Hate You, Love You.

Chapter 67 - STARS DANCE

After the skunk and death note, no further threats arrived and things are getting back to normal…sorta. As promised, extra surveillance has been placed around the apartment. Mum and Sophie noticed it, but they didn't think too much of it because the police make hourly visits to our neighbourhood: they're either busting a drug dealer or arresting someone for weapon possession.

The police unfortunately haven't been able to trace where the package came from. It's like it dropped out of the sky or an alien put it on my doorstep because it's not…traceable. Theo said something about a fake address and an unknown P.O Box, but I stopped listening after he said they have no idea where it came from. Whoever it is is still out there and I'm still not safe, bottom line.

I start picking Sophie up from school again and that requires a slight adjustment in Theo and I's arrangement. That means I'd start taking my car to school again, drop Sophie off and pick her up with Theo following closely behind in his car. That threat scared the shit out of me and I'd be damned if anything happens to my sister I'll rest easy when I know she's with me. 

Sophie and Theo protest : Sophie is irritated that she wouldn't be riding with her best friend but I told her that it's best if we don't bother Brittany's mum since I'm clearly capable of driving. Theo on the other hand is worried about my safety (as usual) but I told him that he still gets to drive me on Saturdays for practice, so it's not all bad.

Anywho, we've been comfortable enough with the new arrangement and things are going alright. I try to put the fact that someone is out for my blood behind me and focus my energy on studying for the first term exams. No way in heaven, earth or hell am I letting anything fuck up my grades, especially when I'm months away from graduation.

Exams come knocking like a thief in the night In the first week of December. I'm prepared though, at least to the point where I know that I'd get some As. I just hope my sleepless nights and coffee overdose pays off.


''I don't know about this dress,'' I unsurely run my hand through the shimmery and coarse fabric. ''It looks more like it's for you than for me.''

''Are you crazy? It looks perfect on you.'' Paris compliments as she sits on my bed. ''It's a Christian Dior limited edition, straight off the runway and it looks better on you that it'll ever look on me.''

The dress in question is a sequinned, silver, long sleeved dress. At first, when Paris said she had the perfect dress for me to wear to the Adelaide charity event, I was a little concerned. Paris and I may have a lot of things in common, but the one thing we disagree on is style. My style is more laid back and comfortable, with a little bit of edge. You wouldn't catch me in a dress unless it's for a party or an event such as the one I'm headed to. Paris, on the other hand is more girly-girl. Her fashion sense is more of Paris Hilton in A Simple Life mixed with Kim Kardashian, so our styles are completely different.

I'm a sweatshirt and distressed jeans person; she's a pink skirt and fluffy slippers person.

''By the way,'' Paris continues. ''The length of the dress is totally appropriate for the event. Knee length is always a good choice because it's a formal school event, but not too formal to the point that you have to wear a ball gown or an A line dress. This is a safe choice.''

I double check myself in the mirror and turn to my side, trying to find a hint of a pooch but I can't find it because of this waist trainer that Paris forced me to wear. 

''I guess you're right.''

''I'm always right.''

''Keep telling yourself that.''

Moving away from the mirror, I monitor the time on my phone. ''By the way, if I feel like I have no oxygen left in me, I'm ditching the waist trainer.'' I inform her. She rolls her eyes and hands me my shoes: silver pumps.

''When is Theo picking you up?'' 

''He should be here soon. The event starts by 7:00pm and our performance is by 7:30.''

''Are you sure you don't want to come with me?'' I try to persuade her. ''I need you there with me.''

''You're not going to the lion's den,'' she jokes. ''Besides, you'll be fine. My parents probably got invited but they'll never come so I have no reason to go,'' she says with a hint of sadness but quickly masks it. ''I'll probably call Ryan and we'd go out on a date or something.'' 

''Okay,'' I pout. ''But I'll miss you.''

''Look on the bright side, you have your brother there to protect you.'' she winks.

''Why the wink?''

''Oh nothing. I just find it cute how he fusses over you and attends to your every need. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you two are a couple because you're literally everywhere together, except in the same house.''

If only she knew.

''That's disgusting,'' I remark, scrunching up my nose. ''I don't do incest.''

''It's not incest if you're not related by blood.''

''But we're related by marriage.'' I toss a pillow at her and she catches it. ''Are you insinuating that I have something with my brother?''

''Step-brother,'' she corrects. ''It'll be hot though. You'll fulfill my smutty books fantasy.''

It's official, my best friend is smoking weed.

''You're high,'' I tell her pointedly. ''On a scale of 1-10 how much weed did you smoke?''

''I'm not high,'' she giggles. ''Just ruffling your feathers a bit and getting you to lighten up. You're nervous. I can tell.'' 

It's my first time attending the Adelaide charity event and my fourth time performing with the club in front of a crowd. They always say that after a couple of performances it'll get easier and you'd get rid of stage fright but I don't think that applies to me. With each performance, the nerves increase at a staggering rate.

I guess that's a good thing because I always bring my A game.

For the past month and a half, Mr Owen has been busting our asses and vocal chords, making sure we hit every note on time and synchronize in harmony. We're going to perform six songs in rapid succession for a total of eight minutes so the plan is to cut the songs into bits and make it a whole.

We sing the first verse of Skyscraper, move to the chorus of Greenade, sing the first verse of the Beatles' Blackbird, move to the chorus of Sweet Love by Anita Baker, sing the second verse of I Was Here and crown it off with They Don't Care About Us by Michael Jackson.

I know we're going to kill it like we did in rehearsals last week and I can't wait to sing.

''I'm nervous, but I'll be fine.'' I grab my sequinned purse and stuff my keys, a pack of gum and a lip gloss in it. ''As long as you don't insinuate that Theo and I have a thing going on. It's just so wrong and juvenile.'' And jailbait-ish. Theo is a cop and he's older. Age has never stopped me before, but after the whole Bob saga and the shit show that I'm STILL dealing with, I'm staying away from older guys. 

Time to date someone my age.

My phone buzzes and I take that as my cue to head downstairs. ''That's Theo. Time to bounce.''

I check myself in the mirror one last time before heading towards the door. ''Wait,'' Paris calls out. ''Let me examine you before you leave.''

Standing in front of me she adjusts my dress since it rode up a bit when I sat down. 

''Pout your lips.'' I do as she instructs and she coats my lips with more lipgloss. As usual, I opt for the natural looking makeup much to Paris' dismay. I told her that it's a school event and I can't look all dolled up like Mariah, wearing a cake full of makeup. I don't want to give Principal Grande a heart attack.

''Come on. I have to go,'' I groan. ''He's waiting.''

''He's a guy. He can wait.''

Grabbing a brush, she brushes the few strands of hair away from my face. ''By the way, your hair is so thick and full. I wish I had an afro like you.''

''You're still beautiful as a red head. Do you know how hard it is to find a natural redhead?''

She nods. ''True.'' 

Straightening my dress again, she hands me my phone and purse then practically shoves me out of my bedroom door. ''Now go kill the boys at Adelaide with your amazing looks and take pictures, lots of them.''

''Will do.''

''I'll probably stay awhile and hang out with your mum and Sophie. It's been a while since I've talked to your mum in particular.''

''Knock yourself out. She's probably in her room. Bye.''

''Kisses and hugs.''

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