Hate You, Love You.

Chapter 79 - PRISONER

''Let's head to Target first.'' I inform Theo as we enter the mall and make a right to the bright red establishment. My shopping list isn't that long considering Adelaide has a dress code and I can't buy cute outfits. The only stuff I want to get from the clothing store (anyone is fine to be very honest) is high knee socks, probably a new shoe and a camisole.

All my old clothes still look fresh to me and besides, I can't just blow all my money on unimportant stuff. I have to start saving up for university.

''What are you getting?''

''Lucky Charms, Maltesers, Dorittos, Bagels, Jam, Ham, Bacon, Pop Tarts,'' I start reading my list from the top of my head. He just shakes his head and grabs a cart from the place holder. He pushes the cart with me by his side and we head to the closest aisle-the cereal aisle. I grab three boxes of Lucky Charms. ''Do you like Lucky Charms?''

''Not a big fan of sugary cereal in general.''

I scrunch up my nose. ''Don't tell me you're a health freak like my mum.''

''I wouldn't call myself a health freak, per se, I just watch what I eat.'' He gestures to his body, with particular focus on his lower region where his abs are located.. ''It is not easy to look this good.''

''Cocky much?''

''You love it.''

I stretch again and grab an extra Lucky Charms and toss it in the cart. ''I don't care what you say. I'm buying you Lucky Charms and you are going to take it home and eat it.''

I wag my forefinger at him because I know he's going to protest. ''I wouldn't take no for answer.'' He sighs in resignation and I move on to the next cereal box.

''To buy Kelloggs or not to buy Kelloggs?'' He turns to me. ''I thought you only wanted Lucky Charms?''

''I'm buying a bribe.'' I grab a box from the neatly ordered arrangement and hand it to him. ''And concealing your identity in the process.''

He examines the box in his hand. ''A Kellogs box is meant to do that?''

I look left and right and no one seems to be paying attention to us so I tip toe and whisper in his ear what the Kelloggs box is for. A look of realization crosses his face and he stretches his hands to grab another Coco Pops. ''Maybe we should get two just in case.''

''I like your thinking.''

Sophie loves Coco Pops and I know that she said I shouldn't get her anything but my plan is to bribe her so she doesn't accidentally let it slip that Theo came to the house. She already knows too much just by knowing his name. I'd rather be the sacrificial lamb than let my family get involved in this mafia nonsense. I caused this anyways so I'm going to end this, with the help of the investigators of course.

Sophie would obviously not say no to the sugary cereal, she'd keep her mouth shut and everything goes back to normal-well my new normal.

''Let's bounce.''

The next place we go to is the chips aisle and I grab as many Doritos pack as I can, with specific focus on the Nacho Cheese flavour because let's be real, who doesn't love cheese? I add in an extra few packs for Theo who just follows me without saying anything about my eating habits. I'm a foodie so you can't blame me. Plus, school is starting tomorrow and I need all the food I can get because I'm going to lose a lot weight due to all the studying I'm going to be doing. 

''Have you ever been to Victoria's Secret?'' I question randomly as we push the cart to the chocolate aisle. He looks flustered by my question and I resist the urge to squeeze his cheeks. I've never seen him flustered before so it's a welcome development.

''Why would you even ask me that?''

I shrug. ''Because I'm going there once I'm done here. Wanted to know if you would like to tag along since you're my bodyguard,'' I tease.

He clears his throat. ''No, thank you.''

''Why not?'' I press in a bid to tease him. ''Don't tell me you haven't seen a bra before?''

''I am not having this conversation with a minor.'' 

''Oh, please. I'll have you know I'm-'' The cart I'm pushing bumps into another cart and I instantly jump. ''I'm so sorry, I didn't-'' the words die on my tongue before I air it out. I stare at the woman in front of me who is smiling from ear to ear. ''Don't worry about it, Melody. It's no problem really. If anything, I should be the one apologizing to you.''

