"What do you envy me?"

Qian Mei's eyes lit up. "I envy you that someone loves you. I envy you that you can love someone. I also envy you that you can be heartless and heartless. Even if the sky falls, you won't collapse. You're not like me. I used to like a person and gave the whole world to him, but later..."

Tang Qingge rubbed her eyebrows and listened to Qian Mei in a trance, "what happened later?"

The luster in the eyes of thousands of beauties suddenly went out, as if the light just came was just a dream. In a flash, she regained her charm and looked at her with her chin, "Later, he abandoned me. After I gave him everything, he said he didn't like me, he didn't love me, he loved another woman. I dressed up everyone, but I didn't know how to wear a mask for myself, pretended not to care, pretended not to love him."

"The man you like is also a scum man!"

Qianmei 'ha ha' smiled with tears in her eyes. She drank another big cup. Her eyes were empty. She didn't know who she was thinking, "yes, he was a scum man, but he was not a scum man. Who let me approach him as a man and didn't tell him my identity in time."

If she had said it earlier, would the situation be different?

But there is nothing in this world that I knew!

"So, chick, to love someone is to say it out loud!"

Tang Qingge slapped the table and raised his glass, "OK! Love wants to say loudly, I love the boss!"

"I love big boss!"

"I love the little princess!"

Qian Mei was drunk and looked at her with her chin, 'giggling'.

"I love this jealous man!"

the second day.

As soon as Tang Qingge opened his eyes, he looked at the wine bottles on the ground, and at qianmei sleeping in the same bed with her. He was a little silent.

Qian Mei opened her eyes sleepily, turned her head and said hello, "Hi chick!"

"Hi you big head ghost, don't drink with you in the future!" Tang Qingge didn't dare to delay and immediately got out of bed and dressed, "go back and change your clothes. We're going to start."


Qianmei goes back to change her clothes slowly.

The small army is finally going to start.

Plus three people in black, there are six people in this trip. The names of the three people in black are very neat. They are called Yan 1, Yan 2 and Yan 3. They are well-trained and helped a lot on the way.

Several people sat on the truck and listened to the locals speak a language they didn't understand. When they arrived in the rainforest area, the driver who brought them said a few words.

After hearing this, Qian Mei frowned. Tang Qingge immediately asked her, "what did he say?"

"He said he couldn't go in. It was a cursed place. The evil door was very. People who went in couldn't get out. They didn't dare to go in, so he had to send us here."

Tang Qingge's heart sank. "You tell him to thank him. Also, please ask him to come here to see us every half a month. If we can bring out the big boss, please ask him to take us."

Qianmei conveyed Tang Qingge's words.

The local man sighed, shook his head, and croaked a meal that Tang Qingge didn't understand. This time, he didn't need qianmei to translate Tang Qingge to know what he meant.

"Did he say we couldn't come out?"

Qian Mei shrugged and refused to comment.

Tang Qingge was silent for a while and smiled. "I like to be the first person, qianmei. Help me tell him. Don't forget to come to see us once a half month."

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