Hate You, Love You.

Chapter 38 - MOTIVATION

Deciding to not question Jason about how he knows I have a boyfriend, I bite my tongue and just stand there, back pressed against the door.

"You're mine, Melody Jones."

''Newsflash, Jason, I'm not yours.'' What is this? 365 Days? I'm a free woman and I don't belong to anyone. I challenge him with my eyes, daring him to contradict me. He remains mute and takes a few steps back, no longer caging me. I release a breath I didn't know I was holding and fall to the ground with my knees tucked in my hands.

That's enough male testosterone for one day,

''We should get going. The others are probably worried.''

He nods wordlessly and stretches out his hand. I take it without hesitation and give a little smile. ''Don't forget what I said, Melody.'' 

Melody? That's a first because he usually calls me Jones or Princess.

''We're on first name basis now?''

He doesn't say anything, but I see a hint of a smile as he unlocks the door and leaves me alone in the empty room.


I should go home.

Seriously, I'm exhausted, many thanks to Jason, and hungry. I had a few Tortilla chips here and there along with soda (it wasn't spiked) but it's not a home cooked meal or McDonalds. 

Jason and I split up with no questions asked, he went back to the table where Mariah was anxiously waiting for him. The others had left to God knows where and she was demanding what we were doing that took so long. Jason looked annoyed to the core, and I almost choked on laughter. In fact, I almost went over to her to tell some sort of lie just so I'd see her head explode but thought I'd give her a break. She's been through enough today.

The party is showing no signs of slowing down as I make my way downstairs. The music is still turned up a notch, and the alcohol is still flowing freely. I swear, the red cups on the floor doubled in size if my memory serves me right. My eyes scan the area looking for any sign of Paris or Ryan. I want to go home, and I can't leave without Paris because she's my ride.

''Paris, where are you?'' I pass a couple who are making out in the middle of the living room and my nose scrunches up in disgust. This house is literally filled with rooms. Might as well go make out or do the nasty in one of them. 

I send a quick text to Paris, asking her where she is. Her reply is almost immediate and she says she's in the garden.

''Just great.''

I meander outside, shoving teenagers in the process while saying 'excuse me', 'sorry', and 'can you move the fuck away from the door.' In my defense, I'm irritated, so my cursing at random strangers who may or may not be my classmates, is justified.

Taking a breath of fresh air, I walk to the pool area in hopes of trying to find the garden so I can grab Paris, press her on the details of her evening with Ryan and go home. It's a sprawling property, the possibility of me getting lost is higher than Mariah leaving Jason.

I stop and ask a few people if they know where the garden is but they're too drunk or too high to care. I feel a hand tap my shoulder and whip my head. "Hey, Mel."

"Hey Easton. Haven't seen you around in a while." Truth be told, I really haven't seen Easton around Adelaide. On Thursday, I asked Bea if he showed up at school but he said he's been out sick all week.

The Easton in front of me does not look sick at all. In fact, he looks healthier than a horse: his shaggy hair is still golden brown and it's glowing, his skin looks healthy (you know, because black don't crack) and he has on his megawatt smile.

Something's up.

"Yea, I've been dealing with some personal issues." I nod in understanding. "Can I talk to you? I really need someone to confide in and you're the only one at this party who seems to have their mental faculties in check." That's true. "Plus, you're my friend."

"Sure. But not here. It's too noisy and you never know who may be listening in." People talk and Easton looks like he wants to tell me something important. I don't trust these high schoolers one bit. You may think they're drunk or high, but trust me, some of them are real nosy and can still function in their induced state. They'd tell their friends what they heard, even if it's the warped version of the truth, their friends will tell their other friends and the cycle will continue until it becomes a hot topic at Adelaide.

Rich people gossip more than normal people.

"We could sit there." I point to two empty wooden chairs housed by a big ass tree, a few meters away from the pool and away from prying eyes. He nods and we make our way over there. I take a seat and he does the same. He takes a deep breath and confesses. "Phaedra really is pregnant and it's my baby."

I knew this conversation was heading towards this direction.

"Are you sure?" I ask calmly. "Did you talk to her?"

"I did. It's one of the reasons why I haven't been at Adelaide much in the past few days. I needed time to process stuff." He runs his hands through his hair. "I fucked up big time and I don't know how to fix this."

"Well, you can't." I answer honestly. "It's a baby. You can't make a baby disappear."

"Thank you, Captain Obvious." I shrug. "I thought we were careful and used protection-"

"Which isn't hundred percent effective."

"What am I going to do Mel? She's one month along."

I sigh and remember my conversation with Bob. Thank goodness I asked for advice this time because this is way beyond my expertise.

"You said you talked to her right?" He nods. "And she said it's yours?" he nods again. "You're a million percent positive it's yours?" No offense to Phaedra, but I've seen how some unscrupulous women on social media try to trap men with a baby. It's not exactly a pleasant experience and I don't want that for Easton. He's still so young and I know that this is a tough pill to swallow, but he has to take responsibility for his actions.

"Well, since it's yours, then you have to be there for Phaedra and the baby. I'm no expert, but having a kid as a teenager is not easy, but you'll live." Easton takes in all I have said and I continue. "Do you still have feelings for her?"

"I don't know. We've been fuck buddies for a while." 


"Regardless, you're still going to be a daddy and you're going to be financially responsible for that kid for the next eighteen years."

"My parents are going to murder me." he says. I shake my head to try to alleviate his fears. No parent, regardless of how much money they have, would be necessarily overjoyed if their baby tells them that they're having a baby. At least, if you have black parents, they might actually kill you.

Easton and I have black parents.

Now I see why he's worried.

"They won't murder you as long as you're honest." He visibly cringes and I cringe internally. Honesty in a black household is both a blessing and a curse. Sure, you'll get praised, but trust me, you'll get whipped too as punishment.

"Your parents are not unreasonable."

"Have you met them? They'd say I fucked up my chance of attending an Ivy League and playing basketball." Easton's dream is to play in the NBA one day. I haven't attended any of the school's basketball events but he has to be really good for Coach Blake to make him co-captain.

"You didn't fuck up anything. Think of it as an adjustment." A major one. "By the way, you're not the one carrying the baby for nine months. Phaedra is. She's also going to be the one facing humiliation at school not you." That's the harsh reality. Men get a pat in the back for shit like this but the woman gets labeled a slut. Double standards are everywhere and that's just how the world works. 

Phaedra better brace herself for the shitstorm that is high school students at Adelaide and she better have a thick skin.

"Phaedra is the one going to bear the brunt of what both of you did, so let me just put that out there." His hands knot in his hands and I smile a little. "Easton, you need to keep a clear head. My advice is that you talk to your parents honestly. I'm re-emphasizing that because you're going to need all the help you can get raising that kid." 

"Also," I continue. "You have to be there for that kid. A wise man once told me that every child deserves a father in their life. Take it from someone who's been there and done that, not having a dad advice you on shit and not providing for you financially or helping you navigate life can fuck you up mentally. Easton, I'd literally snap your neck if you're irresponsible." He laughs a little. "I'm serious. I don't joke around with things like that. You have to step up and be a father in whatever way you can. Just make sure you're a positive role model for the kid, Daddy Easton." I joke lightly. "Don't call me that." he groans.

"Better get used to it because a kid's going to be calling you daddy in a year's time. Just wait and see."

"Can't wait." he says sarcastically. "Jokes aside, thanks Mel. You're the best."

I am, aren't I?

"No worries. I got your back and you can count on my support. One more thing. Can I be the godmother?"

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