Have You Ever Met Such a Cold Author

Chapter 26 Midnight Takoyaki Shop

Lu Lianguang, who is better-sounding, says he is particular, he pays attention to the quality of life, and he is picky if he sounds bad. Picking food, picking brands with things, making friends and picking people, is not only picky, but also paranoid. If a table of dishes is all he doesn't like, he would rather take a bite after a hungry meal.

He can still pretend to be an approachable and sunny appearance to outsiders. Coupled with this naturally good skin, he has gained countless affections from small to large. He is too lazy to pretend to close people. Sometimes his parents can't stand him. There is much friction on both sides.

Fortunately, Lu Lianguang’s parents are professors and doctors. They both believe in persuading others. The most serious consequence of a conflict with their parents is that the three of them sat in the study room for an entire afternoon. In the end, no one could convince anyone. Broke up unhappy.

Father Lu once asserted: "If you are single for a lifetime, it is not because of your sexual orientation, pure character."

"It's okay to be single for a lifetime." Lu Lianguang responded calmly.

"How can I say that about my son!" Lu's mother persuaded her, turning around to suggest to her son, "Otherwise, don't report to Dongling University for your first choice, but report to Dongling Polytechnic, where there are many boys."

"I go to the Polytechnic University to study liberal arts?"

"What, you are a liberal arts student?"

Lu's mother was taken aback, and Lu's father groaned: "I also said that I don't care about my son. Anyhow, I knew he was a liberal arts student before his college entrance examination."

Lu's parents met and loved each other when they were studying abroad, and they returned to China to get married. They adopt a stocking strategy to raise their children, focusing on moral, spiritual and psychological education and communication, and do not care about the development of their son's personal choices. Coupled with their work, a professor at a medical university and a chief physician, once busy with nothing, can remember to celebrate the birthday of the child every year.

Knowing that Lu Lianguang intends to enter the media major, Lu's mother calmly considered his mate selection criteria, then looked at Lu Lianguang pityingly and said: "You do have a high chance of being single for a lifetime. Remember to buy more. Kind of pension insurance."

Even Lu Lianguang himself didn't have much hope of repaying, let alone his partner, most of his few sincere friends complained that he was too demanding in everything and his temper was not good.

Today, if he were an ordinary friend, he would not say "I drink and pick a brand" to the host when he was a guest, but facing Tang Cu, he removed the disguise mask and showed his true side.

"Ah, do you drink Brazil? Or Japanese?" Tang Cuo asked. He had already taken out two bottles of Japanese beer and handed one to Lu Lianguang. He remembered that Lu Lianguang said that he wanted to go to the izakaya, so he should drink it. Get used to the Japanese system.

He didn't dare to look at the road, staring at other people's shoes and asked, "What brand of wine do you usually drink? I will know how to buy it next time... next time."

Lu Lianguang was taken aback for a moment, and almost had an illusion, as if the person in front of him... was pleasing him. He suddenly remembered Tang Tuo's tears and panic yesterday. He misunderstood Lu Lianguang and did not want to continue to be friends with him, and said that he had no friends.

In the virtual world, the supreme god sought after by thousands of people is so humble in reality to keep a friend...

It shouldn't be like this. Lu Lianguang took the wine bottle in Tang Cuo's hand and asked instead, "God of Bamboo, do you usually drink?"

"Me? I drink a little sweet wine occasionally."

"Then we will drink sweet wine next time." Lu Lianguang said, "You don't have to come to accommodate my preferences, I feel distressed."

He is so frank and candid. Tang Cu knows that his character is such a cheerful personality and is good to everyone. Besides, he still admires bamboo clumps, which is definitely not the meaning of that... But he still exploded with surprise and shame from the bottom of his heart. Can't speak again.

Lu Lianguang opened a bottle of beer and handed it to Tang Cu. Just as he was about to open the second bottle, Tang Cu stopped it with his hand.

"Don't open it...I..." He stammered with some ulterior thoughts, "I have a bad stomach, so I still don't drink cold beer."

Lu Lianguang personally bought him stomach medicine, naturally there is no doubt at all, the owner does not drink, he should not drink it, but it is all opened, and it is not a formal occasion, he did not think so much. , And drank the bottle of beer while chatting with Tang Cuo overlooking the night scene.

It is not easy to find a person who fits in the horizon and the circle to chat. I don’t know if it’s because Lu’s light has already coaxed him at dinner, or it’s more at ease in his own house. Tang Tu is relaxed today. The two of them couldn't stop chatting, and after a blink of an eye, they had already killed the second bottle of beer, and the night was very deep.

For most young people, this time is not too late, and maybe even the nightlife has just begun, but the gate of the university has an access time, and the road must be gone.

