Bo Qin gave her advice, "think about it, you have so many ex boyfriends, and you once had Qiao Nancheng in your heart, and now there is a Mo Yao emperor and Ji xiuye. If I were my second uncle, I'm afraid I would also doubt whether the person I love loves me or not. After all, she once rejected me."

"My second uncle is not good at words, but what he wants to say is in his every action and every look. Second aunt, if you feel it with your heart, you will feel it."

That calm heart lake, surging feelings.

Tang Qingge's eyes glowed and suddenly understood Bo Qin's meaning.

Although the big boss doesn't remember her, she will still choose her and will still be unwilling to give her to the doctor, which proves that he still loves her somewhere in his heart.

It's just that there's still a fire!

So where did the fire come from?

Suddenly, there was a sound outside the door.

Tang Qingge didn't have time to say anything more. He immediately turned over and escaped from the window.

Bo Qin, they haven't reacted yet.

The next second, she saw charming man rush in straight. Her eyes were cold and straight to the position of the window. There was nothing there.

Let her escape again!


Charming man turned around, stared at Bo Qin and narrowed his eyes, "it seems that there are people who meet you in the base. I don't know what would happen if the doctor knew about it."

Bo Qin was stunned and anxious. He subconsciously said, "you can't tell the doctor."

If you tell the doctor, all their efforts will be over!

"Oh, funny, why can't I tell the doctor." charming man walked out with a sneer.

When the doctor is idle, he will instigate his new inventions and research in the laboratory, but sometimes even charming man can't find others, because the doctor doesn't tell her everything, he is also wary of her, and he doesn't let her participate in some things, so she doesn't know what the doctor is doing these genetic experiments for.

Charming man pressed her handprint and the doctor's laboratory door opened.

She walked in and didn't see the doctor.

She lowered her eyes, turned around and suddenly looked at a pair of strange vertical pupils. She was startled. No matter when she saw these vertical pupils, her heart still trembled.

"What are you doing here?"

But she quickly changed her attitude and frowned, "where have you been? I haven't found you for a long time."

The doctor looked at her. "What are you doing?"

Charming man opened her mouth, but suddenly closed her mouth again.

She smiled, "nothing. I just want to ask what you've been doing recently. One has found it back. Your genetic experiment should be almost completed?"

She knows that the doctor has been doing genetic experiments. The greatest strength of the doctor is that she can change a person's genes at will. Now she is not afraid of severe cold and heat because a doctor has transformed her.

But she didn't know why the doctor did this kind of experiment. Although she grew up in the base, she knew that the gene experiment was actually an anti-human experiment.

Although I don't know what his purpose is, charming man knows that he must have greater premeditation!

"Didn't I say I wouldn't let you take care of these things?" the doctor severely scolded her, but after the scolding, he was probably in a good mood today and wanted to share with others. Suddenly he said, "but you guessed right. My genetic experiment is really about to be completed."


The doctor was in a good mood and said a few more words, "do you remember the oldest human gene I told you?"

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