He was a derelict husband, betrayed his wife, didn't protect the woman he liked, and made her a junior scolded by everyone. He had long regretted that he might not get married or like her.

But there is no possibility in this world. Mistakes have been made and have lasted for 70 years.

He is a derelict father who has never sheltered his son and made him inferior since childhood.

He did a good job as the leader of the Bo family, but he didn't do a good job as a husband and a father.

Finally it's time.

He spent seven years with her.

Tortured himself for seventy years.

Now, I can finally atone for her.

Things happen too fast. The next second, a lot of weapons pass through the window glass. The window glass is bulletproof, but there is a weapon with strong lethality and can penetrate the window.

Ding Yan drove the car out desperately. He didn't see anything through the rearview mirror. Who did it, who wanted to do it, and who had lost humanity.

When Ding Yan drove to the door of the hospital.

He was a little afraid to turn around.

"Mr. Bo, isn't the old man..."

Bo Qichen helped the body of the old man beside him. He still had to be upright when he died. He helped him all the way until he reached the door of the hospital.

Ding Yan cried directly when he saw this scene.

"Old man!"

Bo Qichen looked at the old man who had closed his eyes safely. His expression did not move, nor did Ding Yan want to cry. He just whispered and assured him.

"Be at ease and go."

The old man died.


Tang Qingge, who was far away in Norway, felt something wrong after she hung up the phone. She wanted to call back, but suddenly there was a knock outside the door.

She put down her cell phone, went to the door and opened the door. It was the waiter.

The waiter respectfully greeted her, "Miss Tang, this is the tea soaked in winter snow. May you sleep tonight."

The service of the hotel waiter is very good. Sooner or later, someone will knock on the door to deliver tea.

"Thank you."

Tang Qingge picked up the tea cup brought by the waiter and didn't drink it directly.

The waiter was a little surprised, "don't you drink?"

"I don't like it very much."

"What kind of tea do you like to drink? I'll make it again."

"Just give me a glass of water."

The waiter gave her another glass of water. In the direction she couldn't see, her fingers moved slightly. The black powder was added into the water and quickly became transparent.

The waiter smiled and brought the water cup. Suddenly, a hand was born and took the water from his hand.

The waiter's face changed and looked at the owner of the hand.

"Mr. Ji, how can you get Miss Tang's water? This is for Miss Tang."

Ji Xiu looked at the waiter at night. "Can't I drink?"

"I'll pour you another cup."

The waiter nervously poured Ji xiuye another cup. Ji xiuye stared at him and fell. The waiter was sweating behind him and shivering all over. Ji xiuye looked at him and suddenly asked, "are you cold?"

"Yes, a little."

The waiter poured Ji xiuye a glass of water.

"Give that glass of water to Miss Tang."

"Oh, it's all water. Why should I give her that cup?" he paused. Ji xiuye suddenly opened his lips, "I don't!"

Ji xiuye took a glass of water in each hand. He put it on the table. In the cautious eyes of the waiter, he suddenly tilted his lips and quickly changed the two cups in front of him.

Finally, he slapped it on the table, "guess which is mine and which is hers."

Waiter, "..."

The waiter's face changed greatly.

Wait, which was the water with the symbol just now?

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