Hate You, Love You.


''Well you two look cozy.''

We both freeze like we were caught red-handed stealing cookies out of the cookie jar. I close my eyes briefly and suck my cheeks in my teeth. I knew I'd have to face her sooner or later, but I was hoping it would be never.

It's not exactly pleasant when you run into your ex boyfriend's ex girlfriend after you both exchanged some not so nice words to each other months ago.

I'm the first to release my hand from our handshake, instantly regretting it because I miss the feel of his rough yet tender palm against mine.

''What do you want, Patricia?'' Jason asks, irritation gracing his tone and he doesn't even try to hide it. We were having a moment here and she fucking ruined it.

Like she ruined her relationship with Bob.

She waves her hands dismissively. ''Oh, nothing. Just wanted to inform you that mum and dad would be leaving soon.'' 

She's his sister?!

This is not good.

My surprise is very much evident on my face. I part my lips in an attempt to say something-anything-but the words die on my lips before they even have a chance of coherence.

The world is definitely conspiring against me. I find out that my now ex-boyfriend is in the mafia, and now my crush has a sister who is his (Bob's) ex-girlfriend.

''Melody, it's nice to see you again,'' she says smoothly with a bit of an accent. I don't remember her having one during our first encounter but I guess I was too riled up back then. It makes sense that she would since she's been living in Paris for a while now.

''You too,'' I respond with a tight-lipped smile. I figured if she's going to play the game of Mrs Nice Witch, I might as well play along. ''Although I don't remember telling you my name.''

Her red lips, I guess red is her favourite colour, lifts so high up her cheekbones as she flashes me her pearly whites. ''Believe it or not, my brother talks about you a lot.''

Jason whips his head sharply and shoots her a dirty look. ''Step-brother,'' he seethes. ''And you didn't need to tell her that.''

The seething is actually more from embarrassment because his cheeks are tinted a bit.

So he does talk about me. Interesting.

''Step, full, who cares?'' she tuck a red lock, which I assume is dyed, behind her ear. ''They're all the same.''

''You know,'' she continues. ''I didn't quite believe Jason when he said you both attend Adelaide. After you called me-'' she puts her lilac coated nails on her chin. ''Malibu Bitch, I could've sworn you were much older than that. Bob sure knows how to pick them, doesn't he?''

Jason tenses at the mention of Bob's name and visibly grits his teeth. Sending a warning glance to his sister, he grabs her by the arm softly. ''I think you've said enough, let's go.''

She wiggles her arm away and gestures to their parents who are talking to another couple. ''They don't look like they're ready to leave yet, so I'm good.''

Turning her attention back to me, fake smile still plastered on, she asks subtlely. ''I heard the police are out looking for Bob. Saw his arrest warrant on the news the other day,'' she muses. ''What a shame to see that his past has finally caught up with him.''

I cast a curious glance at her. ''What do you mean?''

''Oh nothing,'' she dismisses, but knowing her, it must mean something. ''It's just interesting to see how things would fall into place, like chess pieces.'' I swear, her eyes glisten at my confused face and she takes a step towards me. ''I just hope he hasn't disappeared completely because the law is waiting for him.''

Disappeared completely?

''What do you know about Bob's disappearance?''

''I know as much as the rest of Bridgewood, Melody.'' I don't buy this innocent look one bit. She may look like she's more innocent than Mother Theresa, but something is up with this woman. I just hope my conclusions are wrong.

For my sake.

''You must be devastated,'' she continues in a tone that is laced with faux concern. Anyone who is walking by would think she actually gives a fuck, but I can see right through it. ''Bob disappearing to God knows where without a trace must have gutted you, and with the police out to get him well, I can only say you must be going through a lot right now.'' 

She doesn't care about Bob, and she sure as hell doesn't care if I'm 'devastated' or not. She and Bob had a terrible breakup and there is obviously bad blood between them. When we had a chance encounter at the restaurant that day, Bob said he could ruin her because he had some sort of leverage over her and she said she'd see him hell because ''the devil has space enough for the both of us.'

What if she had something to do with his disappearance, and by extension what happened on the night of September 7?

