Have You Ever Met Such a Cold Author

Chapter 37 The Day of Fate

In the epitome of human tragedies in the emergency room, crying and hugging are all too common. Everyone is suffering with anxiety, and no one even gives a little attention to the two young men who are tightly hugging each other. No one cares why the trembling youth is grieving.

It's nothing more than another tragedy. Who is not sad for those waiting here? However, no one knows that Lu Lianguang's pain is not the patient whose life is hanging by a thread. On the contrary, the patient who is being saved at this moment is precisely the perpetrator of this tragedy.

The crowd embraced, but there was no strange eye intrusion. Tang Cu carefully raised his hand back to hug him and closed his eyes gently. For the first time in his life, he felt that the wounds were cherished and comforted, and then began to gather slowly and hard. ,heal.

Time was stretched for a long time, and both felt that after a long time, Lu Jianguang opened the Tang cluster with ease. He adjusted his mood, but there were still many doubts, and he asked restrainedly: "I can ask. Why does she treat you this way? If you feel uncomfortable, don't answer me."

When Tang Cu decided to bring Lu Lianguang with him, he had already made up his mind, shook his head and said, "It's okay, I won't be uncomfortable, I'm just worried..."

Worrying that after I tell you the reason, you will feel uncomfortable.

Before he had time to speak, the door of the emergency room suddenly opened, and a hospital bed was pushed out. The family members in twos and threes at the door hoisted hopefully, but their hopes were all lost. The one who was pushed out was someone who no one expected. She can get through the ghost gate.

Mother Tang was pulled back from the brink of death.

"Family! Oh, you are here, let me tell you." The doctor who asked Tang Cuo to sign hurried over. He was obviously very busy. Before Tang Cu could speak back, he spoke quickly. "I've been rescued and recovered, and it's still stable for the time being, but... she's sick, are you aware of it? Any relatives who haven't seen it have been called to see you these days. This is a report. Okay. Don’t froze and follow the bed! When you return to the ward, you will have to move. The male nurses are busy. You two young people will help."

There were other patients waiting for him in the emergency room, and the doctor went back to work after he had explained what he should explain.

Tang Cuo was involuntarily squeezed into the report, and the nurses over there were also beckoning them to follow. The two looked at each other, and could only silently support Tang's mother's bed and follow along.

The two assisted the nurses to set up Mother Tang from the bed to her exclusive intensive care unit. Mother Tang was tortured by the pain and only a handful of bones were left. Lu Lianguang was suspicious that even if there was no strong man to help, two or three. The little nurse is enough to move her.

Mother Tang had just returned from the ghost gate, her eyes open all the way, and she looked at Tang Tuo, and then she seemed to be a little more conscious as she moved. She didn't know what she thought of, and stared in disgust at wearing civilian clothes. It was obviously not the doctor's way. only look.

Father Tang spent money to rent this single-person intensive care unit. There is no restriction on visits, and family members can stay here all the time, waiting for the patient's improvement or death. After debugging all the machines connected to Tang's body to maintain vital signs, the nurses left after asking for some precautions. Tang Cu was also ready to go out and wait for Tang Qi to come over and hand over the pile of materials in his hands. He and Lu Lianguang After exchanging glances, the two were about to leave the hospital bed, when Mother Tang suddenly stretched out a scrawny hand to grab the corner of Tang Tu's clothes.

"I have something to tell you." Mother Tang said sternly, but she was too weak and her voice trembled. When she was a child, she could always deter Tang Tuo's tough tone and lose its effect, "Let this person out!"

Lu Lianguang and her looked at each other for a moment, and both of them saw an undisguised disgust in each other’s eyes. Unfortunately, Mother Tang’s physical condition did not allow her to vent her anger and shout, but repeated in disgust:" Get out!"

Lu Lianguang said to Tang Tu: "I am waiting for you outside."

"Okay, I'll come to you right away."

Mother Tang hadn’t seen Tang Cu talk with anyone in such a gentle manner, she was so angry that she lost her senses, she didn’t care if there were any outsiders present, when Lu Lianguang brought the door to her, she heard her cursing at Tang Cuo. : "You shameless thing!"

Lu Lianguang's hand holding the doorknob tightened, and the veins on his arm were violent, but he did not turn back, still restrained and left other people's private occasions.

Tang Cuo looked down at her sickness, and said calmly: "What do you want to say to me?"

"What kind of eyes are you?! You are intimate with outsiders. Talking to your dying old lady is just like a stranger!" Mother Tang's resentment was difficult. She had just died, saying that it is impossible not to be afraid. It was hard to survive, but when she returned to the world, she encountered such a cold treatment that no one could bear. She was sad and angry, and choked up: "What about your brother? Why are you here? Where is your father?"

"Tang Qi is on the road." Tang Tuo said without emotion, "you are finished? My friend is still waiting for me, then I will leave."

Mother Tang said a few words, basically regained her clarity, and said sharply: "That's how you treated your mother? I thought you were able to go back to see me, but you regretted it! You didn't know your mistakes at all, so why did you come back? Oh, I see, you are still hating your old lady, and you brought your'friend' back with you, so mad at me, don't you?"