She grabs the Maltesers pack that unceremoniously fell from my hand and hands it to me. ''Thank you, Patricia,'' I say tightly, but not in a rude manner.

''Grocery shopping?'' she asks lightly, her accent making itself prominent.

''Something like that.''

She turns to Theo and scans him before turning to me with a look that can only mean, 'are you going to introduce me?'

''Theo,'' I gesture to him. ''This is Patricia Blunt, Jason's step-sister.'' I gesture to her. ''Patricia, this is my step-brother, Theo.'' Theo feigns ignorance when I call out her name and her relationship to Jason and takes her outstretched hand. ''It's nice to meet you, Theo.'' she says kindly, her cherry red lipstick cracking into a full blown smile. Must she always be so gorgeous? I want to hate her-she cheated on the man I loved and then made it seem like it wasn't a big deal, even blaming him in the process and painting the narrative like he forced her to cheat and here she is, acting like an innocent angel.

Won't lie, she's pretty convincing with that smile.

And let's not even get to her outfit because she looks straight out of a Hollywood movie. Flawless skin, flawless red hair, heck even her clothes are flawless, not a crease in sight. She's dressed in a black cami top covered with a bright red leather jacket and high waisted sea blue jeans. She tops the look off with a gold pendant hanging on her neck and diamond studs.

''My brother never mentioned you having a brother, Melody.''

''He didn't mention you either.''

''Don't mind him. He's just angry because I left him for a little while.'' To be with your lover. ''Your brother is gorgeous though,'' she comments, as if Theo isn't here. Theo face is impassive and I have no idea what he's thinking. I've already told him that she was a suspect on my list. Does he think so too? Her record already eliminated her from the scene of the crime and cleared her from every sort of illegal activity, but you never know the devil in the disguise.

''Excuse my brashness, but it's the truth.'' she says apologetically. ''Anywho, I'd leave you two alone. I'm just babbling again.'' She grabs her cart and pushes it to the side. ''Before I forget, don't forget you owe me a coffee date.''

Theo raises a brow next to me. ''Of course. I haven't forgotten.'' I actually forgot but now that she has reminded me, then maybe this is my chance to ask her the questions I need answers to.

''Looking forward to it,'' she beams again. ''I haven't had a chat with a fellow female ever since I arrived. Also, please keep me posted on Bob's case. I know you're not obliged to but I'd really love to know if they've found him yet.''

''Will do,'' I say with a weary smile. With a final goodbye, she moves her cart along to the other aisle and I release a breath I didn't even realize I was holding.

Theo is still staring ahead, watching her footsteps until they disappear. I nudge him with my arm and he snaps out of whatever daze he's in. ''Earth to Theo.''

''Earth to Melody.''

''So you've met her,'' I say conversationally. ''The infamous Patricia Blunt. What'd you think of her.''

''She's…nice,'' he pauses for a second. ''And looks…harmless.''

Oh, she's nice alright. But something in my gut is telling me it's all a façade.

''You are going on that coffee date with her.'' Theo asks as he pushes the cart to the next aisle which is the fruits section. Yes, I may like junk food, but it doesn't mean I don't like apples and bananas every once in a while. 

''Not really interested. My plan is to see how I can make her forget all about it.'' By avoiding her as much as possible.

''I'm not asking,'' he answers matter-of-factly. ''I'm telling. You're going on that coffee date with her.'' He puts a bunch of bananas in the cart. ''And you're going there wired.''


''I'm not following.''

''You're going on that date with her but you're going to be wired,'' he reiterates. ''I'll dumb it down for you. You'll be strapped with wires, not actual live wires, but more of a transmitter, on your body and it'd allow me to listen in your conversation with Patricia.'' Oh. ''You're the one who said you didn't trust her so use that as an opportunity to see if your suspicions are correct.''

Double Oh.

''Something tells me that that date is going to be eye-opening.''

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