Thirteen felt that today was his disaster day. He lost to one and his favorite woman. He collapsed.

No, he can't let this happen.

Thirteen pinched his hand. "I will never lose to him at the bonfire party."

The bonfire banquet is a gathering held by the doctor for the base. A bonfire banquet is held once a year. On this day, men can choose women as freely as they choose things. After they choose, they can take them back to the room to do what they want to do. At this time, there is no room for women to refuse. Even if a woman is tortured to death the next day, no one cares.

Women are goods here.

Soon after nightfall, the base became lively. There was a red flame in the center of the campfire, and three or two men in the base gathered together to discuss women. From time to time, they burst out a few loud laughter and the voice of teasing women in the prostitute area, which made them blush.

"You should be gentle later."

"Don't worry!"

Tonight, everyone comes according to the doctor's rules. They like such rules and even stick to them. Such people are the most difficult for them to resist.

Because they're stuck in the rut.

There was only one person. He sat on the throne and held the wine glass in his hand.

His eyes were scarlet, but his eyes were cold. He looked at the campfire. The light of the fire jumped in his eyes. He didn't know what he was thinking.

Or he didn't want anything. The bonfire dinner tonight didn't interest him at all.

Suddenly, there was a sound of pumping around.

Charming man dressed up tonight and came out of the base in a sapphire blue dress. Her slender white legs loomed in the split high skirt. Her upper body was white and her chest was half exposed. Her skin was white, and the sapphire blue set off her skin with great nobility.

The men around are stunned!

They all know the charming beauty, but they didn't expect her to be so beautiful!

Her curly red hair spread out and her eyes were like silk. She walked towards the man on the throne. She knew that he had won tonight. With the complex friendship of worship, love and respect in her eyes, she walked to him and slowly sat on the steps at his feet.

"One, the doctor asked me to serve you tonight."

A strange light flashed in his eyes and looked down at her.

Charming man knows the meaning in his eyes.

He has no feelings for her.

She suddenly felt embarrassed, clenched her teeth and continued, "the doctor is our master in this base. Maybe you will think I'm dirty, but if I don't live with the doctor, I can't live in the base for so long. Do you know how I felt when the doctor took my body at the age of 18?"

He doesn't care.

Charming man bit her lower lip and said with white trembling.

"I was disappointed. At that time, I was thinking, why don't you come back? Only when you come back can you save me, but I waited year after year, and you never came back."

Charming man has been disappointed, but she knows that it is the most disappointing thing to place her hope on others, so she has learned to lie to the snake and how to coax the doctor over the years.

Thinking of those embarrassing things, charming man held back her nausea and said seriously, "one, here, the doctor is our God. Because he created us, he can destroy us at any time, so even if I hate him to the bone, I must pretend to be indifferent."

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