Isn't this his second aunt's knife for cutting apples?!

Wait, his second aunt is here, right here in the audience?

Bo Qin looked in the direction of the knife. In the audience, a woman wearing an open navel Indian dancer skirt and a veil winked at him.

Bo Qin's eyes widened.

But the next second he quickly turned his attention away, and his brain was running fast at this moment. Since her second aunt knew that he was suffering here, she would not sit idly by unless she had another plan.

By the way, the audience are shouting thirteen and one.

His second aunt must want to leave him here to meet his second uncle.

In that case, he has nothing to be afraid of.

Yan Yi and they also found Tang Qingge. They immediately felt a lot of peace of mind. At the same time, Yan Yi saw the opportunity and quickly discussed countermeasures with Yan Er Yan San. "Miss Tang is waiting for us outside. This lion is not afraid."

"But the lion has only one eye missing. He is so angry that he doesn't know what he will do."

"Then we'll take this opportunity to turn defeat into victory! Miss Tang will certainly support us."

As soon as Yan wanted to understand, he immediately shouted to Bo Qin, "master Bo Qin, you try to provoke the lion."

Although Bo Qin didn't understand their plan, he gave him an 'OK' gesture. He was the best at this kind of thing. Bo Qin stood up, pinched his waist and sneered, "if you have the ability, come on, move and count me as a loser."

He raised his middle finger towards the lion.

The male lion was enraged by him and his eyes were bleeding. He roared at him and rushed over. Bo Qin stood in place, hugged his arms and didn't care at all. Sure enough, the next second, three knives flew out of the audience, and the male lion's eyes and two front claws were firmly locked.

Bo Qin's eyes brightened.

oh His second aunt really loves him most!

'roar', a terrible roar spread all over the training ground.

Yan shouted, "it's now."

Yan Yiyan, Yan Eryan and Yan San were all practicing families. One of the three rode on the neck of the male lion to control the male lion. The other two inserted the two knives into the artery at the neck of the male lion. Yan Yi shouted, "one, two, three."

The two men pulled out their knives at the same time. Countless blood gushed from the lion's neck. In almost 30 seconds, he gradually fell to the ground, fainted and died.

The lion is dead.

Everyone in the audience was shocked.

He just died.

Bo Qin sat on the ground, wiping the cold sweat on his forehead.

Finally, I came back to life

The doctor sat in the laboratory of the underground base, squinted and watched the scene through the field monitoring. His eyes gradually fell on the audience. Just now the knife went out too fast, he didn't see who sent it.

It seems that there are uninvited guests in the base, and they act so openly. This style is very similar to the woman who said they would see each other again.

Is it difficult

An idea just came up in the doctor's mind, but it was quickly denied.

Impossible. Didn't the ecstasy grass outside his base make them faint?

He narrowed his eyes, but he was still a little worried. He quickly told his descendants, "go and find out who came in the base recently."


After a pause, the man asked, "doctor, does the competition in the training ground begin now? The audience are impatient!"

The doctor looked at a group of people whose eyes were red because of the death of the male lion and ironically hooked their lips. In his base, he was the rule and God.

"Let's start. It's time to see if the people I tried hard to bring back are worth it."

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