Have You Ever Met Such a Cold Author

Chapter Fifteen When the Long Farewell Reunion

Tang Cuo wakes up in the morning and habitually turns on the computer to check the author's background.

Because of the time difference, he usually wakes up early to update, but he doesn't need it today, but he still put a chapter of the update into the backstage manuscript box, and finally went through the manuscript, revised two wordings, and then set the chapter Regular updates in the evening.

In the morning, I couldn’t get into work. I had to meet my brother’s girlfriend for the first time at noon. According to custom, as the eldest brother, he should be regarded as an elder, and he should prepare a meeting ceremony for the woman to show his recognition of her. Because of this unexpected task, Tang Cuo's room didn't go back for the time being. He took care of himself, stuffed the lipstick engraved with "Gift Pianyu" into the deepest part of the box, and then took a taxi into the city.

The only luck is that there is no need to worry about what to buy for Lin Long. When Tang Cu started out, he thought happily, after all, the day before, he had just made up for what gifts he would give to girls of his generation. He didn't expect that this strategy would be reused a second time.

Tang Cu, who has no experience in giving gifts, is planning to go to the mall and buy another lipstick-but this time he doesn't need to engrave.

The taxi drove slowly into the heart of this huge and prosperous city. After seven years of drifting, the time to return home was approaching. There are some people who have returned from a long journey, who are close to homesickness, but Tang Cuo is just the opposite. He feels all emotions sink into the deep bottom of the sea, and once again sees this ancient city where he was born and grown, he seems to be indifferent. A stranger has no expression on his face and no sadness or joy in his heart.

He deliberately did not use the subway, but instead took the ground transportation to meet him face to face with the city. These familiar sights stimulated all the protective mechanisms in his subconscious to the greatest extent. The true self was buried in the deepest and darkest corner, and beyond that, he was locked in layers with the coldest mask.

Be extremely prepared, extremely indifferent, and seal your heart from the beginning. Only in this way can you not bleed or collapse when dealing with the deadliest blow.

Tang Cu walked into the bustling shopping mall, distinguished the location of the make-up area, and walked forward. Even on Monday morning, such a popular shopping mall will not be deserted. Amidst the crowd of people like weaving, Tang Tu looks out of place with the crowd.

Today, he wore a black jacket with a slim and stand-up collar. It was calm and solemn. If anyone knew the goods, he would be able to recognize that this jacket was the spring model of a luxury brand last year, and it was expensive. He is tall and straight, with a handsome appearance, but his expression is frozen and indifferent. He seems to be drawn away from this lively and noisy place, like a bush of bamboo on a high mountain. Don't approach or climb.

The expensive price of his clothes and the indifference between the eyebrows shocked the shopping guide on the counter. She quickly took a lipstick according to the picture presented by the other party, and did not even dare to recommend other products to him routinely, watching this man's The back is gone.

The time to meet Lin Long was a bit earlier than Tang Cu expected.

Approaching lunch time, they met at the entrance of the high-end villa complex, Lin Long got out of the car and waved that the bodyguard did not need to follow him. After passing the security check at the entrance of the community, she took off the huge sunglasses that covered half of her beautiful face, and only had two seconds to face the man standing there. Lin Long smiled and said, "Hello, Brother Tang Cu."

Tang Cu has not returned for seven years, and there are not many photos left from her teenage years. She recognized people so quickly, apparently doing enough homework in advance-so it seems that she treated her relationship with Tang Qi, Still very serious.

Thinking of the mother who was waiting at home not far away, Tang Tu didn't know whether the girl's serious attitude was a good thing or a bad thing, so he nodded and said, "Hello."

"We haven't seen it for many years."

How do I pick this up? Tang Cuo thought tensely. I'm afraid that the two of them had only met two or three times at the banquet when they were young. He had only a vague impression of the children of the Lin family, and there was nothing to tell. Although he deliberately prepared another lipstick as a meeting ceremony, he never thought that he would meet his brother's girlfriend alone.

Unsuspectingly, he thought of the process that he prepared yesterday but was useless.

"I brought you a small gift." Tang Tuo stiffly backed, "Be careful, just as a meeting ceremony."

After greeting a stranger, he was so nervous that he simply forgot the gift bag he handed out. Lin Long didn't care either. He took the bag and took a look at it and said with a smile: "I like this brand very much, thank you brother."

Tang Cu looked at the ground awkwardly, "No thanks."

