Hate You, Love You.

Chapter 46 - FIGHT SONG

Have you ever had a dream so wonderful that you wish you'd never wake up from it? Have you ever slept on a bed so soft and snuggled into a pillow so warm that you don't want to get up? Have you ever slept so long that you wondered if you were high on crack?

If you have, then congratulations, you understand how I'm feeling at this exact moment.

"Hi, my name is Melody and I would be taking your order. What would you like?"

The diner is packed to the brim which means it's an incredibly busy night for me: parents, kids, friends, family, couples, literally everyone is here. I thought people are meant to be asleep by eight, especially kids, but the water is different here in Bridgewood. It's relatively safe, so I guess it makes people comfortable. 

I've been on my feet for two hours now and I'm exhausted. The only thing I want to do is hug my pillow and sleep, but I'm not complaining. As long as I get paid, I'll do a damn good job. We are short on staff so it's just Kathy, Fabio and I attending to about fourty people.

"Kathy, I need the order for table ten."

"You look like hell."

"Thank you, Captain Obvious because I feel like hell too. How do you look so put together?'' Kathy recently dyed her hair pink, the light shade, and it looks amazing on her. Now, she has this effortless glow with or without makeup and I'm jealous. I'm pretty sure if I check my face in the mirror, I'd have dark circles around my eyes and look like a hot mess.

''Don't tell me. It's the hair.''

''Definitely. You like the colour?'' she asks nervously. ''I've never done something this drastic before.''

''It looks beautiful on you.'' If anyone can pull off pink hair, it's definitely Kathy. ''It matches your skin tone.''

''Thanks, Mel. I wish my boyfriend thought so,'' she says sadly. ''He said it's too out there.''

''He's not a girl. He doesn't know what he's talking about,'' I reassure her. ''You do you, sis.'' 

We high-five and she goes into the kitchen and brings out the drinks. Placing them on a tray, she hands it to me. "How about you go and tell our boss that you want to go home if you're tired. I'm sure he'd let you because you're his favourite employee.'' She stretches the word 'favourite' a bit too long and I raise a brow. She shrugs but has a knowing smile on her face. 

Wait, does she know? Can she know?

''I'm sure he doesn't have a favourite,'' I dismiss with a wave. ''He treats everyone equally.''

''Some more than others.''

With that, she goes back into the kitchen, leaving me confused as hell.

What was that about?


My shift ended by eleven. Fabio and Kathy left an hour ago so I'm left with the task of cleaning the diner by myself...well Bob is meant to join me but he hasn't come out of his office yet. I don't mind it though because I love cleaning. It gives me peace of mind.

''Shit, my phone.'' When I'm on break or when my shift ends, I send a quick text to Sophie to check up on her. When I have the night shift, she doesn't like being home alone so she goes to Brittany's house. It's a walking distance from our apartment and they are close so it works.

I put the towel on a nearby table and head to the locker room but a particular conversation catches my attention and stops me dead in my tracks…in front of Bob's office. Usually, I'm not nosy, but it sounds important. "Jason, I believe I've given you enough time. Where are my merchandise?"

Wait, what?

"Look I don't care about the shipment delayed in Beijing...that's a YOU problem. I've paid you enough money to cover the shipping costs....No I don't want Patricia to deliver it...She and I are through."

I could hear the stress in his tone. "Get my fucking weapons,'' Weapons? ''or we'd have a repeat of last time and I'm sure you don't want that ...Bye."

Holy shit.

Bob is hiding something from me. Scratch that, he's hiding a whole bunch of things from me now. Which Jason is he talking about? Nah, it can't be the Jason I know. There are probably a hundred Jason's in Bridgewood. 

More importantly, why is Patricia being brought into the equation again?

I didn't even realize I was lost in thought till I hear the door knob twist. The locker room is a few metres from Bob's office so I sprint to the entrance of the locker room and pretend like I'm just coming out from there. Humming a popular tune I hear on the radio, I play the part of the ignorant girlfriend. "Hey, babe. Didn't see you there."

He angles his head towards me and I give him an award-winning smile despite the fact that there are a million questions running through my mind. With three long strides, he cups my face in his hands and captures my lips in a short kiss.

Yea, kissing me is not going to work this time.

''I missed you so much.'' 

''You literally saw me all night.'' Till you went into your office and started talking to a Jason who I may or may not know about weapons. ''If anything, I'm the one who missed you. You were supposed to help me clean up.''

He wraps his hands around my waist and I encircle his neck. Play the part, Mel. ''Kathy and Fabio left?''

''A while ago. What have you been up to?''

He smiles a little. ''Just business. Sorry if I made you wait too long. I was on the phone with the Chinese investors I told you about.''

Liar. We resolved to not keep secrets from each other days ago and here he is, lying to my face. I've been keeping secrets of my own and I know I sound hypocritical, but I have a feeling that my secret is only pea-sized compared to his. He's literally discussing delivery of weapons! Is that even legal?

''Really?'' I say in a high-pitched tone. ''What did they say?''

''Well, I have to meet them in China in a few days so I'd be away for a while.'' I pretend pout and he places a feather kiss on my bottom lip. ''Don't be like that. I don't want to leave you too, but I have to.''

You're full of shit, Bob.

''I know. Will you call me though? I don't want a repeat of last time.''

Bob gives me a hearty laugh. ''Me neither. You cursed me in Spanish.'' I smile a little at the memory. Grandma Maggie used to be a Linguistics Profeesor at Rotterdale University, her major being in Spanish. She used to teach me a few words here and there, including how to curse. (Don't tell my mum that or she'll blow a gasket). I guess you can say I get my foul mouth from her. 

Today, I'm proud to say that I can successfully speak-and curse-in Spanish.

''Where'd you even learn that?''

''Grandma Maggie is fluent. She taught me everything I know.''

''My girlfriend is full of surprises.''

You are too.

I take a quick peek at my watch and peel his hands away from me. ''It's late and you're my ride home since my car is still at the repair shop.''

''Right.'' He brings out a set of keys from his pocket. ''Wait, I thought it was supposed to be out yesterday?''

''It was and they were meant to drop it off at home, but the mechanic said something about a panel being destroyed. He said he'd need at least a day to fix that.'' Some guy named Marco who works at the repair shop called me on my way to work and told me about the broken panel. He apologized and said that Cameron would have to stay in a bit longer. Of course I complained because I don't like bothering people by taking rides from them and mum can't give me her car because she needs it more than I do-St John's is an hour away from home. Not to mention, Cameron staying in longer than expected is going to cost me more money, but hey, as long as he's is in tip top shape, I'd pay whatever amount. ''Bottom line, he'd deliver it tomorrow or the day after.''

He nods in understanding. ''Do you need any help? I mean with the cost and shit?''

''Nope. Everything is all good.'' After what I heard today, I don't think my ancestors would approve of me taking money from him.

''Alright. You know that I'm here for you, right?''

My heart twitches slightly and now it's making it hard for me to stay mad at him. I know I caught him in a lie, but I can't help but swoon when he looks at me intensely and tells me how he's always got my back. He may be lying now, but the truth is, he's always had my back. He gave me a job, he gives me money sometimes, he paid off my car insurance, he advices me, gives me life tips and inspires me to be a better person. ''I know.'' 

''Get your things and we'd head out now?''


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