"We, the Shura tribe, are originally a warlike race. This is also caused by our personality."

"The character of our Shura women is to know the world but not the world!"

"We know that people's hearts are sinister and dirty, but we Shura people still won't do those dirty things. We all have an upright character."

"Including treating your lover the same way."

"If you really like it, then love boldly. You will never be pretentious, nor will you be like you human women, who have to do something and still hide it, but you have to be shy."

"In my eyes, two people really love each other, so what if the whole world knows about it?!"

"I dare to love, then let this love be vigorous and tell the whole world that I love you!"

"Because I love you, I am willing to dedicate my body, my soul, and everything I have to you so that you can enjoy it and I will feel comfortable!"

"This is what most of us Shura women think. We dare to love, but we also dare to hate!"

At this time, Dongfang Yuan, who was lying on the bed, felt very moved and happy in his heart when he heard Shura Yanran say these words in his arms.

Take his previous initiative as an example, Dongfang Yuan also knew about it.

If she didn't really love herself so much, she wouldn't have been able to cooperate so hard.

This also made Dongfang Yuan recognize her from the bottom of his heart.

Although she is only an emperor's daughter, she is not as good as Murong Xue and others who were once reincarnations of the emperor.

But in Dongfang Yuan's own opinion, the charm exuded by Shura Yanran was no weaker than that of other women.

"My beloved concubine."

"Then have you ever thought about being with me and becoming my woman?"

"Then what explanation will you give to your father in the future?"

Dongfang Yuan also asked her this question with a slightly serious face at this moment.

It can also be regarded as a final test for her.

The Heavenly Realm and the Demon Realm are inherently hostile.

The human race in the Tianji world and the Shura race in the demon world are even more rivals, there is no doubt about this!

If the news of becoming a woman from a rival race spreads back to the Shura clan, Emperor Shura will know about it.

She was afraid that she would definitely become furious and even disown her daughter, Shura Yanran, which might be possible.

After all, Emperor Shura does not have the final say in the entire demon world.

Even if he can withstand the pressure of everyone in the Shura clan.

But what about the other races in the demon world, the demon race, the Rakshasa race, the ghost race, and the underworld race.

If these four tribes jointly exert pressure, Emperor Shura may not have much hope of holding on.

When Shura Yanran heard this question, her face looked very calm.

"I think the key to this issue lies with Your Majesty, not with Yanran."

Shura Yanran answered after probably less than two seconds.

Dongfang Yuan smiled calmly on his face: "How can you see it?"

"Your Majesty, if my father knows that I am your woman, then his first concern should be how you are as a person, not how Yanran is."

"So, even if my father knows about our affairs, as long as Your Majesty can get my father's approval, I think there should be no problem."

"And based on His Majesty's talent, if he were to come into contact with the quasi-emperor realm in a few hundred years, there should be no problem."

"Although there is a racial relationship, I believe that Your Majesty can become the rule maker as long as he has absolutely powerful abilities!"

"Your Majesty, what do you think?"

At the end, Shura Yanran also asked him back.

Dongfang Yuan hugged Shura Yanran's delicate body and looked at her with appreciation and recognition in his eyes.

Dongfang Yuan's final test for Shura Yanran, she passed successfully!

have to say.

Shura Yanran is both sincere and smart!

It really made Dongfang Yuan extremely fond of it.

Emperor Shura really gave birth to a good daughter!

Based on Shura Yanran's performance today, Dongfang Yuan will see this father-in-law in the future.

No matter what, I have to toast him a glass of wine!

"very good!"

"My beloved concubine, I really did not misjudge the person."

"Okay, get dressed, I will take you to meet your sisters."

"Among them, there are two other identities. They can definitely surprise you!"

Dongfang Yuan stood directly next to the table in less than half an instant.

He had already gotten up from the bed and got dressed.


"Your Majesty said that. Na Yanran is really curious about the identities of these two sisters."

Shura Yanran also stood up directly and put on her clothes.

Then, under the leadership of Dongfang Yuan, they left the dormitory.

Chapter 164 Shura Yanran’s shock

At this time, inside the palace.

In a women's dormitory, several concubines of Dongfang Yuan, including Xiao Qingli, were all sitting together.

The little white tiger lay on Medusa's lap, just like a little white cat, sleeping on its stomach in an adorable manner.

"Beloved concubines."

"You haven't seen me for a few days. Do you miss me?"

At this time, Dongfang Yuan's voice sounded from the door.

I saw him holding Shura Yanran's hand and walking directly into the hall with a smile on his face.

As soon as Shura Yanran came in, she saw several women, and she was suddenly shocked.

Although most of these women are pregnant, their appearance, posture, and even temperament are all similar to mine.

I didn't expect that His Majesty's harem would be so full of hidden talents.

It seems that I really chose the right person.

So many beautiful women are willing to submit to one man. Maybe His Majesty has some big secrets that are enough to shock her!

Shura Yanran thought so in her heart, but after she and Dongfang Yuan entered the palace, the eyes of several women were also looking at her.

"Your Majesty, I haven't seen you for five days. Your Majesty looks refreshed."

"It seems that this new sister has served Your Majesty well?"

At this time, the most mischievous Han Wanxiang was the first to speak.


"Yanran's skills, you guys should learn more from her when you have time."

"It will be good for you and the emperor to get familiar with it." Dongfang Yuan looked at the women and smiled.

"The daughter of the Shura clan, the daughter of Shura Motian, I have heard of your name for a long time."

"I didn't expect that we would meet in this way. It seems that it is really fate."

At this time, Murong Xue looked at Shura Yanran and said calmly.

The little white tiger lying on Medusa's legs also opened his eyes at this time.

Seeing Shura Yanran's new face.

He couldn't help but gesture to Dongfang Yuan: "Yiya yiya yiya yiya." (Master, who is this sister? Her legs are so long and white!)

Dongfang Yuan glanced at the little white tiger and directly sent a voice message to it: "You practice well, and I will find you a few tigresses with the same figure in the future, so that you can enjoy it!"

"Yiya yiya!" (Okay, okay~)

The conversation between Dongfang Yuan and the little white tiger was just a small episode.

At this time, Shura Yanran's attention was all on Murong Xue.

She was shocked and confused.

How did Murong Xue know that her father, the Shura Emperor, was named Shura Motian?

You know, even in Zhongshengzhou, only a few people know the real name of the Shura Emperor!

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