"It's okay for Lord Jun to be in seclusion."

"Master Gu, we came here this time, and we also called Deputy Hall Master Beigong Han to come with us, to ask for justice from your Gudongtian." Chu Wanjie spoke directly at this time.

"Ask for justice from my Gudongtian?"

"Brother Wanjie, how can you say this?"

"My Gudongtian and you don't interfere with each other, and there is basically no grudge. I don't understand what you said?"

Gu Sen looked confused and bewildered, and his expression was very real, and he really looked like he knew nothing.

Including Master Qin and the others behind him, they all looked confused, not knowing what Chu Wanjie meant by this.

Chu Wanjie was about to speak again, but a hand reached out and held him down.

It was the wise man.

The wise man came forward slowly and said calmly: "This matter really needs to be told from the beginning, but this is not a suitable place."

"Master Gu, do you want to see whether to let them go in and talk or..."

As soon as the wise man said this, Gu Sen immediately responded: "I'm sorry, I almost forgot it for a moment."

"You are all the most distinguished guests of my Ancient Cave Heaven. How can I let you stand outside all the time?"

"Everyone, please come in!"

Gu Sen immediately led Dongfang Yuan and his party into the Ancient Cave Heaven.

Chapter 554 Gu Sen's method!

The moment Dongfang Yuan entered the valley, in addition to seeing many houses and cultivation places in the valley, there were also many floating islands, which were obviously the cultivation places of some Dao Emperors and Dao Masters.

In addition.

Dongfang Yuan also saw the most eye-catching thing.

That was the four huge statues of the sky.

They were four ferocious beasts with extremely ferocious faces.

They are Qiongqi, Taotie, Thousand Poison Black Dragon, and Netherworld Blood Tiger!

The name of the Four Beasts Valley is mainly derived from these four statues.

As Gu Sen led everyone into a hall in Gudongtian

After everyone sat down.

Gu Sen asked: "Brother Wanjie, sir, I wonder what you are here for?"

"Is there a Dao Emperor named Black Shark under the command of Master Gu?" Chu Wanjie asked directly.

"Yes, Black Shark is indeed under my command, is there any problem with this?" Gu Sen said.

"I think Master Gu should have heard about my daughter being stolen in the village."

Gu Sen nodded: "I did hear about it. I wonder what this has to do with Black Shark?"

"Today, my daughter was found."

"I also learned from her that there was a mysterious person who put her in the fairyland when she was still a baby."

"According to our investigation, the mysterious person who put my daughter in the fairyland was named Qian Mo."

"He is a confidant of your Gu Dongtian Luan Yue Dao Zun."

"And behind Luan Yue Dao Zun is your subordinate, Black Shark Dao Huang."

Chu Wan Jiehua stopped talking after this.

Gu Sen and several other Gu Dongtian Dao Masters naturally understood what was going on after hearing this.

Behind Qian Mo is Luan Yue Dao Zun.

Behind Luan Yue Dao Zun is Black Shark Dao Huang, and behind Black Shark Dao Huang is himself, Master Gu Gu Sen!

Gu Sen's face was a little gloomy at this moment.

After thinking it over in his mind, he said, "I understand the matter."

"Brother Wanjie, if this matter is really related to my Gudongtian, you can care about it."

"In front of so many people, I, Gu Sen, promise that I will definitely give you an explanation today."

"Please wait for a moment, I will ask them to come over immediately."

After that, Gu Sen directly sent a message.

About half a cup of tea passed.

Three men slowly walked in from the hall.

And these three people are the Black Shark Dao Emperor, Chaos Moon Dao Zun, and the so-called confidant of Chaos Moon Dao Zun, Qian Mo!

After the three entered the hall, they saw that the people sitting around were all well-known bigwigs, and their expressions were a little nervous.

"Meet the Dao Masters!"

They came to Gu Sen and several other Dao Masters of Gudongtian, and saluted them together.

The three of them also looked confused, obviously not knowing what Gu Sen notified them to come here.

Dongfang Yuan and Chu Wanjie were all looking at Qian Mo.

This face is exactly the same as the portrait they saw before, it is him without a doubt!

"You all stand up."

Gu Sen said expressionlessly at this moment.


The three Black Shark Dao Emperors stood up at this moment.

"Your name is Qian Mo, right?"

Gu Sen looked at the man named Qian Mo at this moment. Although he was the confidant of Luan Yue Dao Zun, his level was not enough for Gu Sen to remember his name.

"Yes, I wonder if the master has anything to tell you?" Qian Mo asked respectfully.

"I ask you, who ordered you to release the daughter of Tianchu Dao Zun to the fairyland back then?" Gu Sen stared at him and asked seriously.

When Qian Mo heard this, a trace of panic flashed across his expression, but he quickly suppressed it.

But who of the people sitting there was not more skilled than him.

His little action did not escape the eyes of everyone at all.

Instead, it exposed himself more, that he was the one who brought Qian Xinrui to the lower world back then!


"Who ordered you to do that?"

Chu Wanjie stood up abruptly, pointed at Qian Mo and asked angrily.

Chu Wanjie's aura was so powerful that Qian Mo couldn't bear it at all.

He was carrying huge pressure, but he still pretended to be at a loss: "Tian... Taoist Master Tianchu, I don't understand what you mean."

"Master Tao, I don't know what you are talking about?"

"What fairyland? I was wronged!"

Qian Mo kept shouting injustice.

However, no one expected it at this moment.

Gu Sen waved his hand and sucked Qian Mo's entire body into his palm.

He looked grim and said mercilessly: "The person who ruined my reputation in Gudongtian, why should I keep you here?"

After that, Gu Sen directly invaded Qian Mo's body with the power of his palm and tore his soul out.

Directly in front of everyone, they launched a soul search for Qian Mo in the main hall.

The wise men were a little surprised at first. They didn't expect Gu Sen to act so cleanly, and then their eyes immediately focused on Qian Mo's memory.

In the middle of the hall, Qian Mo's memory images flashed frequently, and everyone's eyes were focused on it, without moving away for a moment, for fear of missing the person behind it.

Boom! !

Suddenly, a Tao Master-level fairy light shot into those memory streams.

Directly destroy all the memory images of Qian Mo.

This sudden scene made everyone's expressions suddenly change!

"You Huang, what do you mean?"

Gu Sen's eyes immediately focused on a middle-aged man in black next to him.

Taoist Master Tianchu was also full of anger. Dongfang Yuan, Yun Lingbing and others were all staring at the man in black who had suddenly taken action to defeat the memory scene.

You Huang, the master of the night.

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