"Tang Qi always told me before that his brother had a bitter life when he was a child, and told me to give way to everything after seeing you." Lin Long put her hair together and sold her boyfriend carelessly, "but I will come. Before, my brother told me that his landlord is a very receptive person. Don’t be restrained, then I won’t engage in that trick with you.-Brother Tang Cu, tell me the truth, your mother How does she dislike me? Tang Qi was afraid that I would think too much, and always comforted me that he would try his best to get his mother — I can see it, not yet."

The elder brother in her mouth is undoubtedly Lin Lang, the eldest son of Lin Kangsheng, the contemporary head of the Lin Group.

The temper of this young master is also unpredictable. The Lin family has only a lot of real estate in the United States, but he didn't ask for anything. Instead, he found acquaintances in the same city—in fact, he didn’t know much—he asked. Relationship seeking rent.

Once Lin Lang once told Tang Cu, that if it weren't for Lin Long and Tang Qi's relationship, he could not rent Tang Cu's house, and he would probably go to a hotel. At that time, Tang Cu only thought about some changes in the Lin family. The eldest son could not live in his own house, but he was not a gossip. Besides, he had not lived in Dongling for a long time, and he was not too concerned about this kind of problem. , So he didn't ask any further questions. Looking back now... he actually thought that the "relationship between Lin Long and Tang Qi" in Lin Lang's mouth meant an ordinary friendship, and his thinking was too simple.

The brothers and sisters have exactly the same personality, straightforward, strong and decisive. Lin Long smiled at Tang Tuo and said, "You have to tell me first, so I have to be prepared. For example, will I be scolded as soon as I enter the door? —To be honest, I will have a very important work meeting in a while. The other party has something to do at three o'clock. At most, I can wait until two o'clock. The sooner I arrange it, the better.

Tang Cu was helpless with this question, and said, "Sorry, Miss Lin, I really don't know."

"It's okay." Lin Long said casually, "just call me by name, or you can call me younger brother or sister. Anyway, I will definitely marry Tang Qi."

Tang Tu smiled unnaturally, and did not respond to these words and made an invitation gesture.

When the two walked side by side to the residence of Tang Tu's parents, he thought to himself, after seeing his mother today, Lin Long didn't know if he could say this without hesitation.

The person who came to open the door was Tang Qi. He seemed to be about to go out to pick up people. It was Tang Cu and Lin Long who had arrived early.

Tang Cuo looked at Tang Qi's face and knew that the situation might be a little worse than he thought. Lin Long seemed to feel nothing, and smiled and took Tang Qi's arm.

"Brother." Tang Qi first nodded and greeted Tang Cu, and then gave Lin Long a strong hug.

"Good noon dear." He didn't smile, and said softly, "Sorry, it may be a tough battle today, but I am definitely on your side, okay?"

When Tang Qi was sullen and not smiling, he looked a bit similar to his brother Tang Tu. "It's great." Lin Long said happily, as if the other party said, "Will you eat Italian food for lunch today?"

"Is it Tang Cuo coming back?" A woman's voice came from the upper floor.

"Yes, mother. And Lin Long is here too." Tang Qi replied loudly.

Tang Cu followed Tang Qi and stepped into the gate of this luxurious villa again after many years. It was amazing. The moment he crossed this threshold, he suddenly recalled that seven years ago, when he stepped out for the last time, his mother was still threatening with hatred: when he went abroad, he should correct the problem, otherwise he would never come back!

So Tang Cuguo really never came back.

It's hard to say how Tang Cu felt when he saw the woman in the wheelchair again.

She is old. The fatal disease was visibly exhausting her physical strength and energy. Today, she even came out to greet the guests in a loose hospital gown. Her face was wrinkled and she didn't use pink powder at all. For her face was better than life in her youth. , This is completely unthinkable.

Tang Tuo thought she would recall many unbearable memories of her, such as a baby with a blue face but still struggling weakly, such as the restraint clothes that made him breathless, and the admission of Dongling University that was torn to pieces and burned to ashes. Notice.

But it didn't. She is so old and weak, unlike the tough look in his memory.

"Baby!" Mother Tang cried, tears rushing out, "Mom's baby, you are so old, my son..."

Passionate, she opened her arms in the wheelchair with tears streaming down her face, and motioned to the eldest son who had been reunited for a long time to come and give her a hug.

Tang Cu stood there and said calmly, "Hello."

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