Tang Qingge quickly covered her mouth.

Oh, my God, you dare to say such words outside!

The people in the director group looked at their nose, nose and heart as if they hadn't heard anything.

Leaving aside the unhappy period of yesterday, the five children have accumulated a little friendship in these two days.

Little fat Dun is called mushy. He is simple and simple. He dares to say and do. He doesn't stop talking all the way. He also does it really. What he does gives his father a headache.

But Tang Tang likes talking to him very much, because although he is silly and naive, he is very good at taking care of people,

Another little boy is very young. Because he lives abroad all year round, he can't say anything when recording the program, but Tang Tang likes him very much and keeps calling his little brother.

The other two are the girl brought by Xu Wenwen and Wang Yuzhe. The girl brought by Xu Wenwen belongs to the very smart kind. She saw the red of Tang Tang Tang yesterday. Today, Xu Wenwen specifically told her in her ear, "you and Tang Tang Tang will shoot together today. You can be good little sisters, okay?"

Typical who plays with who.

The girl Xu Wenwen took with her was Qianqian. Qianqian stared at Tang Tang Tang's beautiful face and had a strange mood in her heart. She thought and nodded, "I will become a good sister with her."

Xu Wenwen smiled happily.

On the other hand, Wang Yuzhe was in a trance and absent-minded. He was only five years old, but his mind was like an adult.

Without taking him to play, Wang Yuzhe stood aside.

Qianqian walked over to talk to Tang Tang Tang, with a friendly smile on her face, "can I play with you?"

Tang Tang and Mushu are playing jump grid, which Mushu taught her yesterday.

Tang Tang hesitated and looked at the misty.

Vaguely careless, "of course! As long as it's not Wang Yuzhe, we all welcome him."

Wang Yuzhe's body was stiff.

Is he... Annoying?

But mom clearly likes him.

Tang Tang noticed that his face was a little bad and closed her mouth. She thought of herself at school.

Qianqian ran over, took her hand and smiled, "don't worry about him, Tang Tang, come and play!"

Tang Tang gave a dull 'Oh' sound. He didn't understand why Qianqian was so enthusiastic about her today, but he still played games with her.

The children soon began to fight.

From time to time, their laughter can be heard.

Wang Yuzhe was out of place alone. He clenched his hand and thought it was nothing. He knew more than them. He could play the piano and was much more advanced than what they played.

But although he thought so, his heart was always empty.

The recording hasn't started yet. Several children play first.

After a while, the other guests came.

Today's guests look strange.

Song Ting also came over. In contrast, song Ting's face was worse.

As soon as they came up, the family began to quarrel!

Around her, her husband has been accusing her, "what do you think you can do better? The family can't clean up well. I hire a servant to do housework and take care of children better than you. Yu Zhe, he can't take anything by you. The piano teacher has changed one after another. Do you really think I'm doing charity? Even if I have a waste son, I have to raise you, a woman who doesn't make money!"

Song Ting's face has been changing, but she has never said a word. Yesterday, something happened to song ting. Song Ting's husband's gentle side in front of people also completely collapsed. How did he scold song Ting at home and outside.

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