When song Ziao came, he just didn't see Bo Qichen. He went straight to song ting. Song Ting said on the phone that a female star found a fake Bo Zong to make up for the number, hoping that he could recognize Bo Zong, and then hit the female star in the face on the spot. He has a great style recently. He has been surrounded by people in the company, so he has gradually floated up.

Song Ting's expression was cruel. She stared at Bo Qichen and Tang Qingge and said, "cousin, this man pretended to be president Bo."

"Bold, I see who dares to pretend to be president Bo!"

Song Zi was full of arrogance. He was followed by four bodyguards behind him. He slowly turned around and saw Bo Qichen.

His expression froze.

Is he dreaming?

Song Ting fanned the flames next to her, "it's this man, cousin. You can expose him and make him stand down on the spot!"

Bo Qichen looked at Song Ziao with a cold look. "Who are you going to make stand down?"

"Thin, thin, thin..."

Song Ziao's face turned white, his lips trembled with fear and stammered directly.

Can't stand down?

Who can keep him down?

Song Ting looked at him strangely, "cousin, what are you doing? I asked you to expose him. How can you be like seeing a flood and beast..."

When song Ziao was frightened, he shouted out fiercely, and shouted loudly, "Mr. Bo, why are you here?"

He was so frightened that he knelt down.

What the hell is going on?


He's really finished. He was badly hurt by song Ting!

Everyone who shouted heard it! Or the one that goes straight up into the sky.


It's quiet around.

Song Ting's face solidified. She couldn't believe that. Her eyes were bigger than Tongling. She stared at Bo Qichen and Tang Tang Tang's innocent little face. She turned white when she remembered what she had just done.

Actually, is it true?

"It's impossible!"

Song Ting couldn't believe it.

The directors and cameramen around looked at Tang Qingge with terrible eyes. They must be dreaming, right? How else could they witness such a terrible thing!

Tang Qingge's boyfriend is president Bo.

And they both have children. The children are almost six years old!

How is this possible? They were together six years ago? And there are children!!

However, song Ziao is a member of Bo's group. Song Ting mentioned this matter in front of the public more than once, and song Ziao admitted it. Therefore, he is really president Bo!

The people who were forced to accept such strong stimulation didn't say a word for a long time. After watching Bo Qichen, they looked at Tang Qingge again. Their eyes were very complex.

Real people don't show their faces. They don't show their faces!

Song Ziao was so frightened that he couldn't speak clearly. "President Bo, I didn't know this in advance!"

Bo Qichen looked at Song Ziao and said, "who is song Ting?"

"She is my cousin."

"She asked me what evidence she used to prove that she pushed my daughter. You said, what evidence should I use to prove it?" Bo Qichen said slowly and began to calculate this account with song Ziao.

Song Ting said such brainless words?

Song Ziao was so scared that he felt weak. He just felt that he was going to leave the company tomorrow. The future was dark!

He was sweating and trembling. "You are president Bo. What you said naturally doesn't need anyone to prove."

"Oh? So what do you think you should do about it?"

The little meat pier nearby didn't understand, "just beat the bad guys! She pushed Tang Tang Tang down. Although Tang Tang didn't get hurt, she did it on purpose. You are the bad guy, and the bad guy should be punished!"

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