Tang Cu said, "I'll drive you back."

Lu Lianguang subconsciously refused: "Oh, it's so late, Dongling University is so far away from the city, if you run back and forth, it will be early in the morning to get home."

"It's okay, I want to go for a ride too. It just so happens that I didn't drink at night, so I can drive." Tang Cuo deliberately did not drink any alcohol, and when he finally reached the net harvesting, he carefully suggested that he had hidden all night. For fear of being caught in the light by Lu, "You have drunk so much wine, and it is not safe to go back by yourself at night."

It was the first time that Lu Lianguang heard someone describe two bottles of beer as "so much wine". This was an insult to his drinking capacity, but...

He suddenly remembered that before he went out, Huo Miao had greeted him and said that he would not go back to the dormitory tonight... During the transfer of his mind, Lu Lianguang heard himself say: "That's good."

The car stopped at the entrance of Dongling University, and Lu Lianguang was telling Tang Cu about the magical takoyaki restaurant.

"It's outside the north gate, opposite to the parking lot. That road is a dead end, and no one goes there at ordinary times. The north gate was originally a side door, and the business was so bleak that there was only one clerk in total. Okay, I like to buy or not." Lu Liguang shook his head and said, "I suspect that they have not gone bankrupt in the past four years. They all rely on the turnover contributed by me and my roommate."

Tang Tuo couldn't help but smile: "Are you patronizing so often?"

"The only shop around the school is open 24 hours. My roommate and I...cough, we occasionally come out at night to get some fresh air."

He said it was too beautiful. There is no access control in the Tibetan building, but the school gate is there. If you want to get out of the school at night, you can only get over the wall. Huo Miao has always believed that "crimes that have not been caught are not considered crimes." Lu Lianguang is not a law-abiding master in his bones. The two of them are awkward when they shoot, either because they are bored, or because they are hungry and impatient to wait for takeaway. Half of the night during the semester they can go out of school to find food.

You don't need to tell Tang Cuo about this kind of young and frivolous things that are still naive when you think about it. Lu calmly changed the subject: "God of Bamboo, shall we go to the North Gate? I will ask you to eat takoyaki. "

Tang Tu cares more about the access control time than he does, for fear that he will miss it, but when I think about it, Katahane had told him about going over the wall when chatting...I thought he would be able to go to school even after time. He really wanted to be able to After staying with Kataba for a while, he happily got off, restarted the car, and drove from the main gate to the north gate.

The takoyaki shop in the middle of the night only left a small take-out window with a light on. Tang Cu stopped the car, and the two walked over. There was a person standing at the window, seeming to be checking out.

It was a young man in a neat suit. The not-so-bright lights in the shop cast a large blur of shadows on his face, making his handsome face very deep.

Lu Lianguang is very capable of recognizing faces. Even if he hasn't seen him for three years, this face has left a deep impression on him. He blurted out: "Dad..."

The young man in a suit turned his head to look at them both blankly.

If in normal times, Lu Lianguang would ignore him and would not say hello when he met him, but now that he has all exited, Lu Lianguang didn't panic at all and changed his mouth without changing his face: "...Senior. Okay. Coincidentally, you also come to buy takoyaki."

Even in the Tibetan repair building where geniuses were gathered, You Hongzhi was the most special one. He is the only person without a roommate. He lives alone in a double dormitory. He has been alone for four years. He doesn't bother to establish a friendly relationship with any classmate in the building. Anyone who speaks can choke someone to death.

Lu Lianguang didn’t have a good impression on him. After saying this, he pulled Tang Cuo forward, but You Hongzhi didn’t pay for the greetings that tried to get through, and said, “When will I change my surname to Dad? Up?"

Seeing that Lu Lianguang didn't succeed, he readily sold his roommate: "My roommate is a player of Yaoling, and I call your father in the dorm every day. I just reflexed."

"Your roommate, call my father in the dormitory every day." You Hongzhi repeated playfully, "Your roommate... Huo Miao?"

Lu Lianguang recalled that Huo Miao had said last night that he wanted to ask You Hongzhi to come out for a talk, and asked, "Have you met Huo Miao?"

He seems to remember correctly, this is indeed Huo Miao's roommate. You Hongzhi got the affirmative answer. He didn't have any interest in chattering any more. He replied perfunctorily, "Forget it," he seemed to have something to do and walked away.

When he passed by the schoolboy whose name he couldn't remember, You Hongzhi's eyes met Tang Tuo for a moment.

In a short moment, it was too late to print each other's faces in their minds. They all looked away indifferently, just like the two most common strangers who accidentally met their gazes, they were touched and separated without any intersection.

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