"Bamboo God."

Tang Cun was trapped in his memory, Lu Lianguang called to him, he was taken aback, and he was suddenly embraced in a warm and powerful embrace.

"Sorry, I'm sorry." Lu Lianguang said.

They were of the same height, so they could hug each other. Lu Lianguang's youthful and energetic aura pulled Tang Tu back to the present world. His arms around his shoulders tightened firmly and strongly. The tone was sincere and painful. Tang Tu grew up. After adulthood, I never shed tears for my sister, but now my eyes suddenly become hot.

He was not born with a personality defect. At least before he was six years old, Tang Tuo was a normal and lively boy. In this world, he is the only one who witnessed the murder in his own home. When he realized what his mother was doing, he screamed and rushed to stop it. It was too late. It is not that he has not sought help. When he was six years old, he told his father and was reprimanded for delusion and nonsense. When he was 13 years old, he naively ran into the police station to report the crime. But at that time, Tang's father's business was in full swing. Who would be so stupid as a little boy? Some words without evidence, label the boss's wife as a murderer? That time, not only did he fail to send his mother to jail as he wished, he completely sent his life to hell.

He paid a painful price for his youthful innocence. For the next ten years, Tang Cun blocked his heart, and never spoke about it again. Until now, he didn't know for the first time, it turned out to be understood like this. It turned out that after opening up and talking, it felt like this and being comforted.

Tang Cuo hesitated, hugged Lu carefully, buried his face on his shoulders, and for the first time in more than ten years, he shed tears for his unprotected sister in front of others.

Lu Lianguang's shoulder was wet, and there was a depressed sob in his ear, but this time he didn't say "Don't cry", but just hugged him quietly but powerfully.

The sun is slanting to the west and dusk is approaching. They stayed in the alley for a long time, and Lu Lianguang felt that the mood of the person in his arms became calm, and then let him go.

It was the first time that Tang Tuo was so ghoulish outside, and only met for the third time, and he soaked a lot of other people’s clothes, and this person was still the object of his secret admiration... At this moment, he was completely sensible and he felt a little embarrassed. However, Lu grabbed the light as if nothing happened, and said in a relaxed tone: "Okay, then how do we kill that... bamboo cocoon?"

He swallowed the uncivilized word "silly B". Although Lu Lianguang never avoided swearing and various uncivilized words when chatting with his friends on weekdays, but Zhu Congsheng was obviously so long that he didn't have any national curse. For the kind of person I mentioned, Lu Lianguang pays special attention to his own image in front of him, and his words are more disciplined than in front of his parents.

He never mentioned what was just now, and did not make any comments. This made Tang Cuchang breathe a sigh of relief and more at ease. He replied: "I will let my team contact the copyrights of the Cocoon of the Universe and Landis. Fang, discuss the plan with them."

Lu Lianguang heard this. Others may not know it, but he knows it. Zhu Congsheng told him that most of the copyrights of all works have been taken back by him at a high price. This is also a contradiction between him and the pen tip in recent years. The reason is getting deeper and deeper. But now Tang Cuo says "the copyright owner".

"Both of these have been sold?" Lu Lianguang said in surprise, "Is it convenient to tell? Which one is it?"

Tang Cu nodded, "It's no inconvenience. The contract was signed last year, and the project for the "Landis" movie has already been approved, but it hasn't reached the announcement period yet-it's Oti."

For a while, Lu Lianguang looked at Tang Cu in confusion, without realizing what he was talking about, he subconsciously asked, "Oti? Which Oti?"

Tang Cuo was also very strange. He wondered and said, "You don't know Aotea? It's the Aotea Film in the United States. There are still his movies on the cinema now, that is..."

"That's the science fiction film that broke the global box office record in less than a month! I know, how could I not know, I and a group of friends in the department have already done that film three times!" Lu Lianguang caught Madly said, "You signed Otti?! They are going to shoot the "Landis" series?!"

Aoti Films, the most influential and famous film production company in the world, is dominating the global box office with top-level screen special effects. Every blockbuster under its umbrella is shining and leads the world's entertainment topics. Every director, actor, and screenwriter in this world As well as filmmakers from all walks of life, they all regard being able to participate in Otti movies as their career pinnacle.

Tang Cu just said flatly: "Yes."

Lu Lianguang almost knelt down for him.

It’s no wonder that Tang Cuo didn’t pay attention to the yamozi that was compiled on the website. An author who has already reached a collaboration with the world’s top film companies. It won’t be long before his story will be staged on the world’s big screens. His name will be Everyone is well-known, why bother about the treatment of a domestic literary website now? Isn't this a joke!

Lu Lianguang didn't want Tang Cuo to know that he was the same as Guangtong, because he thought he hadn't written a work to be proud of. "Book with Swallows", he was not satisfied with his writing, but it was very successful from a market perspective. This work has gathered Hongye movies and top-level traffic, and thousands of people are arguing about it online every day.

Occasionally Lu Lianguang felt that even though he hadn't really exerted his power yet, when the filming of "Book of the Swallows" started, he seemed to be a little closer to the highest position of God.

