Hate You, Love You.


Bob arrived from his 'business trip abroad' a few days ago and contacted me….finally. Needless to say, I was pissed, I still am. He swore he'd contact me the minute he landed but he went radio silent for a whole week. I left calls, text messages and voice mails but he didn't deem it fit to check his phone. I thought he was missing and was on the verge of filing a police report!

Of course, I yelled at him over the phone but he said he couldn't check his phone because he was 'busy'. Bullshit if you ask me, so I told him to fuck off, blocked him and avoided him at work. If you want to come up with a lie, you might as well do it right. 

He noticed all these and called me to his office on Friday. I wouldn't have gone, but he called me out in front of Kathy, Fabio and the rest of the employees. If I'm defiant, they'd realize that something is up and I'm in no mood for my name to be on everyone's lips or the hot topic at the diner so I complied.

Long story short, there was yelling on my part, he apologized for being an asshole and I forgave him, deciding that it's best to give him the benefit of the doubt. No one's perfect and maybe, just maybe, he was busy and it was an honest mistake. As a token of his repentance and to celebrate our five-month anniversary, he said he was taking me to this five-star restaurant called Star Rise on the outskirts of town.

I wouldn't lie and say I wasn't excited. I was. I've never been to a five star anything before so I was pretty stoked. Also, I asked Paris to cover for me just in case my mum called and asked about my whereabouts. She didn't pry or ask where I was headed and I was so grateful because I plan on coming clean about it all pretty soon. Although something tells me she knows I have a boyfriend. She's a very perceptive individual so I won't be surprised if she's playing dumb for my sake.


''Hey, babe.''




I blink twice. ''Yea, I'm here. Just lost in thought.'' More like lost in the thought of him cheating on me. I'm young, and he's way older than me so there is that tendency that he may want to gravitate towards women his own age.

For his sake, he better not be cheating on me. My dad cheated on my mum and I saw the effect it had on me growing up. Cheating is one line he shouldn't cross because it's something I can't stand.

''But didn't you almost kiss Jason thrice?'' my sub-conscious mocks. In my defense, he's the one on to me and talking about how he won't give up on trying to chase me. What am I? A dog? He was the one who initiated the kiss on all occasions. I exercised the self-control of a marathon sprinter. 

I have a boyfriend and Jason and I can never happen.

He studies me carefully, swirling the champagne glass in his hand, "Do you want to talk about it? You've been spacing out a lot." Well, giving the size of this grandiose restaurant, I don't think I'm spacing out hard enough.

"I'm fine, really.'' I pick up my champagne glass and drink its contents in one gulp. I don't drink, and this champagne is bitter as hell, but I'm still mad at him and I need a little liquor in me so I don't lash out. "I'm just stressed with school, exams, college applications and projects.'' It's not a total lie, it's just a half truth. ''Also, I'm on my period so my hormones are a little haywire at the moment." 

Probably should have left that last part out.

He cringes at the period part and my lips curve slightly. Why are men so uncomfortable when a woman talks about her period? They were birthed by a woman, they probably have sisters, would definitely have a girlfriend, if it's their personal preference, and would one day get married to a woman. Hell, they may end up having a daughter or daughters so the period talk shouldn't be an uncomfortable subject.

Grabbing my hand in his, our eyes lock and he gives me his signature smile, the kind that makes me melt. "Are you still mad at me?''


He sighs as if he's tired of explaining himself. ''That's a lie and I said I was sorry. I really was busy. You know I told you about how I've been trying to expand my brand?'' I nod slowly. He did mention it to me once that he wants his diner to be a 'national and global phenomenon.' One of the things I like about Bob is that he's very goal-oriented. Bobs Eat 'N' Grillz is his baby. He started it from the ground up and it became successful. Now he's looking for an expansion, and as a girlfriend, I'll be as supportive as possible-if he's telling the truth.

''I met with Chinese investors and pitched my brand and the plans I have to them and they liked it. Fingers crossed everything goes very well because they said they'd get back to me.''

''That's wonderful, babe,'' I say with a tight smile. ''Really, I'm happy for you,'' I stab my fork into my steak bitterly. ''Expansion is great.''

He narrows his eyes and ignores my snarky tone. Changing the subject, he asks. ''How's school?'' 

I dab my mouth with the napkin. ''It's good. Test results came in and I passed.''

''As usual.'' I smile, a genuine one this time. ''Any plans on where you want to go to for college?'' 

I shrug. ''Not really. I saw the school's counsellor and she advised me and shit, but I still don't know. I'm meant to send out applications to at least 3 schools in the next three months, but I'm undecided.'' 

Bob nods a little and takes more of the contents of his champagne glass, his muscles flexing his suit. He said Star Rise was a black tie sort of restaurant which means he pulled out his suave charm. I've never seen Bob in a suit and tie before, until now. He usually wears jeans and a shirt, and if he wants to mix it up, he'd wear baggy shorts instead of jeans.

I on the other hand opted for a brown slip dress I found at an online store. It was two hundred dollars, but it's so worth it because it compliments my skin perfectly.

It also doesn't hurt that it shows a little bit of skin. I've caught Bob looking at my boobs once or twice, but I've decided to not tease him about it. He thinks he's sleek, but he really isn't.

When we walked in, I thought I was a little underdressed. The slip dress is cute and all, but seeing women in fur coats, red bottoms and designer outfits made me feel a little out of place, in more ways than one. The restaurant reminds me of Adelaide all over again and the difference in social status. 

This world is definitely not my type. I'm the girl who grew up in Cranedale and thought that having a ten dollar bill as a kid made me a billionaire. I'm not some girl who has been pampered since birth or who eats caviar and lobster for dinner. 

I'm even scared to look at the bill because I'm pretty sure it's worth more than the rent mum pays at the apartment.

''How about an Ivy League? You have the grades for it.''

''What part of 'I'm undecided' don't you get?'' I joke lightly. He rolls his eyes slightly. ''I don't know.''

''Well, whatever it is, I'll support you in whatever decision you make. Aim for an Ivy League though.''

I shoot him a look and he sticks his tongue out childishly, the previous tension already gone. ''No pressure.''


''...and so that's how I found out I was allergic to cheese.'' he laughs and throws his head back.

"That's the funniest shit I've heard all week."

"It's funny now, but back then, I looked like Oompa Loompa. I couldn't go to school for like a week. It was horrible."

Note to self, always know the foods you're allergic to. I've learnt that lesson from Sophie and now Bob.

"Poor Bob.''

He signals the waiter and asks for the cheque. I'm more stuffed than a roasted turkey on Thanksgiving and I just want to go home. It's getting late now, 8:00pm to be exact. Mum is probably still at work and Sophie is having a sleepover at Brittany, her best friend's house. "Want some desert to go?"

"Yes please."

He pays for our meal and my desert and we walk out, hand in hand. As we approach the foyer, I spot a woman looking in our direction. Our eyes meet and she hurriedly looks away. I don't think too much of it and listen to Bob talk about his favourite movie franchise.

As we head towards his car, a silver coloured Jeep, a female calls out his name. "Bob Stewart?"

He turns his head and I do to. We come face to face with the same woman I made eye contact with at the foyer. Bob's gait becomes tight as he forces a smile. ''Hello, Patricia. It's been what, like two years?"


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