Bo Qin was stunned and tentatively touched forward. It seemed that there was a wall in front of them, but they couldn't see anything. It was amazing to them!

Qian Mei narrowed her eyes, "the base is right in front of her."

The invisible building in front of them is the base they have been looking for!

Tang Qingge's eyes are hot, and finally he's here!

Bo Qin suddenly reacted, "wait, we're here now? Then we're so rash that we won't disturb the doctor?"

"Don't be silly. If there is monitoring, you think we can still be safe. There is no monitoring outside. The more eccentric talents are, the more confident they are in their ability. The doctor is confident in his technology, so he doesn't like monitoring. Besides, we should be at the back of the front door, that is, the back door. There is no one nearby, so don't worry, he didn't find us."

"That's good, but how do we get in?"

"You ask me, but how do I know?"

Qian Mei touched her chin and looked at the base in front of her.

"Always try to know how to get in."

"Let's look around for any way to get in."


Several people separated and began to look for the entrance of the base. The back door is not as strict as the front door, so the way in and out must be found around.

"Let's look carefully and don't let go of any subtle difference."

Bo Qin stood in front of a tree whose leaves were different from those around him. He twisted his eyebrows and stared at the leaf for a long time. Suddenly, the leaf moved with the naked eye.

Bo Qin was stunned and thought he was wrong.

He took another close look.

It moved again.

what the fuck!!!

It's flirting with him!

Tang Qingge was looking for a place when he suddenly heard Bo Qin shouting, "aunt, come and see. I found a tree leaf that molested me. See if I don't pull it out!"

Flirting with his tree leaves?


Tang Qingge and others looked at it. Before she could stop him, they saw that Bo Qin spent nine cattle and two tigers to pull out a moving leaf from the invisible wall. At the moment he pulled it out, the base appeared.

The high walls of the prison gradually recovered their true colors from the leaves. The red brick walls quickly spread into the air until a prison base in nuota appeared in front of all of them.

Bo Qin pinched the leaves of the and was frightened.

The air is quiet.

Qian Mei hesitated and asked, "did you hear anything?"

The subtle sound came from the surrounding air.

It sounds like something is broken.

Before they knew what the sound was, the next second, the soil under their feet suddenly became soft. Bo Qin fell into the soil first. Tang Qingge wanted to pull it out.

Because the land on their side also began to collapse, qianmei quickly retreated, but it was too late. She scolded a dirty word and then fell into the pit.

Rock one rock two rock three tried to protect her, "Miss Tang, go quickly."

Tang Qingge turned and ran, but her leg was hurt and she didn't run fast. She heard them fall into the soil one by one behind her. She was frightened and kept walking, but the collapse speed was too fast. She couldn't run at all.

The next second, the sense of suspension came.

She was shocked and fell straight down into the dark pit. At the same time, her heart was empty.

She will never see the big boss again.

This idea made her despair. She didn't see the big boss. He may never think of her again. He will always live and even never think of her again

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