in class, and don't forget your medications and water and you know you're meant to take them at a particular time. Also, beware of the creeps in your class. I know that boy Carlos has been chasing you for a while now.'' I yell from the rolled down window. She stops dead in her tracks and turns with her mouth wide open. ''You're so embarrassing, Mel.''

''I'm your sister. It's my job to embarrass you.''

She gives a loud 'hmph' and walks into the school building. I blow her a kiss, back up and make my way to Adelaide Montessori Prep, the nasal but soothing voice of Britney Spears filling up the car space. I barely make it before the morning bell but hey, at least I'm here. As I walk into the school corridor, I am greeted by a rather horrific sight: Jason and Mariah making out, right next to my locker. The last time I was this grossed out was when I had to pick up dog poop because I was dog-sitting for Mrs Omar.

His hands creep under her mini skirt and she's moaning like she didn't realize that she is in a public space. Where is Principal Grande when you actually need him? Isn't this type of behaviour suspension worthy?

They didn't seem to notice me and I'm glad. Time to give them a little wake up call.

''Jason 'coughs' Mariah, move out of my way.''

No response.

Okay then.

You see, I always like to keep a bottle of whip cream in my bag because of special occasions....don't ask.

This so happens to be a 'special occasion.'

I spray the whip cream all over their face and their reaction is nothing short of priceless. Their lips detach from each other faster than a rat that's been caught red handed. Mariah falls to the ground with a thud and Jason hits his head on my locker.

"What the actual fuck?'' He questions.

''Boy, get off my locker. I have things to do, people to see and places to be.''

''YOU BLAST ME WITH WHIP CREAM,'' he screams like a little girl.

"Well technically, I didn't ''blast' you. It's a can, not a bomb. You're in Mr Reiss' English class so you might as well pay attention."

''Shove your technicalities down your ass. I demand an apology."

"My ass is too thick for you to handle and l would not apologize because I did nothing wrong. You were violating my locker and my personal space with your disgusting behaviour so I decided to take matters into my own hands. Do you see the problem? 'Cause I can't. Now move."

The asshole doesn't make a move but instead stands tall with his arms crossed on his chest.

''Listen here Jones, I own this school and I'm in no mood to play games, so either you apologize or I will make your life a living hell."

Where have I heard that before?

"Yea, what he said, apologize,'' Mariah chips in as she straightens her dress.

Who gave her license to speak?

''I'd like to see you try, Jason. When are you going to realize that bullying and verbal assault will never work on me? You've been using the same threats on me since day one. Thought you were smart enough to come up with another one."

''You're the most infuriating person I've ever met.''

''SHUT UP MARIAH!'' Jason and I snap at the same time.

At least we can agree on something.

''I'll get you back for this.''

''Yea, yea. Just get off my locker.''

The bell rings, signalling the beginning of first period and the end of that excruciating conversation.

Talk about saved by the bell.

Jason storms off with Mariah chasing after him, no doubt demanding why he told her off like that in front of me.

Good times.

I hate Mondays. Why? Because I have Maths as the first period. Whoever thought that it was a good idea to put Maths as the first period on a Monday morning was clearly smoking a blunt. Hell, whoever thought that Maths should be a subject in general needs to have a very serious conversation with me. Don't get me wrong, I'm smart enough to get a scholarship into this upper echelon school, but I honestly turn into Tweedle Dumb once I see numbers. I want to be a lawyer in the future so how in God's name is x+y+z=53-x meant to help me win a case in court?

Already in a pissed mood because of Jason and Mariah, I drag my feet to Mr Jamerson's class and sit at my regular seat at the back, waiting for the torture to begin.


Maths ends and then it's time for me to head to AP Biology. I'm not going to bore y'all with how the rest of my classes went because they are just...classes. Nothing spectacular there at all.

I just want to graduate.

By 4:00pm, school officially ends and I'm driving Sophie home then heading to my part time job at Bob's Eat'N'Grills. It's a diner located at the heart of Bridgewood, so anyone who's anyone comes to grab a bite or talk with friends. I've seen relationships end on the mahogany coloured chairs of the diner, seen relationships begin and blossom into full blown marriages, and then they'd have kids and bring them over. Business deals have been made and dissolved, hell even criminals have been arrested at the diner. I love my job and I'm really grateful that Bob, the owner, actually took a chance and hired me.

Bob Stewart is the proud owner of Bob's Eat'N'Grills. He's only twenty-three years old but he's made a name for himself in Bridgewood, Oklahoma as being one of the youngest, successful business owners in town. Everyone, and I mean everyone loves him: he's charming, charismatic, sweet and devilishly handsome. He is just that all round American Alpha-male that everyone couldn't help but respect and admire.

At first, he didn't want to hire me. I was sixteen at the time with no experience whatsoever, no people skills and no resume to my name but I literally begged him for the job because I really was desperate to help mum out with the bills. Long story short, he hired me and has so far not regretted it...Until now.

''Hi my name's Melody and I'd be your server for today. What would you like?''

''Hey Princess, fancy seeing you here.''

''Shoot me." I deadpan.

"Hey, Mel. Fancy seeing you here."

I narrow my eyes at Ryan, a small smile gracing my lips. At least he's tolerable. "I have to be here. It's my job."

Of all the places Jason could be on this entire earth, he decides to show up at my place of work again. You know the worst part? He has the whole batallion with him: Ryan, Lewis, Bea, Shane, and of course, Mariah.

Couldn't he have just travelled to Antartica or something?

Ignoring his 'princess' comment, I decide to put on my award-winning smile and be a good hostess.

''May I start you off with some drinks? We have Water, Cramberry Milkshake, Orange Juice, Frappuchinos and Lemonade. Pick your poison.''

''Cramberry.'' Bea says.


''Cramberry also.''


''Milk Frappuchino.''

''And you Jason, what would you like?''

He put his hands on the table, smirks like an idiot and proceeds to say the dumbest thing I've ever heard since Sophie told me pigs could fly.

''You. I'd like to have you.''

The table, which is bubbling with chit-chat, turns dead silent.

Isn't it too early to be high?

I really want to strangle this boy right now, but instead I sweetly say. ''I'm not on the menu, but you can try Wilson's Whorehouse, pretty sure there's a buffet of ladies to choose from.''

The table erupts in laughter and Jason blushes slightly from embarrassment while Mariah keeps burning holes in my head. I'm pretty sure if looks could kill, I'd be dead, then re-dead, then undead, due to her laser eyes.

I leave to grab their drinks with a huge grin on my face.

''Hey, Kathy, I have an order of two Cramberry's, a water, Milk Frappuchino and a lemonade.'' Kathy is my co-worker and a close friend. We met at the diner and we've hit it off ever since. She attends the local community college and is studying to be an accountant.

''Isn't that the guy you hate so much at table 12?''

''Yep, and I have the honour of serving him today.''

''Poor you.''

''Tell me about it.''

She just laughs and hands me the drinks on a tray. I make my way to the table, drinks in tow. ''Okay so here are your drinks, hope you enjoy them.'' I get out my notepad from my pocket. ''May I interest you in the..." I didn't get the chance to finish because suddenly, Mariah 'accidentally' poured her Cramberry Milkshake on my uniform.

''Oops, I'm so sorry Melody, my hands must've slipped.'' she says, whilst trying to disguise her laughter.

She's definitely not sorry at all.

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