''It's been a rough couple of months,'' I simply say, careful not to give anything away. ''But I'll power through it.''

She nods next to Jason who has been quiet for the most part, harbouring an unreadable expression on his face. He's obviously pissed at his sister and even though we've made truce, I can't help but wonder if he knows more than he's letting on.

''He'll turn up,'' she says in a reassuring manner like we're best friends. ''Back when we were dating, he would sometimes disappear for weeks, maybe months and then pop right back like he never left,'' her lips press into a firm line. ''That's one of the reasons why we had a falling out.'' You mean one of the reasons why you cheated and tried to justify it!

''Bob's like that sometimes.''

''Sure,'' I respond, not knowing exactly what to say.

''If you can,'' Does she ever stop talking? ''please keep me posted on Bob's whereabouts. We may have not ended things well but I do care about him a lot.''

I beam at her, trying to keep my sarcastic comment to myself. ''I will.''

More like I will never.


''You're not that bad,'' she muses lightly. ''We may have not got off on the right foot but I like you.'' Was I that great of an actress? ''Maybe we could hang out or go out for coffee sometime?''


''And Jason can come with,'' she turns to her brother. ''Right?''

''Sure,'' he grunts.

''It's settled then.'' I see their parents heading towards the door and she grabs her brothers arm. ''Our parents are leaving now. Bye, Melody. Again, it was wonderful to see you again and I'm looking forward to our date.''

I want to tell her to fuck off and I'm not going on a coffee date or whatever it is she thinks we're attending but she and Jason are already heading towards the exit.

''Hey, kiddo.'' I shift my gaze away from the Blunts and see Theo whose hair looks dishelved and he's panting like he just ran a marathon.

''My heels would make contact with your toe if you call me that again.'' I eye him up and down. ''What happened to you?''

''High school girls are relentless.''


''Yea, her,'' he says in a duh tone. ''She can't take no for an answer so I've been running and trying to avoid her. I left her in one of the classes but it won't be long before she realizes that I'm gone for good so let's bolt.''

He looks at me. ''What happened to you?''

Jason and Patricia Blunt.

''Let's go before Kayla finds out you're a sneaky shit.''

He chuckles lightly. ''In my defense, I don't date high-school girls.''

I snort. ''You don't date at all.''


''Meh, you still like me.''

''No, I don't.''

''Yea, you do.'' I say matter-of-factly. ''You're just in denial.''


I shake my head with a smile as we walk towards the double doors of the gym and into the dark, starry night and biting cold. I shiver slightly once the wind hits me in a rush. ''Here.'' Theo shrugs of his suit jacket and hands it to him.

''Won't you be cold?''

''I'll live, kiddo,'' I glare at him. ''We're walking to the car and you need it more than I do.''


I accept the jacket and wear it, letting the four-sizes-too-big cotton material envelope me in its warmth. Our shoe clad feet pad the ground and walk to the sparsely lit parking lot. A lot of thoughts are running through my mind and they seem to have no halt, no breaks, and no…conclusions.

I'm still left with more questions than answers.

''Patricia Blunt,'' I say rapidly.

He pauses to look at me. ''What?''

''I want the police to investigate Patricia Blunt.''

''Why? Did something happen?''

''I met her again today,'' I admit. ''Something seems off about her.'' 


''She's Bob's ex-girlfriend,'' I elaborate. ''Bob and I ran into her at a restaurant and from what I heard, they didn't exactly have the nicest of break-ups. There's some bad blood between them.''

''Why didn't you say all this during the interrogation?''

''I forgot,'' I say honestly. I really did forget at that time and if I forgot, I probably thought it was not important. ''I was traumatized and recovering from an accident so excuse me for forgetting to mention something.''

He narrows his hazel eyes at me as we approach his car. ''I'll personally look into that.''

Maybe I'm wrong about her. Maybe Patricia is innocent and I'm just being paranoid. Maybe she's actually a sweet person. Maybe she doesn't have a vendetta against him. Who knows?

It's better to rule out all the maybes before I start pointing fingers.

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