Is it evil?

Tang Qingge still didn't use this wound cream. She was used to grinding too many blisters on the soles of her feet. She had scabs and didn't need the wound cream.

She put the wound cream away, put it in her bag, went back to sleep and changed her shift in the morning.

In the morning, they woke up and went on their way, getting closer and closer to the red dot area, and they were more and more careful, because the closer they were, the more dead bones outside the circle.

Bo Qin stepped on a man's skull and swallowed his saliva in fear. "Have you found that there are no bodies around here, only bones? Have these people been dead for a long time?"

Qian Mei seems careless, but she has been observing the surrounding dynamics, "it shouldn't be. If so, there should be a body when we come in. How can there be a body here? There are strange people around here."

"No, these bodies have animal tooth marks."

Tang Qingge answered, "unless..."

They looked at each other and were surprised at the same time.

"The air here is wrong, hold your breath!"

The two men held their breath, and the others immediately covered their mouths and noses, but they didn't feel anything wrong after covering their mouths and noses. A group of people stood in place and didn't dare to move.

After about five minutes, nothing happened.

Several people looked dignified.

But Bo Qin couldn't feel anything wrong and couldn't help saying, "I said, what are we waiting for... Wait, why am I a little dizzy?"

Bo Qin's voice just fell, his eyes turned over and fainted.

As soon as the other people's faces changed, they already felt faint. Yan Yi and Tang Qingge fell first. Qian Mei and Tang Qingge tried their best to wake themselves up. If they fainted here, the beast would pick up the corpse and eat them at any time.

This is why there are only tooth marks on these bodies, because these people were not killed by people, but bitten by wild animals after fainting.

Death is silent and humiliating.

Qianmei finally failed to support and fainted.

Tang Qingge stabbed her thigh with a knife. The knife didn't enter her thigh. She almost cried out in pain. Blood flowed out along the knife. She was sweating in pain.

She knelt on the ground and patted qianmei's face, "wake up."

"Bo Qin."

"Rock one rock two rock three."

She called them several times, but they didn't wake up. Tang Qingge's painful face turned white, took several breaths in a hurry, and inhaled a lot of air. The more he inhaled, the more dizzy he became.

She shook her head.

No smoking, no sleeping.

Can't sleep.

She also wants to see the big boss and tell him how much she likes him.

She hasn't told him yet.

She tried her last strength to stand up, but the unknown elements in the air made her just want to degenerate. She didn't support it at last. As soon as her eyes closed, she fell forward.



There was a rustle in the air.

The next second, Tang Qingge fell into a bloody embrace. His chest was shocked and full of bloody smell, but it was incomparably solid.

"Tang Qingge, wake up!"

Tang Qingge heard someone anxiously calling her name. She tried to open her eyes, but vaguely saw only a shadow. How could it be so like Ji xiuye?

She mumbled unconsciously, "Jixiu night... Am I dreaming?"

It's a hell of a place. She dreamed of Ji Xiu night.

Tang Qingge scolded in her heart, and then she completely fainted!

"Damn it!"

Ji xiuye scolded low. His face was covered with blood, a red mark on his cheek was particularly bright, and he had just chewed a purple grass in his mouth.

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