Thirteen suddenly looked hard.

Zhan Lin must die, and he must plan this matter. He can't stay here all the time. For this dream of taking her around the world, he also wants to take charming man out!

For the original thirty brothers and charming man, he also fought hard once!


On the other hand, after Tang Qingge escaped, she ran to the prostitute area. At this time, qianmei just came out in a hurry. As soon as she saw her, she didn't look very well and whispered, "Qingge, the matter between us may have been leaked."

Tang Qingge was surprised.

"Zhan Lin disappeared this morning. She's been sneaking these days. I doubt she heard anything. Go report to the doctor. I'll catch her. You must deal with your man as soon as possible, or all of us will die together!"

Tang Qingge frowned, "what does it mean to end together?"

Qian Mei's face was dignified. "I monitored with a surveyor that terrorist weapons were buried under the base. The alarm value was red. Do you know what this means?"

Tang Qingge was shocked. Qianmei's survey instrument was very powerful. It was able to survey the dangerous hot weapons nearby. The danger degree of hot weapons began with the least threat in yellow and became the most dangerous in red, almost the same as that of nuclear weapons.

Tang Qingge suddenly responded, "what is he doing with terrorist weapons here? Has he long planned to destroy here?"

Qianmei looks calm, "I don't deny the possibility. I've been guessing what he wants to do these days. I have a bold guess. The doctor probably wants to genetically modify the people here. Don't you find that these people only wear a single coat no matter how the seasons change? They don't feel the change of temperature, and even have low sensitivity to pain. It's not a person at all. It's a monster."

If they don't feel the temperature, they can avoid being frozen to death in cold winter and have low sensitivity to pain, that is to say, they can continue to fight even if they are covered with black and white.

This is not a man, this is a monster!

The doctor's purpose is to turn everyone in the base into monsters. As clones, they have been miserable here all their life, but he still wants to turn them into monsters.

Tang Qingge was so angry that he smiled angrily, "so he wants to turn my big boss into a monster?"

Qian Mei has a calm face, but that's what she means.

"I see. I'll persuade him to go with me tonight. If I can't convince him, I'll sleep with him."

Qian Mei raised her eyebrows. "Good idea, come on!"

Tang Qingge went back angrily.

She swore that she would wear sleeping clothes tonight, big boss!

Time is pressing. She must seize the time to persuade the big boss to agree to go with her. Qianmei can remove the chip in his body. As long as she persuades him to remove the chip threat, they can go together at that time.

But to Tang Qingge's surprise, she suddenly met thirteen at the corner.

Thirteen stared at her.

Just in case, she still wore a veil on her face. Thirteen didn't know who she was. Tang Qingge calmly brushed past him. Suddenly, thirteen said, "I know who you are. You're here to take one."

Tang Qingge's eyes were cold and he shot directly at him.

Thirteen reacted quickly, but Tang Qingge moved faster, but in three movements, a knife immediately crossed thirteen's neck. His heart tightened and quickly said, "I'm here to discuss things with you, not to tell your identity to the doctor."

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