Have You Ever Met Such a Cold Author

Chapter 63: Fanwai: You Hongzhi x Huo Miao (3)

Lu Lianguang has never understood why Huo Miao has an extraordinary degree of attention to You Hongzhi—this question was answered after three years—In short, at the end of the second half of the semester, You Hongzhi’s game started. In the first small-scale test, Huo Miao tried his best to grab the spot. In his own words, he had no more than writing a code grabbing program.

"Don't you hate him?" Lu Lianguang asked inexplicably, "If I hate an author, I won't run to read it when he publishes a new book."

"First of all, I studied information security, not game development. Although we are in the same department and our majors are different by tens of thousands of miles, he and I do not have a competitive relationship." Huo Miao stared at the game test version installation progress bar. Said confidently, "Secondly, of course, a vicious person like him can't make good games. I just want to get first-hand data, so I can laugh at him when I meet him in the future. Of course I hate him, he is my first Two nasty people."

Lu Lianguang curiously asked, "Who is the first?"

"Chongzhuang. I will kill them in the rest of my life." Huo Miao said lightly.

"Do you have any grievances with the world's number one hacker organization?"

"It's nothing, I have lost once, after all, I am a person who can't afford to lose...Wow! Alright!"

Huo Miao's computer interface jumped, he instantly sat upright, and said excitedly: "Finally installed! Okay, I want to see what kind of junk game Yu Hongzhi made..."

Two hours later.

"From then on, You Hongzhi will be my father!" Huo Miao said with tears in his eyes.

Lu Lianguang: "..."

"It's so fun. I will always love Yaoling. Yaoling is the most fun game I have ever played."

Lu Lianguang: "...is such an exaggeration bro."

"Would you like to lend you my account to play for a while? You will know that all the large games you played before were rubbish." Huo Miao said vowedly.

"I haven't played any major games." Lu Lianguang said, "Can't people who say good and malicious people make good games?"

Huo Miao slapped the table and stood up: "You are not allowed to say that to my father!"

Lu Liguang shook his head pityingly: "A good person, if he says he is crazy, he is crazy."

Bickering returned to bickering. Lu Lianguang was indeed interested in this game, so he gladly created a new character at Huo Miao's invitation. He is not mainly to play games, but to watch plots and settings.

"Tianqing round, have you heard of it?"

"I know him." Huo Miao said, "It's very famous, it seems to be specially invited by You Hongzhi."

"It's them, not him." Lu Lianguang corrected casually. "There are four people in the three gods, and they have common sense in the Internet literary circle."

"Why do you still have this kind of common sense in the internet literary circle?" Huo Miao was confused, "Ah, yes! You are the author, do you know Tianqing Yilun?"

Only nineteen years old and still young, Lu Lianguang shook his head while manipulating the character to fight monsters, and said, "How is it possible? Tianqing is an ancient god, where can I go to meet people."

The game is very fun, but Lu Lianguang was embarrassed to occupy Huo Miao’s precious internal beta account for too long, and was a little impatient to see the rhythm of a short plot after a long series of operations, and soon returned the account. I gave it to Huo Miao, and went to Yaoling's official website to find a set of solutions.

During the first closed beta of "Yao Ling", the eternal daylight "Yao Ling Continent" in the game only opened the "Spring Leader" of the four major leaders, and only three of the 24 safe cities on the mainland were opened. One, many functions are not yet perfect, but despite this, this continent has already begun to flourish.

When the closed beta was closed, some players even shed tears on the spot. They wrote a long post that night to write about the closed beta, which attracted the majority of game fans to scratch their heads and frantically urge the open beta.

Huo Miao's mood is only more excited than those who vent online. This excitement is a bit unclear. To say that the game... It is true that the game is fun, but no matter how fun a game is, it is not enough to make him linger every day. The degree of trying to block people at the door of the dormitory.

There are some other emotions, urgent, subtle, and seem to have finally found an excuse...Before Huo Miao sorted out his bloodshot brain, he got stuck in the tour back to the Tibetan repair building to get clothes a few days later. Hongzhi immediately praised Yaoling to the sky with great enthusiasm, chasing after You Hongzhi's next test time.

He called to his senior to follow You Hongzhi, walking around him, like a little milk dog Sahuan, You Hongzhi always hated being harassed by others, generally speaking, people who pester him have nothing to end. But today it is strangely... in a good mood.

"Do you like games so much?"

"Like it!" Huo Miao nodded, "I have all thoughts about it, and I will send my resume to Longyuan in summer vacation."

You Hongzhi's face changed.

"I checked. Longyuan has a cyber security department. You can help me ask if the company lacks people? It's not that I boast, but at my level, I must be the one who is in charge of it. I am still planning excitedly, "I can work semi-remotely, and I can work full-time during summer vacation! Brother, you said..."

You Hongzhi looked at the pure enthusiasm in his big eyes, and remembered the conversation in the shop outside the north gate: "If you want to pull him into the game..."

Yes, how easy it is. You Hongzhi has no doubt that as long as he nods now, Huo Miao will really start to write a resume, then? You Hongzhi knows how talented he is. The company will never reject such a growing genius.

This kid is only nineteen years old. It hasn't been long since he left middle school. He has just grown up. He is passionate, passionate and simple. Just because he likes a game, he is willing to join a game company.

It's not a big problem for a 19-year-old college student to think so, but the problem is that Longyuan is not a game company.

If you enter the game, you can't retreat.

Just because of a simple enthusiasm, he didn't do anything wrong. If the life framed hereafter is not what he wants, then these big vibrant eyes now...will they be dim in the future?

"There is no shortage of people." You Hongzhi looked down at Huo Miao, with no emotion in his eyes, "Especially there is no shortage of people like you."

Huo Miao paused, with a smile still at the corner of his mouth, and asked easily, "What is a person like me?"

You Hongzhi said coldly: "Huo Miao, do you think I'm joking? I'll just say it today. I am not "hired" by Longyuan. I am one of the shareholders of Longyuan. I will order personnel in the evening. , Don’t accept your resume, don’t waste your efforts.”

As if pouring down a pot of heads, a small flame that had been burning for days of happiness, even with the ambiguous, subtle, inexplicable emotions that the owner himself hadn't noticed, they froze together.

Huo Miao looked at You Hongzhi in astonishment, and only after a while said something: "...You hate me so much?"

You Hongzhi did not reply.

"Okay, great..." Huo Miao gritted his teeth, trembling with anger. For some reason, he suddenly felt a wave of shame. In the next few years, he slowly realized the sense of shame. What's going on, it was the embarrassment and humiliation of being sentimental when I was told that I was sentimental.

"You are a shareholder of Long Yuan, are you? Listen, one day, I will ask you to beg me in! You wait!"

Abandoning these words, Huo Miao rushed out of the Tibetan repair building without looking back.

Watching his back disappear into the corner, You Hongzhi whispered, "Yes, I'll wait."

He took all the remaining luggage in the dormitory on this day, and since then moved out of the school.

At this time, they did not expect that it took only three short years for Huo Miao to fulfill the rhetoric of "I want you to beg me in", but it seemed that it was not in the form he expected...

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