He is silent.

Charming man walks out disappointed.

I didn't hear a sound until I walked away, "HMM."

For him, it is the same to choose anyone. If the doctor asks him to choose, he will choose any one.

Charming man was overjoyed. What if she had no feelings? She was still his playmate when he was young. Only she was. She could accompany him here all his life, even if he was ruthless all his life.

Because their identity can only end like this.

The other side

Just when Tang Qingge thought of his epitaph.

But suddenly, someone grabbed her.

The soil fell from the sky and hit her in the face.

She shook her head to clean the soil, and then looked up.

She first saw a tight hand on her wrist. She looked at the hand. The green tendons on the back of his hand burst, and there were countless scars on his hand. It can be seen that he was hurt recently, and blood beads were stretched out in many places.

When he looked up, his face was ferocious and panic. His peach eyes stared at her without blinking, as if she could disappear as long as he blinked.

"Tang Qingge, what are you doing? Hold on to my hand!" he shouted hurriedly, burning with anxiety.

She was stunned. Suddenly, a drop of blood fell on her cheek.

With all his strength in one hand, the meat in his mouth was rotten and bleeding, and then the blood flowed out of the corner of his mouth and dripping on her face.

She thought she was wrong, but no, Ji xiuye really appeared here.

These days, she hasn't heard the sound of the open road, the fruit on the roadside, the corpses of wild animals everywhere, but she walked to the base safely.

The figure who carried her back to the cave.

The boy who fed her seaweed.

She was suddenly calm, "Why are you here?"

He opened his lips hard. "I'm just going to explore here."

I happen to be here to explore.

I happened to find you in the snow.

I happen to be able to ride a horse and catch up with you.

In this world, there are so many opportunities.

This is a rainforest!

She yelled at him, "I believe your ghost!"

What adventure.

What bullshit!

His eyes burst and he roared louder than her, "I know!"

He knows his excuse is rotten this time!

He stunned her.

She wants to yell back. What do you know!

He looked at her with those stubborn peach eyes, and his eyes were about to crack.

But after roaring, he only had chest vibration. In addition, there was no sound, only trembling with fear, "I know, I know everything. Give me your hand and I'll pull you up."

She looked at him and understood everything.

She pursed her lips. "The woman in your room."

"She's home."

"I'll ask you what your family's name is."


He didn't know his name, but Ji xiuye knew he couldn't make up a name. "Her name is Xiaohong!"

"Oh..." she didn't know what "Oh" meant.

He was so embarrassed that he changed the topic, "give me your hand and stop talking nonsense!"

Tang Qingge sighed silently in his heart, stretched out his hand and just wanted to hand it to him.

Suddenly, the soil under him was collapsing.

The next second, Ji xiuye also began to fall in front of her. When Tang Qingge reacted, he found that he was also falling. It was not easy to fall into the air. From the sky, they were directly swallowed by the darkness and integrated into the huge pit, becoming two small black spots until they could no longer be seen.

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