Tang Tuo frowned slightly. He was used to it himself, but he couldn't bear the contemptuous tone of his mother when he mentioned Lu's contempt, and his words became colder: "I'm back just for the sake of my sister's eyesight."

younger sister. This word was completely forbidden in the Tang family, but unexpectedly, Tang's mother was not bombed this time—or, she didn't have the strength to violent. She just stared at her elder son, her eyes flickering.

They are not natural enemies.

This child is her first child, and a boy, of course she loves it. Husbands are busy at work. They once had a close parent-child time, but after that happened, everything changed.

She personally sent away her daughter and lost her son at the same time.

People are about to die. Lies seem unnecessary. Mother Tang's lips trembled. After a long time, she said, "She is about to die. Even if I don't send her away, she is about to die."

Twenty years later, she confessed this in person for the first time. Tang Cuo was shocked, her nails stuck deep into her palms, and she forbeared: "Even if she will die the next day, killing is killing."

kill. This harsh word stung Mother Tang. Many years ago, Tang Cu, who was just a teenager, said this to the police without mercy. The appalling and unproven old things that a child said, the wife of an entrepreneur who had already become famous, was naturally easily settled by the adults, without any splashes. But when she dreamed back at midnight, she often heard the elder son's stern cry that day: "She is a murderer! I saw it! I saw it with my own eyes! She killed someone!"

More than ten years later, Tang Tu still refused to let her go, and continued: "You don't have to find such an excuse. Vitiligo is not a terminal illness that cannot be cured. It was discovered early. It was your life that delayed her. To that point."

"You... you don't know what to do with the white-eyed wolf!" Mother Tang's chest rises and falls, clinging to the nasal oxygen tube, "Do you think we haven't treated her? At that time, your father's capital chain broke and the partner ran away. It’s over, and I can’t get a cent to treat her illness. Our family will sell iron and sell the house! At that time, we took out money to treat your sister and your father’s company went bankrupt. Do you know what will happen? Going back to the small rural village, you think you can still grow up in a big city like Dongling, and you can live the life of the young master of so many years later? Dreaming! You have exhausted your favor, and now grow up It’s too big, and it’s our fault that we didn’t smash the pot and sell iron to cure her illness?"

Tang Cuo didn't move at all, and said firmly: "Yes, back then, she should be treated by smashing the pot and selling iron. If you don't save her, you will be a parent in vain, and you killed her... in vain!"

"what did you say?!"

Mother Tang's eyes were about to split, and she was dizzy with anger. She is not yet fifty years old. She has come to the end of her life at such a young age. After the initial difficult period of acceptance, she began to hope that at least she will go without regrets-if all the hard work and all the hope of her life are It is tied to the filial and obedient younger son Tang Qi, so the biggest unwillingness is the eldest son Tang Cu, who has no contact with him.

For this reason, she tried her best to find out Tang Cuo's address, and her contact information was all blocked, so she sent the letter in the most primitive way.

This trick worked, she thought she would welcome an unfilial son crying and regretting in front of the hospital bed, the end of the mother and son reunion and reconciliation, filling in a big gap in her life... But now, his eldest son has indeed come to her hospital bed. Before, he was full of "murderers" and "wrong people"!

"You call me not a human being? She got sick, what kind of cancer, do you know what the doctor said? It may be family inheritance! This matter spreads out, how will you marry a wife in the future? It was found out at that time, I The boy in my belly is a boy. If I delay, I will delay two! My home relatives are telling me that I gave birth to a monster, and continue to drag, let more people watch our jokes? The fortune-teller also said, she Knock our family! If you are pregnant with her, the family business will not work..." She had chest tightness, shortness of breath, took a few deep breaths, and suddenly laughed, "I forgot, you don't want to marry a wife, of course. I don’t think about my goodness—how could you not be cured back then? I gave birth to two of them, both of them are monsters! Fortunately, fortunately, your brother is filial, I will count on..."

Before she finished her words, with a "bang", the door of the ward was pushed open, and Tang Qi with an iron face was standing at the door.

"Xiaoqi!" Mother Tang yelled, her eyes wide open, she was delighted at first, but after seeing the face of the younger son who walked in, a huge panic struck her.

How long has he been standing at the door? Her husband has become more and more perfunctory to her, and the relationship between the husband and wife has long been exhausted. The elder son hates her, wishing that she would die for her life. Tang Qi is her only consolation and hope when she is about to die. It is impossible, it is impossible to hear it so coincidence— —

"My sister didn't die of illness, but you killed her." She heard her little son, who had devoted 20 years of hard work, say in pain, "You have killed people, and I am the son of a murderer-is that true, mother? "

She tried to support her skinny body and saw Tang Qi's eyes clearly. There was only fear and condemnation and disappointment in her eyes. She couldn't find the slightest feeling of admiration. Even the youngest son did not approve of her good intentions. In turn blamed her!

The only hope of solace was thus shattered. In her life, she had three children altogether, and when she was tortured by the pain, she had no bones and blood to rely on. Destiny began to take its breath away, and every minute and every subsequent minute was pain and despair.

Mother Tang's eyes went dark, and she fell backward.

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