Hate You, Love You.

Chapter 52 - BLANK SPACE

Good news finally arrived today but I can't celebrate because of everything going on in my life. Actually, I wouldn't categorize the news as 'good', it's more bittersweet. Khalil was arrested on charges of assault with a deadly weapon and attempted rape. The police officer that called said he's looking at a twenty year sentence, fourteen if he's cooperative, has a good lawyer and can take a plea deal. I know that what he did was wrong, but I can't help but feel bad for him. We were close friends when we where younger and it saddens me to see how much he spiralled ever since he got into high school.

I don't want him to spend the better part of his life behind bars. I don't want his youth to be wasted, but he's not the Khalil I knew and loved back then, the Khalil that cared for me and protected me like an older brother.

Jason is right. If I didn't report him, he'd go an assault someone else. Still, I can't help the guilt and relief I feel-guilt because I'm the reason why he may get fourteen to twenty years behind bars and relief because he won't be bothering me or anyone for a while.

It's Friday and I'm slated to resume school the following Monday. Dr Carlos cleared me and said I'd be okay to resume-with my crutches. As much as I complain about the educational system, I won't lie and say I don't miss school. Absence makes the heart grow fonder so I miss Adelaide…a lot. In fact, I didn't even know how much my life revolved around Adelaide and it's drama till I became stuck at home with a fractured leg and nowhere to go but the bathroom and my bedroom. 

I miss my friends. I miss the chatter in the hallway. I miss the lunchroom gossip. Hell, I miss getting into it with Mariah and Jason. Speaking of Jason, I wonder if he noticed my conspicuous absence. 

I doubt it.


''Mel, are you upstairs?'' I hear a voice yell, interrupting my sleep. ''I brought your homework and class notes.''


''Come on up,'' I yell back, albeit grudgingly. I hear her footsteps pad the steps till she knocks on the door lightly and enters. ''Hey, bitch.''

''Hey to you too.''

''Your mum let me in. How are you feeling?'' 

I sigh and rest my head on the raised pillow. ''Good for the most part. The fracture has healed quite nicely and I can't wait to be back in school.''

Dropping her bag, a few textbooks and papers on my desk, she puts a hand to her hip. ''I thought you hated school.''

I nod. ''I do. But absence makes the heart grow fonder.'' My eyes scan her outfit and my eyes widen. ''I know I haven't been in school for like a week, but is this the new dress code?''

She points to her grey slacks with a grimace. ''Oh, you mean the slacks? I had a little mishap in Chemistry and some chemicals ended up ruining my skirt. Luckily, I keep a pair of slacks in my locker just in case. Some teachers were about to throw a fit because it's not 'appropriate school attire' but they let it slide because I explained what happened.''

I nod again. ''If it makes you feel any better, your ass looks good in them.'' I say. She smiles widely and wiggles her brows. ''I know, right? Ryan didn't say anything, but I caught him staring at them. He says Hi by the way.''

''I take it things are moving in the right direction?'' I question. She nods vigorously and I do a little happy dance on the bed. ''It has been a month and so far, things are going great. I mean, I know a month is too early to tell, but Ryan has been the absolute gentleman,'' she gushes. ''We even have a date tomorrow.''

As long as Paris is happy, I'm happy. Genuinely, she seems to really like Ryan a lot. Other than when she was with Sean, I've never seen her have heart eyes and gush about a guy. The other boyfriends lasted for a week, two weeks if they were lucky so it's nice to see a change.

''I'm happy as long as you're happy.''

She settles on my bed, careful not to touch my fractured leg and hugs me. ''I know. But enough about me, have you heard from him?''

My expression turns gloomy. ''No. It's like he dropped off the face of the earth.''

I told her everything that happened that night, including how I broke down and confessed to mum about my relationship. She said it was the right thing to do, considering now that the police have gotten involved.

''Have you tried calling?''