But now Tang Cu lightly told him how unshakable the position of the Supreme God is.

Lu Lianguang looked at Tang Cun with scorching eyes, and after a long time he felt the trembling excitement--he had always felt that it was too easy, this world, this life, it was too easy. He has deep literary skills, and he has been in the internet literary circle all the year round. He knows what kind of plot conflict and how easy it is to catch the reader's heart. He didn't need to think about it at all. With a few techniques, he easily became popular. After accumulating a certain amount of popularity, he released a more rigorous book with a little bit of refinement, and he easily reached the top of the list.

The life of a genius is smooth, but boring.

But at this time, when he thought he was about to meet the Supreme God Seat, he suddenly discovered that it took him so many years to earn the status of Zhu Congsheng a few years ago, but Zhu Congsheng had long since risen to a higher realm beyond his reach. Up.

"Bamboo God..." Lu Lianguang felt the warmth in his heart, and looked at Tang Tu and said, "I think about it now. When I was in junior high school, the day I clicked "Cocoon of the Universe" was really the luckiest in my life. One day. For so many years, I have been chasing your footsteps, and you have never let me down."

Tang Cuo lowered his eyes embarrassedly, looked at the ground and said, "I hired a professional translation and copyright operation team...it is their credit."

He has always been humble. Lu Lianguang didn't argue, but looked at him with a proud smile. Suddenly, he thought of something: "Did Otti sued a small toy factory that used their character image to go bankrupt last year?"

Tang Cu nodded and said, "Yes."

Aoti movie, such a behemoth that dominates the global entertainment industry, also has a nickname that the world talks about: copyright madman. Regardless of where the infringer is in the world, and how insignificant the benefits of the infringement are to Otti, they are willing to defend their rights to the end at all costs, because the infringers do not eat hard and hard, and the industry has always been deterred by him. Few people dare to touch their mold.

Lu Lianguang’s bad mood was wiped out, and he gloated, “I’m starting to look forward to Zhu Yu’s new book. I hope he can update it more diligently. The more he copies, the quicker he will die. Alas, I don’t know how to wait until Austria. When he prepared the formalities to sue him, how much did he write, in case there are very few, wouldn’t we lose money here? No, I have to urge him to change and encourage him to have more codewords—"

He opened Weibo to post, Tang Cun couldn't laugh or cry, and he held his hand and said: "Don't make a fuss, wait until I go back to the United States and talk to Oti's people before... Wait, what is this? "

While they were playing around, they accidentally clicked on the latest Weibo comment, and tens of thousands of comments were caught by the two through the small screen:

"Bamboo cocoons are catching up with the bamboo clumps again, thinking that this time the movement is so big, the bamboo clumps should have a reaction? As a result, people happily pick coriander for Katha, embarrassing."

"So sweet, so sweet, so sweet! Together!"

"Wake up, Kataba is a man!"

"What??? Kataba is a man???"

"Is it connected to the Internet upstairs..."

"The two people were together that night! They are also together during the day! This is a grove of bamboos that I didn't bother to say a word for seven years! I'm afraid it was not true!"

"A few days after the establishment of the group, I didn't expect that there will be candy so soon! Are there any sisters who haven't joined the group? Hurry up and I'm too late to explain. Scan the QR code below to join the group."

"...What kind of organization is this? It's terrible."

"Mrs. Kataba!!! Tell the bamboo god I love him!!!"

Lu Lianguang: "..."

Tang cluster: "..."

It turned out that at noon, Lu Lianguang asked for his consent in order to post this Weibo...Tang Cuo looked at the blushing and heart-pounding words all over the screen, and felt that his face was so hot that he couldn't say anything. Reversed: "I...I'm going back to update...I haven't updated today..."

"Don't go." Lu Liguang grabbed the person who wanted to escape, "Come out tomorrow to see the house with me, okay? I'm about to graduate and I'm looking for a house."

"Ok...Okay." Tang Tuo replied casually, even the tips of his ears were blushing.

Lu Lianguang glanced at him deeply. It's horrible. I didn't read it wrong that night. He was really shy. It's too... so cute! Really want to...

calm down. He warned the beast in his heart that he was rushing, be patient and slow, the time is over, it's too late to advance...it's not appropriate.

"I'll see you tomorrow." Lu Lianguang said, finally letting go of Tang Tu, who looked like a small animal with its neck loosened, and quickly said goodbye to him, and ran away with a blushing face.

Lu Lianguang watched him leave the alley, and stood still for a while to calm the turmoil in his heart.

He looked down at the phone, found the comment asking him to express his love to Zhu Congsheng, and typed his reply.

Tang Cuo escaped into the car all the way, sitting in the driver's seat for a long time, unable to calm down.

He thought for a while, but still didn't hold back, with a pair of blushing ears, he sneaked into Weibo, and quietly read the comments on Katana's Weibo.

He just clicked in, and suddenly found that under the comment "Tell the bamboo god I love him" he just saw, there was a reply from the blogger——

"No, it's mine."

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