Hate You, Love You.

Chapter 69 - LOVE SO SOFT

The performance goes on without a hitch. Mr Owen's face is brighter than the Christmas tree out back when the crowd gives us a ravenous round of applause. Turns out, I wasn't as nervous as I thought I was. Three minutes before the performance, I wanted to pass out and almost had a panic attack but Theo reassured me that everything would go smoothly. 

Admittingly though, once we start singing Skyscraper, it becomes easier because we are in a group and our chemistry is unmatched. As we switch from song to song, accompanied by Mr Owen playing the piano, I just let loose and focus on doing a good job.

After the performance, a few parents come up to Theo and I since they recognized us on stage and said they quite enjoyed the blending of eras, especially the songs that reminded them of their childhood.

Have to give it to Mr Owen, he knows his onions.

''Do you want to get out of here?'' Theo whispers to me as a couple of people are heading towards the gym's exit. ''Because you look tired.''

''I am tired.'' Main reason being this is not a 'sitting down' event. I've been on my feet for two hours. ''These heels are fucking killing me.''

''Language,'' he warns lightly and points to my feet. ''You could always take them off.''

''And risk getting frostbite?''

''I'll carry you.''

''You're hilarious,'' I deadpan. ''I'm not taking them off. I don't want to go yet.'' My eyes scan the room and I spot Jason and his family talking to Principal Grande. At least, I think that's his family. There's a chestnut haired woman next to him, dressed in a black wrap dress. She has her hands wrapped around his arm and is laughing softly. Next to her is a tall man who is animatedly talking to Grande.

The other woman, I don't even understand how they're related, does not even look the least bit interested in the conversation. It's so obvious from her face that she'd rather be doing something else than being a party to the discussion. The last time I saw her was two months ago and she rubbed me the wrong way. She may look ethereal right now in her fitted white chiffon dress, and her pearly whites may be on full display even though it's fake, but there's something about her that seems…off. 

Jason, much like the woman, looks like he has tuned out and only nods his head absent-mindedly when the man who I assume is his father gestures to him.

''Hello, Theo.'' I tear my eyes away from the family and see Kayla, the girl who had not so subtlely told me to remind her when Theo is 'available.'

''Hey, Kayla,'' I say, surprised. Not really. ''Hope you're enjoying the event?''

''It's great,'' she responds and turns her attention to Theo. ''Did you get my message?'' she asks whilst batting her eyelashes. Her voice drops a few octaves lower as she tries to sound seductive. ''I bet you did.''

''What message?'' Theo questions looking uncomfortable as hell. This is a straight up ambush.

Theo has raked up quite the reputation at Adelaide. The girls at school call him the 'finest male specimen to ever grace the halls of Adelaide.' I thought that title was for Jason, but I think his record has already been broken. I can't even count the amount of girls (and guys) that have slipped their numbers in my pocket so that I'd hand it over to him all in the hopes that he'd give them a second glance.

Some have even tried to get into my good graces. Ever since he arrived, the girls who have never for once had a conversation with me, hell even the ones that made fun of me when I first arrived at Adelaide, started inviting me to shit like sleepovers, birthday parties, yacht parties soirees and country clubs. Of course, I politely declined because I don't fuck with fakeness. They sure as hell don't like me and the only reason they're talking to me is because I'm 'related' to Theo. 

As if I even need another reason to be popular by association, some of them have even offered to walk me to class all day like my own personal chaperone. To make matters worse, they populate our lunch table before we arrive. At first it annoyed me, but I've learned to live it, basking in the hilarity and stupidity of it all.

If only they knew who he really was.

She turns to me sharply. ''Mel, did you give the paper to him? I personally handed it to you.'' Her high cheekbones are almost flaring with rage but she's controlling it.

''I raise my hands up defensively. ''I did hand it to him.'' Along with the other millions of papers filled with numbers and house addresses. ''You should ask him where he kept it.''

I know I'm not helping Theo's case here but I find this whole situation to be absolutely hilarious.

''I don't know where it is,'' Theo admits. He threw it in the trash. ''I'm sorry?''

Kayla's face deflates but she quickly masks it with a smile as she peers up at him. ''That's okay. I can always hand you my number physically. Maybe we can go out sometime?'' she asks, hopeful. 


I almost say 'You're jailbait' but bridle my tongue. To stop myself from completely laughing my ass off, I point towards the refreshment aisle and leave Theo to his fate. I don't know how he wants to get himself out of that pickle because Kayla looks determined to go out on a date him.

I feel a bit parched so I grab a bottle of water and check my phone. As always, I see a text from mum asking me how the event is going. I send a quick reply to her and shove my phone back in my bag. On my way to school, I asked Paris to not tell mum who exactly I'm going to the event with. She doesn't know about any of this yet and I'd like to not involve her in it…for the time being. The police said that this case needs to be top secret, which means not telling family or friends so everyone is pretty much left in the dark.

She didn't question me about it but I know she's going to ask a lot of questions later. Hopefully, I would have come up with a reasonable excuse.

''You've been avoiding me.'' I don't even need to look at the side to know who it is. I can recognize that silky voice from a mile away. Also, I know his signature cologne: Axe Dark Temptation Eau De Toilette. I would know this because Bob uses the same scent.

I turn anyway and see Jason, clad in what looks to be an expensive suit burrowing his eyes into my head.

''I haven't been avoiding you,'' I say as my heart beats rapidly and no, it's not from telling a lie.

''You don't have to deny it. It's obvious.''

''Well I-.''

''Did I do something wrong? Because I've wanted to talk to you but I just can't seem to get a hold of you. It's like you became invisible, yet not invisible at the same time judging by how many times I hear your name being called out.'' He brings the plastic cup of his punch to his lips and I watch his movements. Soft, plump and full lips drown the tangerine coloured drink and I almost sigh.

What I'd give to be the cup right now.

''And then there's your brother,'' he says bitterly, sitting the cup down. ''who can't seem to leave your side for one damn second.''

Is this jealousy I smell?

Either it's jealousy or it's the Axe.

''Are you jealous?'' I'm genuinely curious. He doesn't respond and I widen my eyes in disbelief. ''You're actually jealous of my brother? Theo?''


''He's my brother!''

''Step-brother,'' he corrects with a frown. ''He's not related to you by blood.''

''Step, half, quarter, full, middle, who gives a fuck? The point is you don't need to be jealous because there's nothing going on.'' I'm tired of having to tell people this. ''By the way, you have no right to be jealous. You're not my boyfriend.''

His eyes darken, and he takes a step closer to me. On instinct, I take a step back. His eyes rake in my outfit and I bite my lip so that I don't say something I'd end up regretting. ''Has anyone told you you look beautiful today?''

Theo did but I won't tell him that. ''No.'' Don't avoid my statement!

''Well, you do. The dress looks incredible on you.''

Jason Blunt just complimented me!

Don't blush, Mel. Don't fucking blush.

''Thanks.'' I respond softly. ''You look good too.''

Good? Really?

In my defense, it's not everyday you get a compliment from Jason Blunt and although I'm not fishing for compliments, to hear him say he likes my outfit makes my heart flutter.

Thank you, Paris Noel Jackson.

''Yea, thanks.'' 

We fall into a comfortable silence, both not knowing what to say, until I open the realm of conversation again.

''Is it true?''

He raises a thick brow. ''Is what true?''

''What Easton said about Mariah. Did she really have an abortion?''

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