Hate You, Love You.

Chapter 76 - SIDE OF HEAVEN

''Okay, so you have experience with working in a bakery?'' Aunty Fiona asks as we stand in the middle of the closed bakery. It opens at 9:00am and I arrived an hour early so she'd 'show me the ropes'. Also, I wanted to make a good first impression as an employee.

''Not quite,'' I say as she hands me a one of her custom made aprons. ''I worked at a diner. Bob's Eat 'N' Grillz.''

''Oh, I know that place.'' Everyone knows that place. ''They serve the best burgers.'' It was alright. ''I heard the police are looking for the owner and he was involved in some sort of accident. Joe told me all about it because he watches the news more than I do.''

I nod silently. The memories of that day still replay in my mind constantly, the only difference is that now, I don't let it consume me.

''Poor man. I hope he's okay,'' she says sympathetically. ''The world is a dangerous place.''

''I hope he's okay too.'' She notices my change in mood and looks at me, concern gracing her features. ''Are you okay? Did something happen?''

A lot of shit did happen and is still happening.

''He was my boss,'' And my boyfriend and I loved him. ''He was nice to all of his employees and he just disappeared without a trace. It's a huge loss.''

Bob could be anywhere in the world right now, or if my innate instincts are right, he could be six feet under the ground. I want to assume that he's probably somewhere in Mexico, living off the grid till things cool down.

I'm trying my best to be positive.

''You must be sad,'' she responds softly in a motherly tone. I nod. I'm more than sad. I'm angry, hurt and confused. A very bad combination even more so now that lady red has come for her monthly visit.

''I was, but I'm over it.'' I answer, giving her one of my best fake smiles. ''I just hope that the police can find him.'' Find his location, a shoeprint, a fingerprint, a hair sample, anything, so that I'd know for sure that he's alive. ''His family is probably more worried than I am.''

I never knew Bob's family. That was one of the many things he kept me in the dark about. I've asked him about them several times and every single time, he dodged the question. The only information he did provide was that they don't live in the US. It was obvious that they weren't close because every time I brought up the subject, he'd shut down.

''You're right. He's quite young too. I'd hate to hear that something bad happened to him.''

I swallow the lump in my throat.

''Anywho, since you've worked in a diner before, then you'd have no problem working at a bakery. In fact, I think you'd find it easier. The crowd is crazy sometimes but it's tameable.''

I'm glad for the change in topic. The distraction is exactly what I need right now.

''Our busiest periods are usually in the mornings because people come here for breakfast before heading to work or school or wherever it is they're going to and like you saw yesterday, it was crazier than the town's fair.'' A bit of an exaggeration, but okay. ''Things get better in the afternoon and then the place is next to empty in the evenings.''


She hands me a rag and instructs me to clean the counter. ''When do you go back to school?''

''On the fifteenth,'' I groan and she chuckles. ''I don't want to go back to school.'' Resumption is a week from now and I'm dreading it already. The only plus side of it is that I graduate soon and I'm off to a university I haven't even picked yet.

I've stalled on the whole picking a uni thing because there are a lot more important things occupying my mind. Sure getting a degree is important, but so is figuring out where Bob is and who is trying to kill me. You don't exactly shake off a dead skunk and a note saying 'You're Next' that easily.

But I know that once I get back to Adelaide, I need to figure out where I actually want to go to and what I want to study and fast. Mrs Finley would most definitely want a follow up report following our last meeting and SAT prep would be in full swing.

Being a senior is hard.

''You're a million miles away,'' I hear a voice say and that snaps me back to reality. I see Aunty Fiona giving me a worried look and I try to brush it off. 

''I'm fine.''

''Are you sure? You know, you could always start tomorrow so you'd have a clear head.''

''I'm fine,'' I reassure her and myself again. ''It's just first day jitters. It'll wear off soon.''

The look that she gives me tells me that she doesn't buy my excuse one bit, but she doesn't push it. ''Since you resume on the fifteenth, then you can't be coming in in the mornings. What time does school close?''

''Depends. If I don't have a club meeting, I head home by 4:30 but if I do, then by 5:00.''

She nods. ''Alright. So, how about you come in by six and then you close by nine which is when the bakery officially closes?''

3 hours. Not bad.


''Great.'' She walks to the back of the counter and I follow suit. ''You'll get paid thirteen dollars per hour, but I'll make it fifteen. Think of it as a birthday present because I missed out on you growing up.'' she winks.


''Thank you so much, Aunty.'' It's an upgrade from what I was paid at the diner.

''You're welcome, honey.''

She points to the showglass. ''I make all of these,'' she points to the yummy display of croissants, red velvet cakes, lemon cakes, her famous chocolate cake, and vanilla truffles. ''from scratch. It's the one thing I love doing and it keeps me occupied. Basically, I'm going to take orders from customers and you deliver it to their respective tables. That's it. That way I don't have to break my back hopping from table to table,'' she jokes.


She looks at her watch. ''Ten minutes until we officially open so let's continue cleaning the tables.''

''Yes, ma'am.''

''By the way, is your boyfriend coming by? I wouldn't mind if he stops by every single day.'' she comments as we clean the table surfaces with the rags.

''He's not my boyfriend.''

''You don't need to be so coy,'' she winks and I shake my head. ''You two looks so cute together.''

''I can assure you, we're really just good friends.'' I reiterate. He's a cop! The likelihood of us having a relationship is about the same as me stepping foot on Pluto.

''Did he tell you that?'' I pause and look at her. ''Honey, I've been on this earth way longer than you have and I can tell when a man likes a woman. He has this look in his eyes, the one Joe used to give me back when we were dating. Like he'd kill any man who so much as looks at you.''


''He also has this innate urge to protect you.'' It's his job to protect me! ''I can see it, honey. It's cute.''

''He's just an overprotective friend.'' I think. Now I'm not so sure. Could all that she's saying be true? Does Theo actually like me? 

''I doubt he views me in the way that you think. We annoy each other and I see him as an older brother.''

I hope he sees me in the same way.

''If you say so,'' she drawls. ''then I guess you're right.''

''He's coming over in a bit,'' I add. ''Since you're so pressed on seeing him.''

I swear to God her eyes light up like stars and her whole demeanour changes like she's on the happy pill. ''Really?''

''Aunty, do you have a crush on my friend?'' I purposely drag the word friend because I want to dispel her theory of Theo liking me as more than a friend or a little sister. We can't happen.

She fans herself dramatically. ''He's hot as sin.''

''You did not just say that.'' I giggle. She swats me a little with the rag, her pearly whites fading into view. ''I'm not blind, Melly Mel. I may be old but even I know when a man is smokin'. He's like sex on wheels.''

We are not having this conversation.

''He also looks like he has a nice rack down there.''


''We are not talking about my friend's junk right now,'' I say with my mouth wide open. I don't want to imagine it and I don't want to think about it. ''What about Uncle J?''

''I love Joe but an old woman can admire.'' Admire his face not his package.

''I remember when Joe and I were young.'' Her tone turns wistful as she remembers the past. ''We were the hottest couple in town and we'd go at it like rabbits.'' TMI, Aunty. ''Even conceived my first baby on this checkered floor.''

My jaw is slacked so hard I'm pretty sure it's almost reaching the floor. I could have gone my whole like without knowing that piece of information. ''I would never look at this floor the same again.''

Aunty Fiona just chuckles. ''Come on. We're about to open for business.''

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