"The goddess is affectionate, and the world is in chaos?"

She only felt ridiculous. She was affectionate and ruthless. It had nothing to do with the world.

She's not the virgin. Why?

However, Dayu was also flooded, and most of the villages in Xicheng were washed away by the flood. The shadow of the flood spread to the whole country, causing the whole country to fall into panic. The king never returned. When he came back, it was another scene.

that day

The weather is very bad.

Under the gloomy sky.

The king rode under the wall and looked at her on a brown horse. His eyes were full of complex feelings.

At that time, Lu Qianqian's heart suddenly "clicked" for a while.

The king said, "take the demon girl Lu Qianqian, put him in prison and put him to death three days later."

She didn't wait for the wedding, but for his ruthlessness.

And she changed from a goddess who saved the suffering to a witch.

And tomorrow is her death.

She stayed in the prison and wondered whether the king was affectionate or ruthless to her, and whether the fate compass would be false.

At that time, she did not know that tens of thousands of people jointly wrote to the king to kill her. They said that she would bring disaster to the country. Her silver hair was a symbol of disaster, and she would plunge the country into suffering.

She didn't know that the old and weak women and children in fuze county began a hunger strike and forced the king to kill her. Not only in fuze County, but also in the whole country.

The king tried to suppress the riot, but he couldn't suppress it anyway.

If the riots continue, the country will be over.

At the moment, there is only one way in front of him, that is to kill Lu Qianqian and keep the country. He is a king. Naturally, he knows how to choose.


But she is the love of his life!

The king locked himself in the palace for three days and nights, and Lu Qianqian stayed in the dungeon for three days and nights. People all over the world were waiting for the king to give them an explanation. He could only choose one of the rivers, mountains and beauties.

The eunuch came to the dungeon and announced, "the evil woman Lu Qianqian can be executed!"

Lu Qianqian suddenly looked up. She grasped the railing and trembled, "is that what he meant?"

The eunuch's face was expressionless. "Why are you talking so much nonsense? Take it away!"

Lu Qianqian was taken away, but not to the execution ground.

She heard the anxious voice of the eunuch just now, "hurry up, hurry up, it's too late to be chased. Her Highness the goddess has saved so many people and our king. She shouldn't have come to this end. Such an end will chill people's hearts!"

Lu Qianqian grasped the chain in her hand. She whispered, "who made you do this?"

"Don't ask, your highness. Go quickly. It's too late if you don't go again!"

She was hurried away, but suddenly, a group of tall men appeared in front of her. They stopped them and put a sword across her neck.

"Your Highness, you have gone wrong. The execution ground is where you should go." there is another living member of the Shi family, Shi Kai, who led a group of rebel troops to wait for them at the gate of the palace.

The eunuch sat on the ground, then knelt on the ground and cried, "general Shi, the goddess is innocent. You know she is innocent. The former queen died because of her greed. How can you distinguish right from wrong?"

"Go away! She's innocent. Is my sister worthy of death? My Shi family is full of people. I only want her goddess's life to pay for it. What's wrong?"

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