I've called Bob, sent him numerous of texts and left voicemails all in the hopes that he'd call me back, but up till now, I haven't heard a word. This is just like when he travelled abroad and didn't pick my calls but this time it's different.

This time, I don't even know if I'm calling a dead man.

''It's just…everything is so wrong,'' I sniff, the tears threatening to fall. Gosh, I've cried so much within a span of a week than I've done in my entire life. ''I could've sworn I found my fairytale ending and now things are going to hell.''

Nothing ever goes the way I plan it.

Paris leans in again and gives me a hug and I cry on her chest. ''I just want this nightmare to be over.''

''Soon, Mel. We just need to have faith. I'm sure he'll turn up.''

I wish I had that much faith.


''I can't believe Elle didn't end up with Marco,'' Paris says in disbelief as the credits for the Kissing Booth 2 rolls in. After my mini meltdown, Paris suggested that we watch a movie to make me feel better and it worked. TKB 2 is one romcom I'd watch over and over again. The first movie was good, but this one is definitely better.

''To be fair, her heart truly belongs to Noah.''

''Bullshit. Noah is a prick. He reminds me of Sean,'' she shudders.

''If you're that dissatisfied, the third movie comes out April next year, so maybe your Elle and Marco ship might actually sail.''

I read the book. That ship sank before it reached the harbour.

''It better sail because this is complete bullshit. How can she kiss him and then say she wants to run after Noah. Is she crazy?''

Crazy in love.


I hit pause on the laptop lying on the bed and remove the covers off my body. My right leg is still bandaged, no surprise there, but at least I can stand on it and stretch my body if I want to. The clock on the wall reads 7:00pm and I gasp internally because I didn't realize time had passed by so fast. Seriously, it's like time vanishes when you're having fun.

''Paris, do you want a snack?''

She doesn't look up at me, but is typing aggressively on her phone.

''Paris, did you hear me?''

She blinks. ''Sorry, what?''

''I asked if you wanted a snack?''

''Oh. I was texting Vitali to come pick me up since I didn't bring my car here and my keypad is acting up.'' I raise a brow. ''Ryan dropped me here.''


''Do you have Cheetos?''

I scrunch my nose up in disgust. ''No.''

She narrows her eyes and I roll mine. I honestly don't see what she sees in that orange thing. Cheetos is overrated!

''Oreos then?''

''We have that.''

I take a few steps to the drawer near my closet and bring out a small sized pack of Oreos. Ever since the accident, I've been stashing snacks in my room so I don't have to make the 'commute' to the kitchen downstairs.

Don't judge me!

I toss it to her and she catches it with one hand like the pro she is. One thing, among others, that Paris and I have in common is that we both love snacks. It's a wonder how our weight is still within the normal range. I believe we can go a whole day without eating real food. As long as we binge on snacks, we're good.

Mum says it's an unhealthy habit, but hey, I'll worry about my health when I'm pushing forty.

''Can I tell you something?'' Paris asks, popping an Oreo in her mouth. I nod and she continues. ''I didn't want to say it when you were upset, but then again, I figured you should know before I leave.'' 

''People at Adelaide are talking.''

Her revelation does not surprise me. Highschoolers are not stupid. They watch the news. And even if they don't watch the news, they have the internet and their friends have the internet, so information dissemination is not a problem.

''What are they saying?''

''Well, they're going with what the media said, that a teenager was found a few miles away from the scene. Since they haven't seen you in a week, they're putting two and two together, and saying you're the one they found at the scene.''


''The one spinning the tale is Mariah. Of course, I've tried my best to dispel the rumours, but there's only so much I can say and do. Some people have even come up to me directly and asked if what Mariah is blabbing about is true and I vehemently denied it. It's not their business anyways.''

With a sigh of resignation and exhaustion, I say. ''Thanks for telling me and defending me.''

''You're my best friend. I will always defend you.'' 

''I'm sure it'll blow over. Their attention span is like that of a squirrel.'' I hope

Come Monday, I have to be battle ready.

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